* [Stig Sandbeck Mathisen](http://fnord.no/) - Personal site and blog, with a bootstrap theme, and varnish frontend.
* Kalle Söderman: [Seen Architecture](http://img.kalleswork.net), [Stockholm Project](http://stockholm.kalleswork.net) - Mainly -image galleries using the album and osm plugins with a customized html5 theme.
* [James Technotes](http://jamestechnotes.com), my [wiki](http://jamestechnotes.com) and [blog](http://jamestechnotes.com/blog).
+* [Amitai Schlair's site](http://www.schmonz.com/)
## Public
+* [My personal web site](http://www.schmonz.com/)
* [A major open-source project's wiki](http://wiki.netbsd.org) (with
the [[rcs/cvs]] plugin)
* [An undergraduate group's university-provided-static-hosted
* On my laptop, personal to-do and scratch space
* [A small personal site](http://podcast.schmonz.com/) (happily hosted at
-## Non-yet-ikiwiki
-* [My personal web site](http://www.schmonz.com/) (to be happily
- hosted at Branchable when it's running a post-[[todo/fancypodcast]]
- release)