]> git.vanrenterghem.biz Git - www.vanrenterghem.biz.git/blob - phpBB2_old/admin/admin_disallow.php
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[www.vanrenterghem.biz.git] / phpBB2_old / admin / admin_disallow.php
1 <?php
2 /***************************************************************************
3  *                            admin_disallow.php
4  *                            -------------------
5  *   begin                : Tuesday, Oct 05, 2001
6  *   copyright            : (C) 2001 The phpBB Group
7  *   email                : support@phpbb.com
8  *
9  *   $Id: admin_disallow.php,v 2002/11/26 11:42:11 psotfx Exp $
10  *
11  *
12  ***************************************************************************/
14 /***************************************************************************
15  *
16  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
17  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
18  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
19  *   (at your option) any later version.
20  *
21  ***************************************************************************/
23 define('IN_PHPBB', 1);
25 if( !empty($setmodules) )
26 {
27         $filename = basename(__FILE__);
28         $module['Users']['Disallow'] = append_sid($filename);
30         return;
31 }
33 //
34 // Include required files, get $phpEx and check permissions
35 //
36 $phpbb_root_path = "./../";
37 require($phpbb_root_path . 'extension.inc');
38 require('./pagestart.' . $phpEx);
40 if( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['add_name']) )
41 {
42         include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_validate.'.$phpEx);
44         $disallowed_user = ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['disallowed_user']) ) ? trim($HTTP_POST_VARS['disallowed_user']) : trim($HTTP_GET_VARS['disallowed_user']);
46         if ($disallowed_user == '')
47         {
48                 message_die(MESSAGE, $lang['Fields_empty']);
49         }
50         if( !validate_username($disallowed_user) )
51         {
52                 $message = $lang['Disallowed_already'];
53         }
54         else
55         {
56                 $sql = "INSERT INTO " . DISALLOW_TABLE . " (disallow_username) 
57                         VALUES('" . str_replace("\'", "''", $disallowed_user) . "')";
58                 $result = $db->sql_query( $sql );
59                 if ( !$result )
60                 {
61                         message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Could not add disallowed user.", "",__LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
62                 }
63                 $message = $lang['Disallow_successful'];
64         }
66         $message .= "<br /><br />" . sprintf($lang['Click_return_disallowadmin'], "<a href=\"" . append_sid("admin_disallow.$phpEx") . "\">", "</a>") . "<br /><br />" . sprintf($lang['Click_return_admin_index'], "<a href=\"" . append_sid("index.$phpEx?pane=right") . "\">", "</a>");
68         message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, $message);
69 }
70 else if( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['delete_name']) )
71 {
72         $disallowed_id = ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['disallowed_id']) ) ? intval( $HTTP_POST_VARS['disallowed_id'] ) : intval( $HTTP_GET_VARS['disallowed_id'] );
74         $sql = "DELETE FROM " . DISALLOW_TABLE . " 
75                 WHERE disallow_id = $disallowed_id";
76         $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
77         if( !$result )
78         {
79                 message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Couldn't removed disallowed user.", "",__LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
80         }
82         $message .= $lang['Disallowed_deleted'] . "<br /><br />" . sprintf($lang['Click_return_disallowadmin'], "<a href=\"" . append_sid("admin_disallow.$phpEx") . "\">", "</a>") . "<br /><br />" . sprintf($lang['Click_return_admin_index'], "<a href=\"" . append_sid("index.$phpEx?pane=right") . "\">", "</a>");
84         message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, $message);
86 }
88 //
89 // Grab the current list of disallowed usernames...
90 //
91 $sql = "SELECT * 
92         FROM " . DISALLOW_TABLE;
93 $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
94 if( !$result )
95 {
96         message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Couldn't get disallowed users.", "", __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql );
97 }
99 $disallowed = $db->sql_fetchrowset($result);
101 //
102 // Ok now generate the info for the template, which will be put out no matter
103 // what mode we are in.
104 //
105 $disallow_select = '<select name="disallowed_id">';
107 if( trim($disallowed) == "" )
109         $disallow_select .= '<option value="">' . $lang['no_disallowed'] . '</option>';
111 else 
113         $user = array();
114         for( $i = 0; $i < count($disallowed); $i++ )
115         {
116                 $disallow_select .= '<option value="' . $disallowed[$i]['disallow_id'] . '">' . $disallowed[$i]['disallow_username'] . '</option>';
117         }
120 $disallow_select .= '</select>';
122 $template->set_filenames(array(
123         "body" => "admin/disallow_body.tpl")
124 );
126 $template->assign_vars(array(
127         "S_DISALLOW_SELECT" => $disallow_select,
128         "S_FORM_ACTION" => append_sid("admin_disallow.$phpEx"),
130         "L_INFO" => $output_info,
131         "L_DISALLOW_TITLE" => $lang['Disallow_control'],
132         "L_DISALLOW_EXPLAIN" => $lang['Disallow_explain'],
133         "L_DELETE" => $lang['Delete_disallow'],
134         "L_DELETE_DISALLOW" => $lang['Delete_disallow_title'],
135         "L_DELETE_EXPLAIN" => $lang['Delete_disallow_explain'],
136         "L_ADD" => $lang['Add_disallow'],
137         "L_ADD_DISALLOW" => $lang['Add_disallow_title'],
138         "L_ADD_EXPLAIN" => $lang['Add_disallow_explain'],
139         "L_USERNAME" => $lang['Username'])
140 );
142 $template->pparse("body");
144 include('./page_footer_admin.'.$phpEx);
146 ?>