-#+date: 2015-03-27 01:24:28 +1300
+#+date: <2015-03-27 01:24:28 +1300>
#+title: Bluetooth
#+filetags: muzings
-#+date: 2015-03-17 04:08:26 +1300
+#+date: <2015-03-17 04:08:26 +1300>
#+title: Debian on A20
-Debian on A20 development board]]
+[[http://www.vanrenterghem.biz/Linux/Installing_Debian_on_Lime2.shtml][Installing Debian on A20 development board]]
-#+date: 2015-04-07 20:05:21 +1200
+#+date: <2015-04-07 20:05:21 +1200>
#+title: FedEx marries TNT.
Well, that one has been in the works for a while! Buying a solid European network for two-thirds of
-#+date: 2023-05-27 16:44:00 +0800
+#+date: <2023-05-27 16:44:00 +0800>
#+opengraph2: ogimage="https://www.vanrenterghem.biz/blog/pics/balance-board.png"
#+filetags: boardriding
#+title: I bought a balance board.
-#+date: 2023-05-14 20:32:00 +0800
+#+date: <2023-05-14 20:32:00 +0800>
#+opengraph2: ogimage="https://indieweb.org/File:indiewebcamp-logo-lockup-color@3x.png
#+filetags: indieweb blogging open_web
#+title: Implementing Webmention on my blog
-#+date: 2015-11-09 02:20:04 +1300
+#+date: <2015-11-09 02:20:04 +1300>
#+title: In the pines
#+filetags: musings
-#+date: 2023-02-15 17:04:00 +0800
+#+date: <2023-02-15 17:04:00 +0800>
#+title: Innovate WA 2023
#+filetags: management innovation leadership
-#+date: 2015-06-15 12:59:30 +1200
+#+date: <2015-06-15 12:59:30 +1200>
#+title: Magna Carta
#+filetags: musings
-#+date: 2017-11-30 21:36:05 +0800
+#+date: <2017-11-30 21:36:05 +0800>
#+filetags: R analysis visualisation sqlite3 sql
#+title: NYC taxi calendar fun
-#+date: 2018-10-12 20:00:01 +0800
+#+date: <2018-10-12 20:00:01 +0800>
+#+title: Nobel prize winner having fun; using Jupyter notebooks.
#+filetags: people leadership Python
Paul Romer may well be the first Nobel prize winner using Jupyter notebooks in his scientific workflow. On his blog, he explains
his reasoning.
-My key takeaway from [[https://paulromer.net/jupyter-mathematica-and-the-future-of-the-research-paper/][the article]]:
-he's having fun.
+My key takeaway from [[https://paulromer.net/jupyter-mathematica-and-the-future-of-the-research-paper/][the article]]: he's having fun.
-#+date: 2023-06-11 13:27:13 +0800
+#+date: <2023-06-11 13:27:13 +0800>
#+opengraph2; ogimage="https://www.vanrenterghem.biz/blog/pics/solarExposure.png
#+filetags: R analysis weather visualisation
#+title: Perth solar exposure over year
-#+date: 2016-09-23 19:47:35 +0800
+#+date: <2016-09-23 19:47:35 +0800>
#+title: R and Github
Where [[file:posts/first_r_package][my first R package]] was more a
publishing an R package to a private Github repository at work. I used
that package in some R scripts performing various real-time analysis of
our operations already. This by loading it through the
-package]], and specifically the =install_github()= function.
+[[https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/devtools/][devtools package]], and specifically the =install_github()= function.
Next, I will have to check the =install_url()= function, as I had not
quite figured out at the time of writing my initial R package how I
-#+date: 2022-12-22 06:28:00 +0800
+#+date: <2022-12-22 06:28:00 +0800>
#+opengraph2: ogimage="https://www.vanrenterghem.biz/blog/pics/group-photo-RMDH.png
#+filetags: volunteering
#+title: Ronald McDonald House
-#+date: 2019-04-09 07:59:58 +0800
+#+date: <2019-04-09 07:59:58 +0800>
#+filetags: leadership management analytics
#+title: Setting up an ananlytics practice.
-#+date 2022-11-06 23:14:11 +1100
+#+date: <2022-11-06 23:14:11 +1100>
#+filetags: tag management data_science customer_analytics analytics leadership
#+title: WADSIH talk on consumer insights
I recently had the honour of giving a talk about delivering consumer
insights at a publicly owned utility during a session organised by the
-[[https://wadsih.org.au/][Western Australian Data Science Innovation Hub
-(WADSIH)]]. During the talk, I walked through the data science process
+[[https://wadsih.org.au/][Western Australian Data Science Innovation Hub (WADSIH)]]. During the talk, I walked through the data science process
the team moves through while delivering customer insights. To make that
less theoretical, I did this using an example of work delivered recently
to prompt consumers to take mutually beneficial actions to both lower
their power bills and help ensure the stability of the electricity grid.
I converted the presentation from Powerpoint to code on the weekend, and
-made it
-online]], as well as a
-PDF version]].
+made it [[http://git.vanrenterghem.biz/gitweb.cgi/WADSIH-presentation.git][available online]], as well as a [[http://git.vanrenterghem.biz/gitweb.cgi/WADSIH-presentation.git/blob/HEAD:/DataScienceDiscovery-ConsumerInsights.pdf][compiled PDF version]].
-#+date 2017-10-17 20:35:40 +0800
-#+title WA roads in R using SF
+#+date: <2017-10-17 20:35:40 +0800>
+#+title: WA roads in R using Spatial Features.
#+filetags: R spatial analysis visualisation
How cool is this? A map of Western Australia with all state roads marked in only 5 lines of R!
-#+date: 2023-10-29T07:15:34Z
+#+date: <2023-10-29 07:15:34+0000>
#+filetags: mathematics modeling
#+title: Agent-based models and digital twins.
-#+date: 2016-05-06 20:10:31 +0800
+#+date: <2016-05-06 20:10:31 +0800>
#+title: Azure file storage blobs
#+filetags: muzings
-#+date: 2019-06-11 20:46:22 +0800
+#+date: <2019-06-11 20:46:22 +0800>
#+filetags: analytics leadership military fintech
#+title: Different spin to competing on analytics.
rapdidly accelerated, offering a competitive advantage to the owner of
the technology.
-Following quotes struck me in particular:
+Following quotes struck me in scparticular:
Instead of thinking systematically about buying faster, more effective
-#+date: 2017-10-10 16:56:56 +0800
+#+date: <2017-10-10 16:56:56 +0800>
#+filetags: R analysis
#+title: Explore Australian road fatalities.
-#+date: 2016-10-05 21:48:11 +0800
-#+title: Facet labels in R
+#+date: <2016-10-05 21:48:11 +0800>
+#+title: Facet labels in R.
#+filetags: R graph code
Getting used to the grammar of ggplot2 takes some time, but so far it's not been disappointing. Wanting to split a
-#+date: 2017-10-26 13:06:27 +0800
+#+date: <2017-10-26 13:06:27 +0800>
#+filetags: R analysis visualisation births Australia
#+title: Fertile summers.
-#+date: 2016-05-18 21:09:02 +0800
+#+date: <2016-05-18 21:09:02 +0800>
#+title: First R package.
#+filetags: R code
-#+date: 2016-06-24 14:17:16 +0800
+#+date: <2016-06-24 14:17:16 +0800>
#+title: Fun with RJDBC and RODBC.
#+filetags: R code
-#+date: 2016-10-03 21:33:50 +0800
+#+date: <2016-10-03 21:33:50 +0800>
#+title: Generating album art on N9.
For unknown reasons, the Music application on my Nokia N9 does not
-#+date: 2023-09-02 16:01:16+08:00
+#+date: <2023-09-02 16:01:16+08:00>
#+opengraph2: ogimage="https://www.vanrenterghem.biz/blog/pics/house-price-evolution-table.png"
#+filetags: economics Australia Belgium
#+title: House price evolution.
-#+date: 2017-02-17 20:07:10 +0800
+#+date: <2017-02-17 20:07:10 +0800>
#+filetags: finance fintech analysis forecasting Markov
#+title: Loans and semi-Markov chains
-#+date: 2018-06-19 20:51:36 +0800
+#+date: <2018-06-19 20:51:36 +0800>
#+filetags: leadership management analytics military
#+title: Managing data science work
-#+date: 2022-05-09 18:48:00 +0800
+#+date: <2022-05-09 18:48:00 +0800>
#+filetags: economics finance law Belgium Australia
-#+title: Monetary policy and mortgage products
+#+title: Monetary policy and mortgage products.
In its latest
-on monetary policy]]
-Archive]]), the Reserve Bank of Australia highlighted that households in
+[[https://www.rba.gov.au/publications/smp/2022/may/pdf/statement-on-monetary-policy-2022-05.pdf][statement on monetary policy]] ([[https://web.archive.org/web/20220506111153/https://www.rba.gov.au/publications/smp/2022/may/pdf/statement-on-monetary-policy-2022-05.pdf][Internet Archive]]), the Reserve Bank of Australia highlighted that households in
Australia have much higher private debt than before. Total private debt
-is approximately [[https://stats.bis.org/statx/srs/table/f3.1][120% of
-Archive]]), roughly double Belgium's.
-hint this will restrict by how much the central bank will be able to
-raise the cash rate target]]
-Archive]]) to battle rising inflation in the near future.
+is approximately [[https://stats.bis.org/statx/srs/table/f3.1][120% of GDP]] ([[https://web.archive.org/web/20220505031215/https://stats.bis.org/statx/srs/table/f3.1][Internet Archive]]), roughly double Belgium's.
+[[https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-05-02/rba-will-raise-rates-but-not-to-levels-experts-are-predicting/101029534][Analysts hint this will restrict by how much the central bank will be able to
+raise the cash rate target]] ([[https://web.archive.org/web/20220509111508/https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-05-02/rba-will-raise-rates-but-not-to-levels-experts-are-predicting/101029534][Internet Archive]]) to battle rising inflation in the near future.
Most mortgages in Australia are contracted on a variable rate, or fixed
only for the short term. As such, rising interest rates not only affect
people taking out new loans - they also affect the amount all other
indebted households need to repay. This contrasts with Belgium for
instance, where in the first 3 months of 2022
-of mortgage contracts had a fixed term over the entire duration of the
-Archive]]). Only less than 1% of contracts closed in this quarter has a
+[[https://www.febelfin.be/nl/press-room/ook-eerste-trimester-van-2022-record-aan-hypothecaire-kredietverlening][93.5% of mortgage contracts had a fixed term over the entire duration of the
+contract]] ([[https://web.archive.org/web/20220509115728/https://www.febelfin.be/nl/press-room/ook-eerste-trimester-van-2022-record-aan-hypothecaire-kredietverlening][Internet Archive]]). Only less than 1% of contracts closed in this quarter has a
rate varying periodically. This despite strong consumer protections
built into the Code of Economic Law
-art VII.143, § 2 to 6 in the Flemish publication]]
-Archive]]): few of them vary immediately upon changes in the cash rate
+[[https://www.ejustice.just.fgov.be/cgi_loi/change_lg.pl?language=nl&la=N&table_name=wet&cn=2016042201][see art VII.143, § 2 to 6 in the Flemish publication]]
+([[https://web.archive.org/web/20210617021917/https://www.ejustice.just.fgov.be/cgi_loi/change_lg.pl?language=nl&la=N&table_name=wet&cn=2016042201][Internet Archive]]): few of them vary immediately upon changes in the cash rate
as the minimum term between changes is at least a year, and the updated
interest rate can never exceed twice the original rate.
-#+date: 2018-02-14 15:38:33 +0800
+#+date: <2018-02-14 15:38:33 +0800>
#+filetags: management leadership
#+title: My management style - mission control.
-#+date: 2016-05-05 21:54:07 +0800
+#+date: <2016-05-05 21:54:07 +0800>
#+title: New blog activated
Going back to the early days of this site, I added a blog section in
-#+date 2016-06-09 20:41:06 +0800
-#+title obnam multi client encrypted backups
+#+date: <2016-06-09 20:41:06 +0800>
+#+title: Obnam for multi-client encrypted backups.
Trying to configure [[http://obnam.org][obnam]] to use one repository
for 3 clients using encryption has been a bit of search.
-#+date: 2023-10-11T23:41:54+08:00
+#+date: <2023-10-11 23:41:54 +08:00>
#+opengraph2: ogimage="https://www.vanrenterghem.biz/blog/pics/SLIP_WA_schools.png"
#+filetags: R spatial analysis visualisation
+#+title: Obtaining WA Landgate Shared Location Information using R.
Six years ago, [[file:using spatial features and openstreetmap][I wrote about Simple Features (sf) in R]]. I mapped the number of pupils per high
school in the Perth metro area. At the time, I didn't include how to
Platform ([[https://data.wa.gov.au/slip][SLIP]]).
I have now updated the script,
-in my code repository]], with an R implementation of
-methodology in SLIP's How To Guides]]
+[[http://git.vanrenterghem.biz/?p=R/project-wa-schools.git;a=summary][available in my code repository]], with an R implementation of
+[[https://toolkit.data.wa.gov.au/hc/en-gb/articles/115000962734][the methodology in SLIP's How To Guides]] ([[https://web.archive.org/web/20230608184007/https://toolkit.data.wa.gov.au/hc/en-gb/articles/115000962734][Archive]]).
The relevant code looks as follows, simplified greatly through the use
-of the [[https://httr2.r-lib.org/][httr2]] library - the equivalent of
-the [[https://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/][Requests]] library
+of the [[https://httr2.r-lib.org/][httr2]] library - the equivalent of the [[https://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/][Requests]] library
used in the Python example in the SLIP knowledge base:
-#+date: 2018-01-08 21:04:09 +0800
+#+date: <2018-01-08 21:04:09 +0800>
#+filetags: social_media blogging meta_thinking open_web
#+title: On social media
#+title: About sending pingbacks, webmentions and some thoughts on how to improve on them.
+#+date: <2023-10-31 20:41:30 +0800>
#+filetags: indieweb blogging open_web
-#+date: 2023-10-31T20:41:30+08:00
In a 'blast from the past', I sent my first
[[https://www.hixie.ch/specs/pingback/pingback][pingback]] after writing
-#+date: 2017-11-16 15:07:59 +0800
+#+date: <2017-11-16 15:07:59 +0800>
#+filetags: R spatial analysis visualisation Australia git
#+title: Spatial indexes to plot income per postal code in Australian cities.
-#+date: 2015-11-08 01:09:53 +1300
+#+date: <2015-11-08 01:09:53 +1300>
#+title: State of SaaS
#+filetags: musings
-#+date: 2016-12-10 15:49:02 +0800
+#+date: <2016-12-10 15:49:02 +0800>
#+filetags: R fintech analysis
#+title: Survival analysis in fintech
-#+date: 2018-09-11 21:09:06 +0800
+#+date: <2018-09-11 21:09:06 +0800>
#+filetags: Apache Nifi Kafka bigdata streaming
#+title: Using Apache Nifi and Kafka - big data tools
-#+date: 2016-10-10 21:48:11 +0800
+#+date: <2016-10-10 21:48:11 +0800>
#+title: Using R to automate reports
#+filetags: R code automation
-#+date 2017-10-12 21:30:51 +0800
+#+date: <2017-10-12 21:30:51 +0800>
#+filetags R spatial analysi visualisation
#+title: Using spatial features and openstreetmap