# Set the commit author to the web committer.
my %env=%ENV;
if (defined $user || defined $ipaddr) {
- $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_NAME}=defined $user ? $user : $ipaddr;
+ $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_NAME}=(defined $user ? $user : $ipaddr)." (web)";
- $message.="\n\nWeb-commit: true\n";
# git commit returns non-zero if file has not been really changed.
# so we should ignore its exit status (hence run_or_non).
$message = possibly_foolish_untaint($message);
- if (run_or_non('git', 'commit', '-q', '-m', $message, '-i', $file)) {
+ if (run_or_non('git', 'commit', '--cleanup=verbatim', '-q', '-m', $message, '-i', $file)) {
if (length $config{gitorigin_branch}) {
run_or_cry('git', 'push', $config{gitorigin_branch});
- my $web_commit=0;
my @messages;
my $pastblank=0;
foreach my $line (@{$ci->{'comment'}}) {
$pastblank=1 if $line eq '';
next if $pastblank && $line=~m/^ *(signed[ \-]off[ \-]by[ :]|acked[ \-]by[ :]|cc[ :])/i;
- if ($pastblank && $line=~m/^ *web-commit: true$/i) {
- $web_commit=1;
- next;
- }
push @messages, { line => $line };
- my $user;
+ my $user=$ci->{'author_username'};
+ my $web_commit = ($user=~s/\s+\(web\)$//);
# compatability code for old web commit messages
- if (! $web_commit && defined $messages[0] &&
- $messages[0]->{line} =~ m/$config{web_commit_regexp}/) {
+ if (! $web_commit &&
+ defined $messages[0] &&
+ $messages[0]->{line} =~ m/$config{web_commit_regexp}/) {
$user = defined $2 ? "$2" : "$3";
$messages[0]->{line} = $4;
- else {
- $user = $ci->{'author_username'};
- }
push @rets, {
rev => $sha1,