Those were not in the original html5 spec, but have been added in the
whatwg html living standard and have wide browser support.
This commit was sponsored by John Peloquin on Patreon.
selected shape size span start summary
tabindex target title type valign
value vspace width
autofocus autoplay preload loopstart
loopend end playcount controls pubdate
+ loop muted
placeholder min max step low high optimum
form required autocomplete novalidate pattern
list formenctype formmethod formnovalidate
+ikiwiki (3.20170623) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+ * htmlscrubber: Add support for the video tag's loop and muted
+ attributes. Those were not in the original html5 spec, but have been
+ added in the whatwg html living standard and have wide browser support.
+ -- Joey Hess <> Tue, 11 Jul 2017 15:48:39 -0400
ikiwiki (3.20170622) unstable; urgency=medium
* t/git-cgi.t: Wait 1 second before doing a revert that should work.