foreach my $required (qw{name url}) {
if (! exists $params{$required}) {
- return "[[aggregate ".sprintf(gettext("missing %s parameter"), $required)."]]";
+ error sprintf(gettext("missing %s parameter"), $required)
foreach my $param (qw{test then}) {
if (! exists $params{$param}) {
- return "[[if ".sprintf(gettext('%s parameter is required'), $param)."]]";
+ error sprintf(gettext('%s parameter is required'), $param);
return "" if $params{page} ne $params{destpage};
if (! exists $params{template} || ! length($params{template})) {
- return "[[meta ".gettext("template not specified")."]]";
+ error gettext("template not specified")
if (! exists $params{match} || ! length($params{match})) {
- return "[[meta ".gettext("match not specified")."]]";
+ error gettext("match not specified")
if ($@) {
- return "[[pagetemplate ".gettext("failed to process")." $@]]";
+ # Indicate that the earlier preprocessor directive set
+ # up a template that doesn't work.
+ return "[[!pagetemplate ".gettext("failed to process")." $@]]";
$template->param(name => $page);
my $f = `fortune 2>/dev/null`;
if ($?) {
- return "[[".gettext("fortune failed")."]]";
+ error gettext("fortune failed");
else {
return "<pre>$f</pre>\n";
# Avoid XSS attacks..
my ($url)=$params{html}=~m#iframe\s+src="http://www\.google\.com/calendar/embed\?([^"<>]+)"#;
if (! defined $url || ! length $url) {
- return "[[googlecalendar ".gettext("failed to find url in html")."]]";
+ error gettext("failed to find url in html")
my ($height)=$params{html}=~m#height="(\d+)"#;
my ($width)=$params{html}=~m#width="(\d+)"#;
waitpid $pid, 0;
- return "[[graph ".gettext("failed to run graphviz")."]]" if ($sigpipe);
+ error gettext("failed to run graphviz") if $sigpipe;
if (! $params{preview}) {
writefile($dest, $config{destdir}, $png, 1);
$params{src} = "" unless defined $params{src};
$params{type} = "digraph" unless defined $params{type};
$params{prog} = "dot" unless defined $params{prog};
- return "[[graph ".gettext("prog not a valid graphviz program")."]]" unless $graphviz_programs{$params{prog}};
+ error gettext("prog not a valid graphviz program") unless $graphviz_programs{$params{prog}};
return render_graph(%params);
} # }}}
my $base = IkiWiki::basename($file);
eval q{use Image::Magick};
- return "[[img ".gettext("Image::Magick not installed")."]]" if $@;
+ error gettext("Image::Magick is not installed") if $@;
my $im = Image::Magick->new;
my $imglink;
my $r;
if ($params{size} ne 'full') {
my ($w, $h) = ($params{size} =~ /^(\d+)x(\d+)$/);
- return "[[img ".sprintf(gettext('bad size "%s"'), $params{size})."]]"
+ error sprintf(gettext('bad size "%s"'), $params{size})
unless (defined $w && defined $h);
my $outfile = "$config{destdir}/$dir/${w}x${h}-$base";
if (-e $outfile && (-M srcfile($file) >= -M $outfile)) {
$r = $im->Read($outfile);
- return "[[img ".sprintf(gettext("failed to read %s: %s"), $outfile, $r)."]]" if $r;
+ error sprintf(gettext("failed to read %s: %s"), $outfile, $r) if $r;
else {
$r = $im->Read(srcfile($file));
- return "[[img ".sprintf(gettext("failed to read %s: %s"), $file, $r)."]]" if $r;
+ error sprintf(gettext("failed to read %s: %s"), $file, $r) if $r;
$r = $im->Resize(geometry => "${w}x${h}");
- return "[[img ".sprintf(gettext("failed to resize: %s"), $r)."]]" if $r;
+ error sprintf(gettext("failed to resize: %s"), $r) if $r;
# don't actually write file in preview mode
if (! $params{preview}) {
else {
$r = $im->Read(srcfile($file));
- return "[[img ".sprintf(gettext("failed to read %s: %s"), $file, $r)."]]" if $r;
+ error sprintf(gettext("failed to read %s: %s"), $file, $r) if $r;
$imglink = $file;
if (! defined($im->Get("width")) || ! defined($im->Get("height"))) {
- return "[[img ".sprintf(gettext("failed to determine size of image %s"), $file)."]]";
+ error sprintf(gettext("failed to determine size of image %s"), $file)
my $imgtag='<img src="'.$imgurl.
my %params=@_;
if (! exists $params{pages}) {
- return "[[inline ".gettext("missing pages parameter")."]]";
+ error gettext("missing pages parameter");
my $raw=yesno($params{raw});
my $archive=yesno($params{archive});
waitpid $pid, 0;
- if ($sigpipe) {
- return "[[linkmap ".gettext("failed to run dot")."]]";
- }
+ error gettext("failed to run dot") if $sigpipe;
return $ret;
} #}}}
# editable page as a stylesheet
my $stylesheet=bestlink($page, $value.".css");
if (! length $stylesheet) {
- return "[[meta ".gettext("stylesheet not found")."]]";
+ error gettext("stylesheet not found")
push @{$metaheaders{$page}}, '<link href="'.urlto($stylesheet, $page).
'" rel="'.encode_entities($rel).
add_depends($page, $redir_page);
my $link=bestlink($page, $redir_page);
if (! length $link) {
- return "[[meta ".gettext("redir page not found")."]]";
+ error gettext("redir page not found")
$value=urlto($link, $page);
my %seen;
while (exists $pagestate{$at}{meta}{redir}) {
if ($seen{$at}) {
- return "[[meta ".gettext("redir cycle is not allowed")."]]";
+ error gettext("redir cycle is not allowed")
if (! exists $params{template} ||
$params{template} !~ /^[-A-Za-z0-9._+]+$/ ||
! defined IkiWiki::template_file($params{template})) {
- return "[[pagetemplate ".gettext("bad or missing template")."]]";
+ error gettext("bad or missing template")
if ($params{page} eq $params{destpage}) {
sub preprocess (@) { #{{{
my %params=@_;
if (! exists $params{from} || ! exists $params{to}) {
- return "[[ping ".gettext("requires 'from' and 'to' parameters")."]]";
+ error gettext("requires 'from' and 'to' parameters");
if ($params{from} eq $config{url}) {
my $grmfile = '/usr/share/polygen/ita/polygen.grm';
if (! -d '/usr/share/polygen') {
- return "[[".gettext("polygen not installed")."]]";
+ error gettext("polygen not installed");
find({wanted => sub {
if (substr($File::Find::name, -length($grammar)) eq $grammar) {
if ($?) {
- $res="[[".gettext("polygen failed")."]]";
+ error gettext("command failed");
# Strip trailing spaces and newlines so that we flow well with the
if (! exists $params{formula}) {
- return "[[postsparkline ".gettext("missing formula")."]]";
+ error gettext("missing formula")
my $formula=$params{formula};
if (! length $formula ||
! IkiWiki::Plugin::postsparkline::formula->can($formula)) {
- return "[[postsparkline ".gettext("unknown formula")."]]";
+ error gettext("unknown formula");
add_depends($params{page}, $params{pages});
my @data=eval qq{IkiWiki::Plugin::postsparkline::formula::$formula(\\\%params, \@list)};
if ($@) {
- return "[[postsparkline error $@]]";
+ error $@;
if (! @data) {
my %params=@_;
if (! defined $params{name} || ! defined $params{url}) {
- return "[[shortcut ".gettext("missing name or url parameter")."]]";
+ error gettext("missing name or url parameter");
hook(type => "preprocess", no_override => 1, id => $params{name},
elsif (! length $value) {
- return "[[sparkline ".gettext("parse error")." \"$key\"]]";
+ error gettext("parse error")." \"$key\"";
elsif ($key eq 'featurepoint') {
my ($x, $y, $color, $diameter, $text, $location)=
split(/\s*,\s*/, $value);
if (! defined $diameter || $diameter < 0) {
- return "[[sparkline ".gettext("bad featurepoint diameter")."]]";
+ error gettext("bad featurepoint diameter");
if (defined $location) {
if (! defined $location) {
- return "[[sparkline ".gettext("bad featurepoint location")."]]";
+ error gettext("bad featurepoint location");
$php.=qq{\$sparkline->SetFeaturePoint($x, $y, '$color', $diameter};
if ($c eq 0) {
- return "[[sparkline ".gettext("missing values")."]]";
+ error gettext("missing values");
my $height=int($params{height} || 20);
if ($height < 2 || $height > 100) {
- return "[[sparkline ".gettext("bad height value")."]]";
+ error gettext("bad height value");
if ($style eq "Bar") {
else {
if (! exists $params{width}) {
- return "[[sparkline ".gettext("missing width parameter")."]]";
+ error gettext("missing width parameter");
my $width=int($params{width});
if ($width < 2 || $width > 1024) {
- return "[[sparkline ".gettext("bad width value")."]]";
+ error gettext("bad width value");
$php.=qq{\$sparkline->RenderResampled($width, $height);\n};
waitpid $pid, 0;
if ($sigpipe) {
- return "[[sparkline ".gettext("failed to run php")."]]";
+ error gettext("failed to run php");
if (! $params{preview}) {
if (exists $params{file}) {
if (! $pagesources{$params{file}}) {
- return "[[table ".gettext("cannot find file")."]]";
+ error gettext("cannot find file");
$params{data} = readfile(srcfile($params{file}));
add_depends($params{page}, $params{file});
defined $params{delimiter} ? $params{delimiter} : "|",);
else {
- return "[[table ".gettext("unknown data format")."]]";
+ error gettext("unknown data format");
my $header;
$header=shift @data;
if (! @data) {
- return "[[table ".gettext("empty data")."]]";
+ error gettext("empty data");
my @lines;
my %params=@_;
if (! exists $params{id}) {
- return "[[template ".gettext("missing id parameter")."]]";
+ error gettext("missing id parameter")
my $template_page="templates/$params{id}";
if ($@) {
- return "[[template ".gettext("failed to process:")." $@]]";
+ error gettext("failed to process:")." $@"
foreach my $param (qw{match pagespec}) {
if (! exists $params{$param}) {
- return "[[testpagespec $param parameter is required]]";
+ error sprintf(gettext("%s parameter is required"), $param);
my $code = $params{code};
if (! defined $code && ! length $code) {
- return "[[teximg ".gettext("missing tex code"). "]]";
+ error gettext("missing tex code");
if (check($code)) {
return create($code, check_height($height), \%params);
else {
- return "[[teximg ".gettext("code includes disallowed latex commands"). "]]";
+ error gettext("code includes disallowed latex commands")
} #}}}
.qq{" class="teximg" />};
else {
- return qq{[[teximg <a href="$logurl">}.gettext("failed to generate image from code")."</a>]]";
+ error qq{<a href="$logurl">}.gettext("failed to generate image from code")."</a>";
} #}}}
my $num=$last{$page}++;
if ($num > 25) {
- return "[[fib will only calculate the first 25 numbers in the sequence]]";
+ error "can only calculate the first 25 numbers in the sequence";
return fib($num);
either case, it will run forever. Here's one way to fix that:
if (int($num) != $num || $num < 1) {
- return "[[fib positive integers only, please]]";
+ error "positive integers only, please";
As these security problems have demonstrated, even a simple input from the
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-07-12 23:07-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-07-13 15:04-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
msgid "You are banned."
msgstr ""
-#: ../IkiWiki/ ../IkiWiki/
+#: ../IkiWiki/ ../IkiWiki/ ../
msgid "Error"
msgstr ""
msgid "There are no broken links!"
msgstr ""
-#: ../IkiWiki/Plugin/
+#: ../IkiWiki/Plugin/ ../IkiWiki/Plugin/
#, perl-format
msgid "%s parameter is required"
msgstr ""
msgid "edittemplate %s registered for %s"
msgstr ""
-#: ../IkiWiki/Plugin/
+#: ../IkiWiki/Plugin/
msgid "failed to process"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
#: ../IkiWiki/Plugin/
-msgid "Image::Magick not installed"
+msgid "Image::Magick is not installed"
msgstr ""
#: ../IkiWiki/Plugin/
msgid "RPC::XML::Client not found, not pinging"
msgstr ""
-#: ../IkiWiki/Plugin/
+#: ../IkiWiki/Plugin/
msgid "failed to run dot"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
#: ../IkiWiki/Plugin/
-msgid "polygen failed"
+msgid "command failed"
msgstr ""
#: ../IkiWiki/Plugin/
msgid "getctime not implemented"
msgstr ""
-#: ../IkiWiki/ ../IkiWiki/
+#: ../IkiWiki/ ../IkiWiki/
#, perl-format
msgid "skipping bad filename %s"
msgstr ""
-#: ../IkiWiki/
+#: ../IkiWiki/
#, perl-format
msgid "removing old page %s"
msgstr ""
-#: ../IkiWiki/
+#: ../IkiWiki/
#, perl-format
msgid "scanning %s"
msgstr ""
-#: ../IkiWiki/
+#: ../IkiWiki/
#, perl-format
msgid "rendering %s"
msgstr ""
-#: ../IkiWiki/
+#: ../IkiWiki/
#, perl-format
msgid "rendering %s, which links to %s"
msgstr ""
-#: ../IkiWiki/
+#: ../IkiWiki/
#, perl-format
msgid "rendering %s, which depends on %s"
msgstr ""
-#: ../IkiWiki/
+#: ../IkiWiki/
#, perl-format
msgid "rendering %s, to update its backlinks"
msgstr ""
-#: ../IkiWiki/
+#: ../IkiWiki/
#, perl-format
msgid "removing %s, no longer rendered by %s"
msgstr ""
-#: ../IkiWiki/
+#: ../IkiWiki/
#, perl-format
msgid "ikiwiki: cannot render %s"
msgstr ""
msgid "%s preprocessing loop detected on %s at depth %i"
msgstr ""
-#: ../
+#: ../
msgid "yes"
msgstr ""