#+title: Obtaining WA Landgate Shared Location Information using R.
Six years ago, [[file:using spatial features and openstreetmap][I wrote about Simple Features (sf) in R]]. I mapped the number of pupils per high
school in the Perth metro area. At the time, I didn't include how to
obtain the shapefile, provided as open data by Landgate on behalf of the
Western Australian government through its Shared Location Information
#+title: Obtaining WA Landgate Shared Location Information using R.
Six years ago, [[file:using spatial features and openstreetmap][I wrote about Simple Features (sf) in R]]. I mapped the number of pupils per high
school in the Perth metro area. At the time, I didn't include how to
obtain the shapefile, provided as open data by Landgate on behalf of the
Western Australian government through its Shared Location Information