+#+title: AUC and the economics of predictive modelling.
The strenght of a predictive, machine-learning model is often evaluated by quoting the area under the curve or AUC (or similarly the Gini coefficient). This AUC represents the area under the ROC line, which shows the trade-off between false positives and true positives for different cutoff values. Cutoff values enable the use of a regression model for classification purposes, by marking the value below and above which either of the classifier values is predicted. Models with a higher AUC (or a higher Gini coefficient) are considered better.
The strenght of a predictive, machine-learning model is often evaluated by quoting the area under the curve or AUC (or similarly the Gini coefficient). This AUC represents the area under the ROC line, which shows the trade-off between false positives and true positives for different cutoff values. Cutoff values enable the use of a regression model for classification purposes, by marking the value below and above which either of the classifier values is predicted. Models with a higher AUC (or a higher Gini coefficient) are considered better.
After setting a personal objective late last year of reaching [[https://indiewebify.me/send-webmentions/]['level 2' on the indieweb]], with the ability to send [[http://webmention.org/)][Webmentions]], I stumbled on [[https://bringback.blog/][Bring Back Blogging]] yesterday. I love how some people are dedicated to keeping a decentralised internet available and of relevance.
After setting a personal objective late last year of reaching [[https://indiewebify.me/send-webmentions/]['level 2' on the indieweb]], with the ability to send [[http://webmention.org/)][Webmentions]], I stumbled on [[https://bringback.blog/][Bring Back Blogging]] yesterday. I love how some people are dedicated to keeping a decentralised internet available and of relevance.
[[http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/aug/19/isis-al-qaida-myths-terrorism-war-mistakes-9-11]['There is no silver bullet': Isis, al-Qaida and the myths of terrorism]]
[[http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/aug/19/isis-al-qaida-myths-terrorism-war-mistakes-9-11]['There is no silver bullet': Isis, al-Qaida and the myths of terrorism]]
Moving countries means learning about a new culture. Even after 10 years in Australia, I am still discovering quirky things people raised here don't think twice about. One of these is the tradition of cutting up oranges for kids playing sports to eat during their half-time. It's not just any fruit - it simply always is oranges. It doesn't have to be oranges, except that it does, as this is just what people expect. Such a lovely tradition! Tomorrow is already the last competition day of netball in WA for the 2023 season, and my first as the parent responsible to bring in the oranges.
#+title: Half Time Oranges
Moving countries means learning about a new culture. Even after 10 years in Australia, I am still discovering quirky things people raised here don't think twice about. One of these is the tradition of cutting up oranges for kids playing sports to eat during their half-time. It's not just any fruit - it simply always is oranges. It doesn't have to be oranges, except that it does, as this is just what people expect. Such a lovely tradition! Tomorrow is already the last competition day of netball in WA for the 2023 season, and my first as the parent responsible to bring in the oranges.
Public Sector Network's Innovate WA conference today started with a poll amongst the attendees, asking for our biggest goal or aspiration for the public sector in Western Australia. Overwhelmingly, collaboration came out as the main opportunity for contributors and decision makers in the sector. Closely linked was the desire to better share data between government departments and functions. In his opening address, WA Minister for Innovation Stephen Dawson touched on that, mentioning the State Government is planning to introduce legislation later this year around privacy and responsible data sharing. This will be the first time WA government agencies and state-owned enterprises will be subject to privacy laws, and at the same time is hoped to encourage data sharing that should result in better outcomes for citizens of the state.
Public Sector Network's Innovate WA conference today started with a poll amongst the attendees, asking for our biggest goal or aspiration for the public sector in Western Australia. Overwhelmingly, collaboration came out as the main opportunity for contributors and decision makers in the sector. Closely linked was the desire to better share data between government departments and functions. In his opening address, WA Minister for Innovation Stephen Dawson touched on that, mentioning the State Government is planning to introduce legislation later this year around privacy and responsible data sharing. This will be the first time WA government agencies and state-owned enterprises will be subject to privacy laws, and at the same time is hoped to encourage data sharing that should result in better outcomes for citizens of the state.
The Internet Archive contains a [[https://archive.org/details/nycTaxiTripData2013][dataset from the NYC Taxi and Limousine Commission]], obtained under a FOIA request. It includes a listing of each taxi ride in 2013, its number of passengers, distance covered, start and stop locations and more.
#+title: NYC taxi calendar fun
The Internet Archive contains a [[https://archive.org/details/nycTaxiTripData2013][dataset from the NYC Taxi and Limousine Commission]], obtained under a FOIA request. It includes a listing of each taxi ride in 2013, its number of passengers, distance covered, start and stop locations and more.
Synergy's Pricing and Portfolio team took the opportunity at the end of the year to volunteer for [[https://rmhcwa.org.au/][Ronald McDonald House Nedlands]]. This is a charity providing a 'home away from home' for families with a child in hospital in Perth. These families often live hundreds if not thousands of kilometers away due to the size of Western Australia, with Perth the only metropolitan area in the state featuring a children's hospital. Families often stay for weeks and even months in the facility while their child undergoes treatment.
#+title: Ronald McDonald House
Synergy's Pricing and Portfolio team took the opportunity at the end of the year to volunteer for [[https://rmhcwa.org.au/][Ronald McDonald House Nedlands]]. This is a charity providing a 'home away from home' for families with a child in hospital in Perth. These families often live hundreds if not thousands of kilometers away due to the size of Western Australia, with Perth the only metropolitan area in the state featuring a children's hospital. Families often stay for weeks and even months in the facility while their child undergoes treatment.
+#+title: Wrapping Confluent Kafka in REST API using R.
It started of as an attempt to analyse some data stored in [[https://kafka.apache.org/][Apache Kafka]] using [[https://www.r-project.org/][R]], and ended up becoming the start of an R package to interact with [[https://docs.confluent.io/current/kafka-rest/docs/index.html][Confluent's REST Proxy API]].
It started of as an attempt to analyse some data stored in [[https://kafka.apache.org/][Apache Kafka]] using [[https://www.r-project.org/][R]], and ended up becoming the start of an R package to interact with [[https://docs.confluent.io/current/kafka-rest/docs/index.html][Confluent's REST Proxy API]].
Continuing a [[https://web.archive.org/web/20041111125713/http://vanrenterghem.biz/News/index.php?begin=25][long tradition]] with announcing /firsts/, I wrote an
[[http://git.vanrenterghem.biz/?p=R/operatingdays.git;a=summary][R package]] recently, and made it available on
Continuing a [[https://web.archive.org/web/20041111125713/http://vanrenterghem.biz/News/index.php?begin=25][long tradition]] with announcing /firsts/, I wrote an
[[http://git.vanrenterghem.biz/?p=R/operatingdays.git;a=summary][R package]] recently, and made it available on
@@ -14,8+14,7 @@ month-end result. Extensions of the package could include simple checks
like if today's date is a working day, or more complex ones like the
number of working days between given dates for instance.
like if today's date is a working day, or more complex ones like the
number of working days between given dates for instance.
-In other news, I received [[http://www.rtl-sdr.com][a new gadget]] in
-the mail today.
+In other news, I received [[http://www.rtl-sdr.com][a new gadget]] in the mail today.
RTL-SDR is a very cheap software defined radio that uses a DVB-T TV
RTL-SDR is a very cheap software defined radio that uses a DVB-T TV
+Combining this with a SLIP dataset from the Western Australian government on active schools in the state provided a good opportunity to
+check out the recently released [[https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/sf/index.html][sf (Simple Features) package]] in R.
-Simple features are a standardized way to encode spatial vector data.
-Support in R was added in November 2016. For users of the tidyverse,
-this makes manipulating shapefiles and the likes easier, as simple
+Simple features are a standardized way to encode spatial vector data. Support in R was added in November 2016. For users of the tidyverse, this makes manipulating shapefiles and the likes easier, as simple
features in R are dataframes!
#+CAPTION: Plot of secondary schools by student population.
#+ATTR_HTML: :class img-fluid :alt Plot of secondary schools by student population.