Due to the use/abuse of CGI::Session to generate a token for the login
process, a new session database was created for each login, and left behind
afterwards. While each file is small, with many logings this could bloat
the size of /tmp significantly. Fixed by making CGI::Session write to
/dev/null, since there does not seem to be a way to entirely prevent the
This commit was sponsored by Henrik Riomar on Patreon.
my $session=shift;
eval q{use CGI::Session};
error($@) if $@;
- my $token = CGI::Session->new->id;
+ my $token = CGI::Session->new("driver:DB_File", undef, {FileName => "/dev/null"})->id;
IkiWiki::userinfo_set($email, "emailauthexpire", time+(60*60*24));
IkiWiki::userinfo_set($email, "emailauth", $token);
IkiWiki::userinfo_set($email, "emailauthpostsignin", defined $session->param("postsignin") ? $session->param("postsignin") : "");
eval q{use CGI::Session};
error($@) if $@;
- my $token = CGI::Session->new->id;
+ my $token = CGI::Session->new("driver:DB_File", undef, {FileName => "/dev/null"})->id;
if (! $reversable) {
setpassword($user, $token, $tokenfield);
* core: Don't decode the result of strftime if it is already tagged as
UTF-8, as it might be since Perl >= 5.21.1. (Closes: #869240)
+ [ Joey Hess ]
+ * emailauth, passwordauth: Avoid leaving cgisess_* files in the
+ system temp directory.
-- Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name> Tue, 11 Jul 2017 15:48:39 -0400
ikiwiki (3.20170622) unstable; urgency=medium