-<b><a href="/About/index.shtml">About me</a></b> This section contains information about the owner of this site, me.<br />
-<b><a href="/blog/">Blog</a></b> Blog<br />
-<b><a href="/Linux/index.shtml">Tech</a></b> Some technical references.<br />
+<b><a href="/About/index.shtml">About me</a></b> Learn a bit more about the owner of this site, Frederik Vanrenterghem.<br />
+<b><a href="https://photos.vanrenterghem.biz/">Photos</a></b> My life takes me places, mostly close to home but regularly a bit further away too. When I encounter something pretty or interesting, I might drop a photo of it on this site. (Family and friends might even find themselves on here - but they'll need to log in first.)<br />
+<b><a href="/blog/">Blog</a></b> I blog irregularly about free software, R stats (mostly data visualisation) and occassionaly even about economics or politics.<br />
+<b><a href="http://git.vanrenterghem.biz/">Projects</a></b> I host my own git server, containing code samples that might be useful as a reference to some. This site's source is stored in there as well.<br />