1 #+date: <2024-01-15 Mon 21:27>
2 #+title: My year in books.
3 #+filetags: :reading:lists:
7 I compiled an overview of the books I finished in 2023, including the language I read them in. During this year, I did most of my book reading on an e-reader (Kobo Clara 2nd edition), and the list only reflects these. I'm pleased with having read a book in French, which I also finished while on holidays, adding to the positive memories of it. Using an e-reader was very helpful there - I could look up words I didn't know without having to step out of the book thanks to the in-built dictionaries.
9 Early on in the year, I decided I'd try to read some classics from Dutch language writers, and that didn't disappoint. Harry Mulish's /De ontdekking van de wereld/, finished on the last day of 2023, was the best read of the year, although /The lord of the rings/ would possibly have taken that spot had I not read it before.
12 - *The Lord of the Rings* by J.R.R. Tolkien
17 - *How Civil Wars Start: And How to Stop Them* by Barbara F. Walter
22 - *Villa des Roses* by Willem Elsschot
27 - *Lijmen Het Been* by Willem Elsschot
32 - *De Avonden* by Gerard Reve
37 - *La chaleur* by Victor Jestin
42 - *Pulp* by Charles Bukowski
47 - *Kaas* by Willem Elsschot
52 - *Black Venus* by Jef Geeraerts
57 - *Post Office* by Charles Bukowski
62 - *De ontdekking van de hemel* by Harry Mulisch