#+date: <2023-10-11 23:41:54 +08:00>
-#+opengraph2: ogimage="https://www.vanrenterghem.biz/blog/pics/SLIP_WA_schools.png"
-#+filetags: R spatial analysis visualisation
+#+filetags: :R:spatial:analysis:visualisation:
#+title: Obtaining WA Landgate Shared Location Information using R.
Six years ago, [[file:using spatial features and openstreetmap][I wrote about Simple Features (sf) in R]]. I mapped the number of pupils per high
school in the Perth metro area. At the time, I didn't include how to
obtain the shapefile, provided as open data by Landgate on behalf of the
Western Australian government through its Shared Location Information
-Platform ([[https://data.wa.gov.au/slip][SLIP]]).
+Platform ([[https://data.wa.gov.au/slip][SLIP]]).
I have now updated the script,
[[http://git.vanrenterghem.biz/?p=R/project-wa-schools.git;a=summary][available in my code repository]], with an R implementation of