#+date: <2023-05-14 20:32:00 +0800>
-#+opengraph2: ogimage="https://indieweb.org/File:indiewebcamp-logo-lockup-color@3x.png
-#+filetags: :indieweb:blogging:open web:
+#+filetags: :indieweb:blogging:open_web:
#+title: Implementing Webmention on my blog
-Following on from my last [[file:Bring_Back_Blogging.org][post on joining the indieweb]]...
+Following on from my last [[file:Bring_Back_Blogging.org][post on joining the indieweb]]... Back in February, I implemented Webmentions on my website. I took a roll-my-own approach, borrowing from [[http://superkuh.com/blog/2020-01-10-1.html][an idea by superkuh]]. It's a semi-automated solution which listens for webmentions using nginx. When (if) one is received, an email is generated that tells me about this, allowing me to validate it's a genuine comment.
-Back in February, I implemented Webmentions on my website. I took a roll-my-own approach, borrowing from [[http://superkuh.com/blog/2020-01-10-1.html][an idea by superkuh]]. It's a semi-automated solution which listens for webmentions using nginx. When (if) one is received, an email is generated that tells me about this, allowing me to validate it's a genuine comment.
-Technically, nginx logs the body of POST requests in its logfile.
-In the main configuration file `/etc/nginx/nginx.conf`, I've added
+Technically, nginx logs the body of POST requests in its logfile. In the main configuration file `/etc/nginx/nginx.conf`, I've added
# Defined for Webmention logging support of www.vanrenterghem.biz
#+date: <2018-01-08 21:04:09 +0800>
-#+filetags: :social media:blogging:meta thinking:open web:
+#+filetags: :social media:blogging:meta_thinking:open_web:
#+title: On social media
-Dries Buytaert [[https://dri.es/more-blogging-and-less-social-media][wrote last week]]
-about intending to use social media less in 2018. As an entrepreneur
-developing a CMS, he has a vested interest in preventing the world
-moving to see the internet as being either Facebook, Instagram or
-Twitter (or reversing that current-state maybe). Still, I believe he is
-genuinely concerned about the effect of using social media on our
-thinking. This partly because I share the observation. Despite having
-been an early adopter, I disabled my Facebook account a year or two ago
-already. I'm currently in doubt whether I should not do the same with
-Twitter. I notice it actually is not as good a source of news as classic
-news sites - headlines simply get repeated numerous times when major
-events happen, and other news is equally easily noticed browsing a
-traditional website. Fringe and mainstream thinkers alike in the space
-of [[http://tompeters.com/][management]],
-[[https://www.olimex.com/][computing hardware]] etc are a different
-matter. While, as Dries notices, their micro-messages are typically not
-well worked out, they do make me aware of what they have blogged about -
-for those that actually still blog. So is it a matter of trying to
-increase my Nexcloud newsreader use, maybe during dedicated reading
-time, and no longer opening the Twitter homepage on my phone at random
-times throughout the day, and conceding short statements without a more
-worked out bit of content behind it are not all that useful?
+Dries Buytaert [[https://dri.es/more-blogging-and-less-social-media][wrote last week]] about intending to use social media less in 2018. As an entrepreneur
+developing a CMS, he has a vested interest in preventing the world moving to see the internet as being either Facebook, Instagram or
+Twitter (or reversing that current-state maybe). Still, I believe he is genuinely concerned about the effect of using social media on our
+thinking. This partly because I share the observation. Despite having been an early adopter, I disabled my Facebook account a year or two ago
+already. I'm currently in doubt whether I should not do the same with Twitter. I notice it actually is not as good a source of news as classic
+news sites - headlines simply get repeated numerous times when major events happen, and other news is equally easily noticed browsing a
+traditional website. Fringe and mainstream thinkers alike in the space of [[http://tompeters.com/][management]], [[http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com/blog/][R]] [[http://www.brodrigues.co/][stats]], [[https://www.olimex.com/][computing hardware]] etc are a different matter. While, as Dries notices, their micro-messages are typically not
+well worked out, they do make me aware of what they have blogged about - for those that actually still blog. So is it a matter of trying to
+increase my Nexcloud newsreader use, maybe during dedicated reading time, and no longer opening the Twitter homepage on my phone at random
+times throughout the day, and conceding short statements without a more worked out bit of content behind it are not all that useful?
-The above focuses on consuming content of others. To foster
-conversations, which arguably is the intent of social media too, we
-might need something like
-[[https://www.w3.org/TR/webmention/][webmentions]] to pick up steam too.
+The above focuses on consuming content of others. To foster conversations, which arguably is the intent of social media too, we
+might need something like [[https://www.w3.org/TR/webmention/][webmentions]] to pick up steam too.