- my $template=template("pocreatepage.tmpl");
- $template->param(LANG => $config{po_master_language}{name});
- $form->tmpl_param(message => $template->output);
+ if ($form->field("do") eq "create") {
+ # Warn the user: new pages must be written in master language.
+ my $template=template("pocreatepage.tmpl");
+ $template->param(LANG => $config{po_master_language}{name});
+ $form->tmpl_param(message => $template->output);
+ }
+ elsif ($form->field("do") eq "edit") {
+ # Remove the rename/remove buttons on slave pages.
+ # This has to be done after the rename/remove plugins have added
+ # their buttons, which is why this hook must be run last.
+ # The canrename/canremove hooks already ensure this is forbidden
+ # at the backend level, so this is only UI sugar.
+ if (istranslation($form->field("page"))) {
+ map {
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$params{buttons}}; $i++) {
+ if (@{$params{buttons}}[$i] eq $_) {
+ delete @{$params{buttons}}[$i];
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ } qw(Rename Remove);
+ }
+ }