2 (load "~/.emacs.d/lisp/mustache-html.el")
4 (setq org-html-doctype "html5")
5 (setq org-html-head-include-default-style nil)
6 (setq org-html-htmlize-output-type 'css) ; default: 'inline-css
9 (defun my-org-publish-sitemap-default-entry (entry style project)
10 "My format for site map ENTRY, as a string.
11 ENTRY is a file name. STYLE is the style of the sitemap.
12 PROJECT is the current project."
13 (cond ((not (directory-name-p entry))
14 (format "%s - [[file:%s][%s]]" ;;the date and filename are added after the entry
15 (format-time-string "%e %b %Y" (org-publish-find-date entry project))
17 (org-publish-find-title entry project)))
19 ;; Return only last subdir.
20 (file-name-nondirectory (directory-file-name entry)))
23 (defun my-blog-parse-sitemap-list (l)
24 "Convert the sitemap list in to a list of filenames."
26 (let ((link (with-temp-buffer
27 (let ((org-inhibit-startup nil))
30 (goto-char (point-min))
31 (org-element-link-parser)))))
33 (plist-get (cadr link) :path))))
36 (defun my-blog-sort-article-list (l p)
37 "sort the article list anti-chronologically."
38 (sort l #'(lambda (a b)
39 (let ((d-a (org-publish-find-date a p))
40 (d-b (org-publish-find-date b p)))
41 (not (time-less-p d-a d-b))))))
43 (defun my-blog-get-preview (file)
44 "Clips a section of a post in FILE to be used as preview in the sitemap.
45 Either the section between #+BEGIN_PREVIEW and +#END_PREVIEW is used, or the first section between 2 blank lines."
47 (insert-file-contents file)
48 (goto-char (point-min))
49 (let* ((beg (or (re-search-forward "^#\\+BEGIN_PREVIEW$" nil t 1)
50 (re-search-forward "^$")))
51 (end (or (if (re-search-forward "^#\\+END_PREVIEW$" nil t 1)
53 (progn (goto-char (+ 1 beg))
54 (re-search-forward "^$" nil t 2)))))
55 (buffer-substring beg end))))
57 (defun my-blog-sitemap (title list)
58 "Generate the sitemap landing page for my blog."
59 (my-plain-publish-sitemap-default title list)
61 ;; mangle the parsed list given to us into a plain lisp list of files
62 (let* ((filenames (my-blog-parse-sitemap-list list))
63 (project-plist (assoc "posts" org-publish-project-alist))
64 (articles (my-blog-sort-article-list filenames project-plist)))
65 (dolist (file filenames)
66 (let* ((abspath (file-name-concat "/home/frederik/websites/stage.vanrenterghem.biz/source/posts" file))
67 (relpath (file-relative-name abspath "/home/frederik/websites/stage.vanrenterghem.biz/source/posts/"))
68 (title (org-publish-find-title file project-plist))
69 (date (format-time-string (car org-time-stamp-formats) (org-publish-find-date file project-plist)))
70 (preview (my-blog-get-preview abspath))
72 ;; insert a horizontal line before every post, kill the first one
75 (insert (concat "* [[file:" relpath "][" title "]]\n"))
76 ;; add properties for `ox-rss.el' here
77 ;(let ((rss-permalink (concat (file-name-sans-extension relpath) ".html"))
79 ; (org-set-property "RSS_PERMALINK" rss-permalink)
80 ; (org-set-property "PUBDATE" rss-pubdate))
81 ;; insert the date, preview, & read more link
82 (insert (concat "Published: " date "\n\n"))
84 ;(insert (concat "#+INCLUDE: \"" relpath "\" :only-contents t :lines \"1-10\"\n"))
86 (insert (concat "[[file:" relpath "][Read More...]]\n"))))
87 ;; kill the first hrule to make this look OK
88 (goto-char (point-min))
89 (let ((kill-whole-line t)) (kill-line))
90 ;; insert a title and save
91 (insert "#+OPTIONS: title:nil\n")
92 (insert "#+TITLE: Blog\n")
93 (insert "#+AUTHOR: Frederik Vanrenterghem\n")
94 (insert "#+EMAIL: frederik@vanrenterghem.biz\n")
95 (insert "#+OPTIONS: ^:nil\n") ; do not use underscores as subscript
96 (insert "#+mustache-template: ~/websites/stage.vanrenterghem.biz/html/post-index.mustache\n")
100 (defun my-plain-publish-sitemap-default (title list)
101 "Create a simple site map, as a string.
102 TITLE is the title of the site map. LIST is an internal
103 representation for the files to include, as returned by
105 (with-temp-file "~/websites/stage.vanrenterghem.biz/source/sitemap.org"
106 (let* ((filenames (my-blog-parse-sitemap-list list))
107 (project-plist (assoc "posts" org-publish-project-alist))
108 (articles (my-blog-sort-article-list filenames project-plist)))
109 (dolist (file filenames)
110 (let* ((abspath (file-name-concat "/home/frederik/websites/stage.vanrenterghem.biz/source/posts" file))
111 (relpath (file-relative-name abspath "/home/frederik/websites/stage.vanrenterghem.biz/source/"))
112 (title (org-publish-find-title file project-plist))
113 (date (format-time-string "%e %b %Y" (org-publish-find-date file project-plist))))
114 (insert (concat "* [[file:" relpath "][" date " - " title "]]\n"))))
115 (goto-char (point-min))
116 (insert "#+OPTIONS: ^:nil\n")))) ; do not use underscores as subscript
118 (setq org-publish-project-alist
120 :base-directory "~/websites/stage.vanrenterghem.biz/source/"
121 :base-extension "org"
122 ;:include ("posts/sitemap.org")
123 :publishing-directory "~/websites/stage.vanrenterghem.biz/target"
124 :publishing-function org-mustache-html-publish-to-html
125 :mustache-template "~/websites/stage.vanrenterghem.biz/html/landing.mustache"
130 :html-content-class nil
131 :html-head-include-default-style nil
139 :base-directory "~/websites/stage.vanrenterghem.biz/source/posts/"
140 :base-extension "org"
141 :publishing-directory "~/websites/stage.vanrenterghem.biz/target/posts"
142 :publishing-function org-mustache-html-publish-to-html
143 :mustache-template "~/websites/stage.vanrenterghem.biz/html/post.mustache"
144 :exclude "html*\\|assets*\\|index.org" ;"assets*\\|sitemap.org\\|index.org" ;; regexp
145 :html-content-class nil
149 :sitemap-title "All posts"
150 :html-head-include-default-style nil
157 :sitemap-sort-folders ignore-errors
158 :sitemap-function my-blog-sitemap
159 ;:sitemap-function org-publish-sitemap-default
160 ;:sitemap-format-entry my-org-publish-sitemap-default-entry
161 :sitemap-sort-files anti-chronologically
162 :sitemap-filename "sitemap.org"
166 :base-directory "~/websites/stage.vanrenterghem.biz/source/assets/"
169 :publishing-directory "~/websites/stage.vanrenterghem.biz/target/assets/"
170 :publishing-function org-publish-attachment)
172 ("website" :components ("posts" "landing" "assets"))))