* [KGB](https://kgb.alioth.debian.org/) - a Perl script that has been running at Debian since 2009
* [irker](http://www.catb.org/esr/irker/) - a Python script whipped up by ESR in the fall of CIA.vc (~2011), ignoring the existing KGB bot
-KGB is harder to setup ([tutorial](https://www.donarmstrong.com/posts/switching_to_kgb/)), as it , but more reliable than irker, in my experience. I built the [[plugins/contrib/irker]] plugin to automatically configure notifications with irker. --[[anarcat]]
+KGB is harder to setup ([tutorial](https://www.donarmstrong.com/posts/switching_to_kgb/)), as it , but more reliable than irker, in my experience. --[[anarcat]]
See also [[todo/ikibot]] for another bot idea.