--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
use HTML::Entities;
use open qw{:utf8 :std};
+use vars qw{%config %links %oldlinks %oldpagemtime %pagectime %pagecase
+ %renderedfiles %pagesources %depends %hooks %forcerebuild};
+use Exporter q{import};
+our @EXPORT = qw(hook debug error template htmlpage add_depends pagespec_match
+ bestlink htmllink readfile writefile pagetype srcfile pagename
+ %config %links %renderedfiles %pagesources);
# Optimisation.
use Memoize;
-use vars qw{%config %links %oldlinks %oldpagemtime %pagectime %pagecase
- %renderedfiles %pagesources %depends %hooks %forcerebuild};
my $installdir=''; # INSTALLDIR_AUTOREPLACE done by Makefile, DNE
sub defaultconfig () { #{{{
} #}}}
sub bestlink ($$) { #{{{
- # Given a page and the text of a link on the page, determine which
- # existing page that link best points to. Prefers pages under a
- # subdirectory with the same name as the source page, failing that
- # goes down the directory tree to the base looking for matching
- # pages.
my $page=shift;
my $link=shift;
return $ret;
} #}}}
+sub displaytime ($) { #{{{
+ my $time=shift;
+ eval q{use POSIX};
+ # strftime doesn't know about encodings, so make sure
+ # its output is properly treated as utf8
+ return decode_utf8(POSIX::strftime(
+ $config{timeformat}, localtime($time)));
+} #}}}
sub htmllink ($$$;$$$) { #{{{
my $lpage=shift; # the page doing the linking
my $page=shift; # the page that will contain the link (different for inline)
return "<a href=\"$bestlink\">$linktext</a>";
} #}}}
+sub htmlize ($$$) { #{{{
+ my $page=shift;
+ my $type=shift;
+ my $content=shift;
+ if (exists $hooks{htmlize}{$type}) {
+ $content=$hooks{htmlize}{$type}{call}->(
+ page => $page,
+ content => $content,
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ error("htmlization of $type not supported");
+ }
+ run_hooks(sanitize => sub {
+ $content=shift->(
+ page => $page,
+ content => $content,
+ );
+ });
+ return $content;
+} #}}}
+sub linkify ($$$) { #{{{
+ my $lpage=shift; # the page containing the links
+ my $page=shift; # the page the link will end up on (different for inline)
+ my $content=shift;
+ $content =~ s{(\\?)$config{wiki_link_regexp}}{
+ $2 ? ( $1 ? "[[$2|$3]]" : htmllink($lpage, $page, titlepage($3), 0, 0, pagetitle($2)))
+ : ( $1 ? "[[$3]]" : htmllink($lpage, $page, titlepage($3)))
+ }eg;
+ return $content;
+} #}}}
+my %preprocessing;
+sub preprocess ($$$) { #{{{
+ my $page=shift; # the page the data comes from
+ my $destpage=shift; # the page the data will appear in (different for inline)
+ my $content=shift;
+ my $handle=sub {
+ my $escape=shift;
+ my $command=shift;
+ my $params=shift;
+ if (length $escape) {
+ return "[[$command $params]]";
+ }
+ elsif (exists $hooks{preprocess}{$command}) {
+ # Note: preserve order of params, some plugins may
+ # consider it significant.
+ my @params;
+ while ($params =~ /(?:(\w+)=)?(?:"""(.*?)"""|"([^"]+)"|(\S+))(?:\s+|$)/sg) {
+ my $key=$1;
+ my $val;
+ if (defined $2) {
+ $val=$2;
+ $val=~s/\r\n/\n/mg;
+ $val=~s/^\n+//g;
+ $val=~s/\n+$//g;
+ }
+ elsif (defined $3) {
+ $val=$3;
+ }
+ elsif (defined $4) {
+ $val=$4;
+ }
+ if (defined $key) {
+ push @params, $key, $val;
+ }
+ else {
+ push @params, $val, '';
+ }
+ }
+ if ($preprocessing{$page}++ > 3) {
+ # Avoid loops of preprocessed pages preprocessing
+ # other pages that preprocess them, etc.
+ return "[[$command preprocessing loop detected on $page at depth $preprocessing{$page}]]";
+ }
+ my $ret=$hooks{preprocess}{$command}{call}->(
+ @params,
+ page => $page,
+ destpage => $destpage,
+ );
+ $preprocessing{$page}--;
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ else {
+ return "[[$command $params]]";
+ }
+ };
+ $content =~ s{(\\?)\[\[(\w+)\s+((?:(?:\w+=)?(?:""".*?"""|"[^"]+"|[^\s\]]+)\s*)*)\]\]}{$handle->($1, $2, $3)}seg;
+ return $content;
+} #}}}
+sub filter ($$) {
+ my $page=shift;
+ my $content=shift;
+ run_hooks(filter => sub {
+ $content=shift->(page => $page, content => $content);
+ });
+ return $content;
sub indexlink () { #{{{
return "<a href=\"$config{url}\">$config{wikiname}</a>";
} #}}}
indexlink => indexlink(),
wikiname => $config{wikiname},
pagebody => $pagebody,
- baseurl => baseurl(),
+ baseurl => baseurl(),
return $template->output;
return $code;
} #}}}
+sub add_depends ($$) { #{{{
+ my $page=shift;
+ my $pagespec=shift;
+ if (! exists $depends{$page}) {
+ $depends{$page}=$pagespec;
+ }
+ else {
+ $depends{$page}=pagespec_merge($depends{$page}, $pagespec);
+ }
+} # }}}
sub pagespec_match ($$) { #{{{
my $page=shift;
my $spec=shift;
elsif ($form->submitted eq "Preview") {
- require IkiWiki::Render;
my $content=$form->field('editcontent');
my $comments=$form->field('comments');
$form->field(name => "editcontent",
my %guids;
sub import { #{{{
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "getopt", id => "aggregate",
- call => \&getopt);
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "checkconfig", id => "aggregate",
- call => \&checkconfig);
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "filter", id => "aggregate",
- call => \&filter);
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "preprocess", id => "aggregate",
- call => \&preprocess);
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "delete", id => "aggregate",
- call => \&delete);
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "savestate", id => "aggregate",
- call => \&savestate);
+ hook(type => "getopt", id => "aggregate", call => \&getopt);
+ hook(type => "checkconfig", id => "aggregate", call => \&checkconfig);
+ hook(type => "filter", id => "aggregate", call => \&filter);
+ hook(type => "preprocess", id => "aggregate", call => \&preprocess);
+ hook(type => "delete", id => "aggregate", call => \&delete);
+ hook(type => "savestate", id => "aggregate", call => \&savestate);
} # }}}
sub getopt () { #{{{
eval q{use Getopt::Long};
- GetOptions("aggregate" => \$IkiWiki::config{aggregate});
+ GetOptions("aggregate" => \$config{aggregate});
} #}}}
sub checkconfig () { #{{{
- if ($IkiWiki::config{aggregate}) {
+ if ($config{aggregate}) {
my $dir=exists $params{dir} ? $params{dir} : $params{page}."/".IkiWiki::titlepage($params{name});
- ($dir)=$dir=~/$IkiWiki::config{wiki_file_regexp}/;
+ ($dir)=$dir=~/$config{wiki_file_regexp}/;
$feed->{feedurl}=defined $params{feedurl} ? $params{feedurl} : "";
$feed->{updateinterval}=defined $params{updateinterval} ? $params{updateinterval} * 60 : 15 * 60;
# Remove feed data for removed pages.
foreach my $file (@files) {
- my $page=IkiWiki::pagename($file);
+ my $page=pagename($file);
} #}}}
sub loadstate () { #{{{
- if (-e "$IkiWiki::config{wikistatedir}/aggregate") {
- open (IN, "$IkiWiki::config{wikistatedir}/aggregate" ||
- die "$IkiWiki::config{wikistatedir}/aggregate: $!");
+ if (-e "$config{wikistatedir}/aggregate") {
+ open (IN, "$config{wikistatedir}/aggregate" ||
+ die "$config{wikistatedir}/aggregate: $!");
while (<IN>) {
sub savestate () { #{{{
eval q{use HTML::Entities};
die $@ if $@;
- open (OUT, ">$IkiWiki::config{wikistatedir}/aggregate" ||
- die "$IkiWiki::config{wikistatedir}/aggregate: $!");
+ open (OUT, ">$config{wikistatedir}/aggregate" ||
+ die "$config{wikistatedir}/aggregate: $!");
foreach my $data (values %feeds, values %guids) {
if ($data->{remove}) {
if ($data->{name}) {
die $@ if $@;
foreach my $feed (values %feeds) {
- next unless $IkiWiki::config{rebuild} ||
+ next unless $config{rebuild} ||
time - $feed->{lastupdate} >= $feed->{updateinterval};
- IkiWiki::debug("checking feed ".$feed->{name}." ...");
+ debug("checking feed ".$feed->{name}." ...");
if (! length $feed->{feedurl}) {
my @urls=XML::Feed->find_feeds($feed->{url});
if (! @urls) {
$feed->{message}="could not find feed at ".$feed->{feedurl};
- IkiWiki::debug($feed->{message});
+ debug($feed->{message});
$feed->{feedurl}=pop @urls;
my $f=eval{XML::Feed->parse(URI->new($feed->{feedurl}))};
if ($@) {
$feed->{message}="feed crashed XML::Feed! $@";
- IkiWiki::debug($feed->{message});
+ debug($feed->{message});
if (! $f) {
- IkiWiki::debug($feed->{message});
+ debug($feed->{message});
$feed->{message}="processed ok at ".
- IkiWiki::displaytime($feed->{lastupdate});
+ displaytime($feed->{lastupdate});
# TODO: expiry
# directory name or trigger ".." disallowing code.
- ($page)=$page=~/$IkiWiki::config{wiki_file_regexp}/;
+ ($page)=$page=~/$config{wiki_file_regexp}/;
if (! defined $page || ! length $page) {
- IkiWiki::debug("creating new page $page");
+ debug("creating new page $page");
eval q{use Digest::MD5 'md5_hex'};
require Encode;
my $digest=md5_hex(Encode::encode_utf8($params{content}));
- return unless ! exists $guid->{md5} || $guid->{md5} ne $digest || $IkiWiki::config{rebuild};
+ return unless ! exists $guid->{md5} || $guid->{md5} ne $digest || $config{rebuild};
# Create the page.
- my $template=IkiWiki::template("aggregatepost.tmpl", blind_cache => 1);
+ my $template=template("aggregatepost.tmpl", blind_cache => 1);
$template->param(title => $params{title})
if defined $params{title} && length($params{title});
$template->param(content => htmlescape(htmlabs($params{content}, $feed->{feedurl})));
if (ref $feed->{tags}) {
$template->param(tags => [map { tag => $_ }, @{$feed->{tags}}]);
- IkiWiki::writefile(IkiWiki::htmlpage($guid->{page}), $IkiWiki::config{srcdir},
+ writefile(htmlpage($guid->{page}), $config{srcdir},
# Set the mtime, this lets the build process get the right creation
sub pagefile ($) { #{{{
my $page=shift;
- return "$IkiWiki::config{srcdir}/".IkiWiki::htmlpage($page);
+ return "$config{srcdir}/".htmlpage($page);
} #}}}
use IkiWiki;
sub import { #{{{
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "preprocess", id => "brokenlinks",
- call => \&preprocess);
+ hook(type => "preprocess", id => "brokenlinks", call => \&preprocess);
} # }}}
sub preprocess (@) { #{{{
# Needs to update whenever a page is added or removed, so
# register a dependency.
- IkiWiki::add_depends($params{page}, $params{pages});
+ add_depends($params{page}, $params{pages});
my @broken;
- foreach my $page (keys %IkiWiki::links) {
- if (IkiWiki::pagespec_match($page, $params{pages})) {
- foreach my $link (@{$IkiWiki::links{$page}}) {
- next if $link =~ /.*\/discussion/i && $IkiWiki::config{discussion};
- my $bestlink=IkiWiki::bestlink($page, $link);
+ foreach my $page (keys %links) {
+ if (pagespec_match($page, $params{pages})) {
+ foreach my $link (@{$links{$page}}) {
+ next if $link =~ /.*\/discussion/i && $config{discussion};
+ my $bestlink=bestlink($page, $link);
next if length $bestlink;
push @broken,
- IkiWiki::htmllink($page, $params{destpage}, $link, 1).
+ htmllink($page, $params{destpage}, $link, 1).
" in ".
- IkiWiki::htmllink($params{page}, $params{destpage}, $page, 1);
+ htmllink($params{page}, $params{destpage}, $page, 1);
# CamelCase links
package IkiWiki::Plugin::camelcase;
+use IkiWiki;
use warnings;
use strict;
sub import { #{{{
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "filter", id => "camelcase", call => \&filter);
+ hook(type => "filter", id => "camelcase", call => \&filter);
} # }}}
sub filter (@) { #{{{
# Discordian date support fnord ikiwiki.
package IkiWiki::Plugin::ddate;
use IkiWiki;
-use IkiWiki::Render; # so we can redefine it here
no warnings;
sub import { #{{{
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "checkconfig", id => "skeleton",
- call => \&checkconfig);
+ hook(type => "checkconfig", id => "skeleton", call => \&checkconfig);
} # }}}
sub checkconfig () { #{{{
- if (! defined $IkiWiki::config{timeformat} ||
- $IkiWiki::config{timeformat} eq '%c') {
- $IkiWiki::config{timeformat}='on %{%A, the %e of %B%}, %Y. %N%nCelebrate %H';
+ if (! defined $config{timeformat} ||
+ $config{timeformat} eq '%c') {
+ $config{timeformat}='on %{%A, the %e of %B%}, %Y. %N%nCelebrate %H';
} #}}}
my $time=shift;
eval q{use POSIX};
my $gregorian=POSIX::strftime("%d %m %Y", localtime($time));
- my $date=`ddate +'$IkiWiki::config{timeformat}' $gregorian`;
+ my $date=`ddate +'$config{timeformat}' $gregorian`;
chomp $date;
if ($? || ! length $date) {
return "some time or other (hail Eris!)";
# Include a fortune in a page
package IkiWiki::Plugin::fortune;
+use IkiWiki;
use warnings;
use strict;
sub import { #{{{
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "preprocess", id => "fortune",
- call => \&preprocess);
+ hook(type => "preprocess", id => "fortune", call => \&preprocess);
} # }}}
sub preprocess (@) { #{{{
use IPC::Open2;
sub import { #{{{
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "preprocess", id => "googlecalendar",
+ hook(type => "preprocess", id => "googlecalendar",
call => \&preprocess);
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "format", id => "googlecalendar",
+ hook(type => "format", id => "googlecalendar",
call => \&format);
} # }}}
use IkiWiki;
sub import { #{{{
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "preprocess", id => "haiku",
- call => \&preprocess);
+ hook(type => "preprocess", id => "haiku", call => \&preprocess);
} # }}}
sub preprocess (@) { #{{{
my $haiku;
eval q{use Coy};
- if ($@) {
+ if ($@ || ! Coy->can("Coy::with_haiku")) {
my @canned=(
"The lack of a Coy:
No darting, subtle haiku.
use IkiWiki;
sub import { #{{{
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "htmlize", id => "html", call => \&htmlize);
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "htmlize", id => "htm", call => \&htmlize);
+ hook(type => "htmlize", id => "html", call => \&htmlize);
+ hook(type => "htmlize", id => "htm", call => \&htmlize);
# ikiwiki defaults to skipping .html files as a security measure;
# make it process them so this plugin can take effect
- $IkiWiki::config{wiki_file_prune_regexp} =~ s/\|\\\.x\?html\?\$//;
+ $config{wiki_file_prune_regexp} =~ s/\|\\\.x\?html\?\$//;
} # }}}
sub htmlize (@) { #{{{
use IkiWiki;
sub import { #{{{
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "sanitize", id => "htmlscrubber",
- call => \&sanitize);
+ hook(type => "sanitize", id => "htmlscrubber", call => \&sanitize);
} # }}}
sub sanitize (@) { #{{{
use IPC::Open2;
sub import { #{{{
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "sanitize", id => "tidy", call => \&sanitize);
+ hook(type => "sanitize", id => "tidy", call => \&sanitize);
} # }}}
sub sanitize (@) { #{{{
last unless $@;
if ($tries < 1) {
- IkiWiki::debug("failed to run tidy: $@");
+ debug("failed to run tidy: $@");
return $params{content};
use warnings;
use strict;
use IkiWiki;
+use IkiWiki::Render; # for displaytime
use URI;
sub import { #{{{
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "preprocess", id => "inline",
+ hook(type => "preprocess", id => "inline",
call => \&IkiWiki::preprocess_inline);
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "pagetemplate", id => "inline",
+ hook(type => "pagetemplate", id => "inline",
call => \&IkiWiki::pagetemplate_inline);
# Hook to change to do pinging since it's called late.
# This ensures each page only pings once and prevents slow
# pings interrupting page builds.
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "change", id => "inline",
+ hook(type => "change", id => "inline",
call => \&IkiWiki::pingurl);
} # }}}
use IPC::Open2;
sub import { #{{{
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "preprocess", id => "linkmap",
- call => \&preprocess);
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "format", id => "linkmap",
- call => \&format);
+ hook(type => "preprocess", id => "linkmap", call => \&preprocess);
+ hook(type => "format", id => "linkmap", call => \&format);
} # }}}
my $mapnum=0;
# Needs to update whenever a page is added or removed, so
# register a dependency.
- IkiWiki::add_depends($params{page}, $params{pages});
+ add_depends($params{page}, $params{pages});
# Can't just return the linkmap here, since the htmlscrubber
# scrubs out all <object> tags (with good reason!)
# Get all the items to map.
my %mapitems = ();
- foreach my $item (keys %IkiWiki::links) {
- if (IkiWiki::pagespec_match($item, $params{pages})) {
- my $link=IkiWiki::htmlpage($item);
+ foreach my $item (keys %links) {
+ if (pagespec_match($item, $params{pages})) {
+ my $link=htmlpage($item);
$link=IkiWiki::abs2rel($link, IkiWiki::dirname($params{page}));
# Use ikiwiki's function to create the file, this makes sure needed
# subdirs are there and does some sanity checking.
- IkiWiki::writefile("$params{page}.png", $IkiWiki::config{destdir}, "");
+ writefile("$params{page}.png", $config{destdir}, "");
# Run dot to create the graphic and get the map data.
# TODO: should really add the png to renderedfiles and call
my $pid;
while (1) {
eval {
- $pid=open2(*IN, *OUT, "dot -Tpng -o '$IkiWiki::config{destdir}/$params{page}.png' -Tcmapx");
+ $pid=open2(*IN, *OUT, "dot -Tpng -o '$config{destdir}/$params{page}.png' -Tcmapx");
last unless $@;
if defined $params{width} and defined $params{height};
foreach my $item (keys %mapitems) {
print OUT "\"$item\" [shape=box,href=\"$mapitems{$item}\"];\n";
- foreach my $link (map { IkiWiki::bestlink($item, $_) } @{$IkiWiki::links{$item}}) {
+ foreach my $link (map { bestlink($item, $_) } @{$links{$item}}) {
print OUT "\"$item\" -> \"$link\";\n"
if $mapitems{$link};
use IkiWiki;
sub import { #{{{
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "preprocess", id => "map",
- call => \&preprocess);
+ hook(type => "preprocess", id => "map", call => \&preprocess);
} # }}}
sub preprocess (@) { #{{{
# Needs to update whenever a page is added or removed, so
# register a dependency.
- IkiWiki::add_depends($params{page}, $params{pages});
+ add_depends($params{page}, $params{pages});
# Get all the items to map.
my @mapitems = ();
- foreach my $page (keys %IkiWiki::links) {
- if (IkiWiki::pagespec_match($page, $params{pages})) {
+ foreach my $page (keys %links) {
+ if (pagespec_match($page, $params{pages})) {
push @mapitems, $page;
$map .= "</li>\n" if $openli;
$map .= "<li>"
- .IkiWiki::htmllink($params{page}, $params{destpage}, $item) ."\n";
+ .htmllink($params{page}, $params{destpage}, $item) ."\n";
while ($indent > 0) {
use IkiWiki;
sub import { #{{{
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "htmlize", id => "mdwn", call => \&htmlize);
+ hook(type => "htmlize", id => "mdwn", call => \&htmlize);
} # }}}
my $markdown_loaded=0;
eval q{use Markdown};
if ($@) {
do "/usr/bin/markdown" ||
- IkiWiki::error("failed to load Markdown.pm perl module ($@) or /usr/bin/markdown ($!)");
+ error("failed to load Markdown.pm perl module ($@) or /usr/bin/markdown ($!)");
require Encode;
my %authorurl;
sub import { #{{{
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "preprocess", id => "meta",
- call => \&preprocess);
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "filter", id => "meta",
- call => \&filter);
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "pagetemplate", id => "meta",
- call => \&pagetemplate);
+ hook(type => "preprocess", id => "meta", call => \&preprocess);
+ hook(type => "filter", id => "meta", call => \&filter);
+ hook(type => "pagetemplate", id => "meta", call => \&pagetemplate);
} # }}}
sub filter (@) { #{{{
else {
# hidden WikiLink
- push @{$IkiWiki::links{$page}}, $value;
+ push @{$links{$page}}, $value;
elsif ($key eq 'title') {
use IkiWiki;
sub import { #{{{
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "preprocess", id => "orphans",
- call => \&preprocess);
+ hook(type => "preprocess", id => "orphans", call => \&preprocess);
} # }}}
sub preprocess (@) { #{{{
# Needs to update whenever a page is added or removed, so
# register a dependency.
- IkiWiki::add_depends($params{page}, $params{pages});
+ add_depends($params{page}, $params{pages});
my %linkedto;
- foreach my $p (keys %IkiWiki::links) {
- map { $linkedto{IkiWiki::bestlink($p, $_)}=1 if length $_ }
- @{$IkiWiki::links{$p}};
+ foreach my $p (keys %links) {
+ map { $linkedto{bestlink($p, $_)}=1 if length $_ }
+ @{$links{$p}};
my @orphans;
- foreach my $page (keys %IkiWiki::renderedfiles) {
+ foreach my $page (keys %renderedfiles) {
next if $linkedto{$page};
- next unless IkiWiki::pagespec_match($page, $params{pages});
+ next unless pagespec_match($page, $params{pages});
# If the page has a link to some other page, it's
# indirectly linked to a page via that page's backlinks.
next if grep {
length $_ &&
- ($_ !~ /\/Discussion$/i || ! $IkiWiki::config{discussion}) &&
- IkiWiki::bestlink($page, $_) !~ /^($page|)$/
- } @{$IkiWiki::links{$page}};
+ ($_ !~ /\/Discussion$/i || ! $config{discussion}) &&
+ bestlink($page, $_) !~ /^($page|)$/
+ } @{$links{$page}};
push @orphans, $page;
return "All pages are linked to by other pages." unless @orphans;
- return "<ul>\n".join("\n", map { "<li>".IkiWiki::htmllink($params{page}, $params{destpage}, $_, 1)."</li>" } sort @orphans)."</ul>\n";
+ return "<ul>\n".join("\n", map { "<li>".htmllink($params{page}, $params{destpage}, $_, 1)."</li>" } sort @orphans)."</ul>\n";
} # }}}
use IkiWiki;
sub import { #{{{
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "filter", id => "otl", call => \&filter);
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "htmlize", id => "otl", call => \&htmlize);
+ hook(type => "filter", id => "otl", call => \&filter);
+ hook(type => "htmlize", id => "otl", call => \&htmlize);
} # }}}
my %params=@_;
# Munge up check boxes to look a little bit better. This is a hack.
- my $checked=IkiWiki::htmllink($params{page}, $params{page},
+ my $checked=htmllink($params{page}, $params{page},
"smileys/star_on.png", 0, 0, "[X]");
- my $unchecked=IkiWiki::htmllink($params{page}, $params{page},
+ my $unchecked=htmllink($params{page}, $params{page},
"smileys/star_off.png", 0, 0, "[_]");
$params{content}=~s/^(\s*)\[X\]\s/${1}$checked /mg;
$params{content}=~s/^(\s*)\[_\]\s/${1}$unchecked /mg;
unless (defined $pid) {
if ($tries < 1) {
- IkiWiki::debug("failed to fork: $@");
+ debug("failed to fork: $@");
return $params{content};
unless (defined $pid) {
if ($tries < 1) {
- IkiWiki::debug("failed to fork: $@");
+ debug("failed to fork: $@");
print $params{content};
if (! $pid) {
if (! exec 'otl2html', '-S', '/dev/null', '-T', '/dev/stdin') {
- IkiWiki::debug("failed to run otl2html: $@");
+ debug("failed to run otl2html: $@");
print $params{content};
use IkiWiki;
sub import { #{{{
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "preprocess", id => "pagecount",
- call => \&preprocess);
+ hook(type => "preprocess", id => "pagecount", call => \&preprocess);
} # }}}
sub preprocess (@) { #{{{
# Needs to update count whenever a page is added or removed, so
# register a dependency.
- IkiWiki::add_depends($params{page}, $params{pages});
+ add_depends($params{page}, $params{pages});
- my @pages=keys %IkiWiki::pagesources;
+ my @pages=keys %pagesources;
return $#pages+1 if $params{pages} eq "*"; # optimisation
my $count=0;
foreach my $page (@pages) {
- $count++ if IkiWiki::pagespec_match($page, $params{pages});
+ $count++ if pagespec_match($page, $params{pages});
return $count;
} # }}}
our @classes = ('smallestPC', 'smallPC', 'normalPC', 'bigPC', 'biggestPC' );
sub import { #{{{
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "preprocess", id => "pagestats",
- call => \&preprocess);
+ hook(type => "preprocess", id => "pagestats", call => \&preprocess);
} # }}}
sub preprocess (@) { #{{{
# Needs to update whenever a page is added or removed, so
# register a dependency.
- IkiWiki::add_depends($params{page}, $params{pages});
+ add_depends($params{page}, $params{pages});
my %counts;
my $max = 0;
- foreach my $page (keys %IkiWiki::links) {
- if (IkiWiki::pagespec_match($page, $params{pages})) {
+ foreach my $page (keys %links) {
+ if (pagespec_match($page, $params{pages})) {
my @bl = IkiWiki::backlinks($page);
$counts{$page} = scalar(@bl);
$max = $counts{$page} if $counts{$page} > $max;
return "<table class='pageStats'>\n".
join("\n", map {
- IkiWiki::htmllink($params{page}, $params{destpage}, $_, 1).
+ htmllink($params{page}, $params{destpage}, $_, 1).
sort { $counts{$b} <=> $counts{$a} } keys %counts).
foreach my $page (sort keys %counts) {
my $class = $classes[$counts{$page} * scalar(@classes) / ($max + 1)];
$res .= "<span class=\"$class\">".
- IkiWiki::htmllink($params{page}, $params{destpage}, $page).
+ htmllink($params{page}, $params{destpage}, $page).
$res .= "</div>\n";
use File::Find;
sub import { #{{{
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "preprocess", id => "polygen",
- call => \&preprocess);
+ hook(type => "preprocess", id => "polygen", call => \&preprocess);
} # }}}
sub preprocess (@) { #{{{
sub import { #{{{
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "htmlize", id => "rst", call => \&htmlize);
+ hook(type => "htmlize", id => "rst", call => \&htmlize);
} # }}}
sub htmlize (@) { #{{{
last unless $@;
if ($tries < 1) {
- IkiWiki::debug("failed to run python to convert rst: $@");
+ debug("failed to run python to convert rst: $@");
return $content;
use IkiWiki;
sub import { #{{{
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "checkconfig", id => "hyperestraier",
+ hook(type => "checkconfig", id => "hyperestraier",
call => \&checkconfig);
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "pagetemplate", id => "hyperestraier",
+ hook(type => "pagetemplate", id => "hyperestraier",
call => \&pagetemplate);
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "delete", id => "hyperestraier",
+ hook(type => "delete", id => "hyperestraier",
call => \&delete);
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "change", id => "hyperestraier",
+ hook(type => "change", id => "hyperestraier",
call => \&change);
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "cgi", id => "hyperestraier",
+ hook(type => "cgi", id => "hyperestraier",
call => \&cgi);
} # }}}
sub checkconfig () { #{{{
foreach my $required (qw(url cgiurl)) {
- if (! length $IkiWiki::config{$required}) {
- IkiWiki::error("Must specify $required when using the search plugin\n");
+ if (! length $config{$required}) {
+ error("Must specify $required when using the search plugin\n");
} #}}}
# Add search box to page header.
if ($template->query(name => "searchform")) {
if (! defined $form) {
- my $searchform = IkiWiki::template("searchform.tmpl", blind_cache => 1);
- $searchform->param(searchaction => $IkiWiki::config{cgiurl});
+ my $searchform = template("searchform.tmpl", blind_cache => 1);
+ $searchform->param(searchaction => $config{cgiurl});
} #}}}
sub delete (@) { #{{{
- IkiWiki::debug("cleaning hyperestraier search index");
- IkiWiki::estcmd("purge -cl");
- IkiWiki::estcfg();
+ debug("cleaning hyperestraier search index");
+ estcmd("purge -cl");
+ estcfg();
} #}}}
sub change (@) { #{{{
- IkiWiki::debug("updating hyperestraier search index");
- IkiWiki::estcmd("gather -cm -bc -cl -sd",
+ debug("updating hyperestraier search index");
+ estcmd("gather -cm -bc -cl -sd",
map {
- Encode::encode_utf8($IkiWiki::config{destdir}."/".$IkiWiki::renderedfiles{IkiWiki::pagename($_)})
+ Encode::encode_utf8($config{destdir}."/".$renderedfiles{pagename($_)})
} @_
- IkiWiki::estcfg();
+ estcfg();
} #}}}
sub cgi ($) { #{{{
if (defined $cgi->param('phrase')) {
# only works for GET requests
- chdir("$IkiWiki::config{wikistatedir}/hyperestraier") || IkiWiki::error("chdir: $!");
- exec("./".IkiWiki::basename($IkiWiki::config{cgiurl})) || IkiWiki::error("estseek.cgi failed");
+ chdir("$config{wikistatedir}/hyperestraier") || error("chdir: $!");
+ exec("./".IkiWiki::basename($config{cgiurl})) || error("estseek.cgi failed");
} #}}}
-# Easier to keep these in the IkiWiki namespace.
-package IkiWiki;
my $configured=0;
sub estcfg () { #{{{
return if $configured;
my $estdir="$config{wikistatedir}/hyperestraier";
- my $cgi=basename($config{cgiurl});
+ my $cgi=IkiWiki::basename($config{cgiurl});
open(TEMPLATE, ">$estdir/$cgi.tmpl") ||
error("write $estdir/$cgi.tmpl: $!");
- print TEMPLATE misctemplate("search",
+ print TEMPLATE IkiWiki::misctemplate("search",
open(TEMPLATE, ">$estdir/$cgi.conf") ||
index => $estdir,
tmplfile => "$estdir/$cgi.tmpl",
- destdir => abs_path($config{destdir}),
+ destdir => IkiWiki::abs_path($config{destdir}),
url => $config{url},
print TEMPLATE $template->output;
- $cgi="$estdir/".basename($config{cgiurl});
+ $cgi="$estdir/".IkiWiki::basename($config{cgiurl});
symlink("/usr/lib/estraier/estseek.cgi", $cgi) ||
error("symlink $cgi: $!");
use IkiWiki;
sub import { #{{{
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "pagetemplate", id => "sidebar",
- call => \&pagetemplate);
+ hook(type => "pagetemplate", id => "sidebar", call => \&pagetemplate);
} # }}}
sub sidebar_content ($) { #{{{
my $page=shift;
- my $sidebar_page=IkiWiki::bestlink($page, "sidebar") || return;
- my $sidebar_file=$IkiWiki::pagesources{$sidebar_page} || return;
- my $sidebar_type=IkiWiki::pagetype($sidebar_file);
+ my $sidebar_page=bestlink($page, "sidebar") || return;
+ my $sidebar_file=$pagesources{$sidebar_page} || return;
+ my $sidebar_type=pagetype($sidebar_file);
if (defined $sidebar_type) {
# FIXME: This isn't quite right; it won't take into account
# adding a new sidebar page. So adding such a page
# currently requires a wiki rebuild.
- IkiWiki::add_depends($page, $sidebar_page);
+ add_depends($page, $sidebar_page);
- my $content=IkiWiki::readfile(IkiWiki::srcfile($sidebar_file));
+ my $content=readfile(srcfile($sidebar_file));
return unless length $content;
return IkiWiki::htmlize($page, $sidebar_type,
IkiWiki::linkify($sidebar_page, $page,
use IkiWiki;
sub import { #{{{
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "getopt", id => "skeleton",
- call => \&getopt);
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "checkconfig", id => "skeleton",
- call => \&checkconfig);
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "preprocess", id => "skeleton",
- call => \&preprocess);
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "filter", id => "skeleton",
- call => \&filter);
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "htmlize", id => "skeleton",
- call => \&htmlize);
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "sanitize", id => "skeleton",
- call => \&sanitize);
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "format", id => "skeleton",
- call => \&format);
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "pagetemplate", id => "skeleton",
- call => \&pagetemplate);
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "delete", id => "skeleton",
- call => \&delete);
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "change", id => "skeleton",
- call => \&change);
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "cgi", id => "skeleton",
- call => \&cgi);
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "savestate", id => "savestate",
- call => \&savestate);
+ hook(type => "getopt", id => "skeleton", call => \&getopt);
+ hook(type => "checkconfig", id => "skeleton", call => \&checkconfig);
+ hook(type => "preprocess", id => "skeleton", call => \&preprocess);
+ hook(type => "filter", id => "skeleton", call => \&filter);
+ hook(type => "htmlize", id => "skeleton", call => \&htmlize);
+ hook(type => "sanitize", id => "skeleton", call => \&sanitize);
+ hook(type => "format", id => "skeleton", call => \&format);
+ hook(type => "pagetemplate", id => "skeleton", call => \&pagetemplate);
+ hook(type => "delete", id => "skeleton", call => \&delete);
+ hook(type => "change", id => "skeleton", call => \&change);
+ hook(type => "cgi", id => "skeleton", call => \&cgi);
+ hook(type => "savestate", id => "savestate", call => \&savestate);
} # }}}
sub getopt () { #{{{
- IkiWiki::debug("skeleton plugin getopt");
+ debug("skeleton plugin getopt");
} #}}}
sub checkconfig () { #{{{
- IkiWiki::debug("skeleton plugin checkconfig");
+ debug("skeleton plugin checkconfig");
} #}}}
sub preprocess (@) { #{{{
sub filter (@) { #{{{
my %params=@_;
- IkiWiki::debug("skeleton plugin running as filter");
+ debug("skeleton plugin running as filter");
return $params{content};
} # }}}
sub htmlize (@) { #{{{
my %params=@_;
- IkiWiki::debug("skeleton plugin running as htmlize");
+ debug("skeleton plugin running as htmlize");
return $params{content};
} # }}}
sub sanitize (@) { #{{{
my %params=@_;
- IkiWiki::debug("skeleton plugin running as a sanitizer");
+ debug("skeleton plugin running as a sanitizer");
return $params{content};
} # }}}
sub format (@) { #{{{
my %params=@_;
- IkiWiki::debug("skeleton plugin running as a formatter");
+ debug("skeleton plugin running as a formatter");
return $params{content};
} # }}}
my $page=$params{page};
my $template=$params{template};
- IkiWiki::debug("skeleton plugin running as a pagetemplate hook");
+ debug("skeleton plugin running as a pagetemplate hook");
} # }}}
sub delete (@) { #{{{
my @files=@_;
- IkiWiki::debug("skeleton plugin told that files were deleted: @files");
+ debug("skeleton plugin told that files were deleted: @files");
} #}}}
sub change (@) { #{{{
my @files=@_;
- IkiWiki::debug("skeleton plugin told that changed files were rendered: @files");
+ debug("skeleton plugin told that changed files were rendered: @files");
} #}}}
sub cgi ($) { #{{{
my $cgi=shift;
- IkiWiki::debug("skeleton plugin running in cgi");
+ debug("skeleton plugin running in cgi");
} #}}}
sub savestate () { #{{{
- IkiWiki::debug("skeleton plugin running in savestate");
+ debug("skeleton plugin running in savestate");
} #}}}
my $smiley_regexp;
sub import { #{{{
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "checkconfig", id => "smiley", call => \&setup);
+ hook(type => "checkconfig", id => "smiley", call => \&setup);
} # }}}
sub setup () { #{{{
- my $list=IkiWiki::readfile(IkiWiki::srcfile("smileys.mdwn"));
+ my $list=readfile(srcfile("smileys.mdwn"));
while ($list =~ m/^\s*\*\s+\\([^\s]+)\s+\[\[([^]]+)\]\]/mg) {
if (! %smileys) {
- IkiWiki::debug("failed to parse any smileys, disabling plugin");
+ debug("failed to parse any smileys, disabling plugin");
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "filter", id => "smiley", call => \&filter);
+ hook(type => "filter", id => "smiley", call => \&filter);
# sort and reverse so that substrings come after longer strings
# that contain them, in most cases.
$smiley_regexp='('.join('|', map { quotemeta }
reverse sort keys %smileys).')';
- #IkiWiki::debug($smiley_regexp);
+ #debug($smiley_regexp);
} #}}}
sub filter (@) { #{{{
my %params=@_;
$params{content} =~ s{(?<=\s)(\\?)$smiley_regexp(?=\s)}{
- $1 ? $2 : IkiWiki::htmllink($params{page}, $params{page}, $smileys{$2}, 0, 0, $2)
+ $1 ? $2 : htmllink($params{page}, $params{page}, $smileys{$2}, 0, 0, $2)
return $params{content};
my %tags;
sub import { #{{{
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "getopt", id => "tag",
- call => \&getopt);
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "preprocess", id => "tag",
- call => \&preprocess);
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "pagetemplate", id => "tag",
- call => \&pagetemplate);
+ hook(type => "getopt", id => "tag", call => \&getopt);
+ hook(type => "preprocess", id => "tag", call => \&preprocess);
+ hook(type => "pagetemplate", id => "tag", call => \&pagetemplate);
} # }}}
sub getopt () { #{{{
eval q{use Getopt::Long};
- GetOptions("tagbase=s" => \$IkiWiki::config{tagbase});
+ GetOptions("tagbase=s" => \$config{tagbase});
} #}}}
sub tagpage ($) { #{{{
my $tag=shift;
- if (exists $IkiWiki::config{tagbase} &&
- defined $IkiWiki::config{tagbase}) {
- $tag=$IkiWiki::config{tagbase}."/".$tag;
+ if (exists $config{tagbase} &&
+ defined $config{tagbase}) {
+ $tag=$config{tagbase}."/".$tag;
return $tag;
foreach my $tag (keys %params) {
push @{$tags{$page}}, $tag;
# hidden WikiLink
- push @{$IkiWiki::links{$page}}, tagpage($tag);
+ push @{$links{$page}}, tagpage($tag);
return "";
$template->param(tags => [
map {
- link => IkiWiki::htmllink($page, $destpage, tagpage($_))
+ link => htmllink($page, $destpage, tagpage($_))
}, @{$tags{$page}}
]) if exists $tags{$page} && @{$tags{$page}} && $template->query(name => "tags");
use Encode;
sub import { #{{{
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "preprocess", id => "template",
- call => \&preprocess);
+ hook(type => "preprocess", id => "template", call => \&preprocess);
} # }}}
sub preprocess (@) { #{{{
my $template_page="templates/$params{id}";
- IkiWiki::add_depends($params{page}, $template_page);
+ add_depends($params{page}, $template_page);
- my $template_file=$IkiWiki::pagesources{$template_page};
+ my $template_file=$pagesources{$template_page};
return "[[template ".
- IkiWiki::htmllink($params{page}, $params{destpage}, $template_page).
+ htmllink($params{page}, $params{destpage}, $template_page).
" not found]]"
unless defined $template_file;
my $text_ref = shift;
- filename => IkiWiki::srcfile($template_file),
+ filename => srcfile($template_file),
die_on_bad_params => 0,
no_includes => 1,
blind_cache => 1,
use HTML::Parser;
sub import { #{{{
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "preprocess", id => "toc",
- call => \&preprocess);
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "format", id => "toc",
- call => \&format);
+ hook(type => "preprocess", id => "toc", call => \&preprocess);
+ hook(type => "format", id => "toc", call => \&format);
} # }}}
my %tocpages;
use Text::WikiFormat;
sub import { #{{{
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "htmlize", id => "wiki", call => \&htmlize);
+ hook(type => "htmlize", id => "wiki", call => \&htmlize);
} # }}}
sub htmlize (@) { #{{{
return wantarray ? @lines : ($? == 0);
# Convenient wrappers.
-sub run_or_die ($@) { _safe_git(\&IkiWiki::error, @_) }
+sub run_or_die ($@) { _safe_git(\&error, @_) }
sub run_or_cry ($@) { _safe_git(sub { warn @_ }, @_) }
sub run_or_non ($@) { _safe_git(undef, @_) }
use IkiWiki;
use Encode;
-sub linkify ($$$) { #{{{
- my $lpage=shift; # the page containing the links
- my $page=shift; # the page the link will end up on (different for inline)
- my $content=shift;
- $content =~ s{(\\?)$config{wiki_link_regexp}}{
- $2 ? ( $1 ? "[[$2|$3]]" : htmllink($lpage, $page, titlepage($3), 0, 0, pagetitle($2)))
- : ( $1 ? "[[$3]]" : htmllink($lpage, $page, titlepage($3)))
- }eg;
- return $content;
-} #}}}
-sub htmlize ($$$) { #{{{
- my $page=shift;
- my $type=shift;
- my $content=shift;
- if (exists $hooks{htmlize}{$type}) {
- $content=$hooks{htmlize}{$type}{call}->(
- page => $page,
- content => $content,
- );
- }
- else {
- error("htmlization of $type not supported");
- }
- run_hooks(sanitize => sub {
- $content=shift->(
- page => $page,
- content => $content,
- );
- });
- return $content;
-} #}}}
sub backlinks ($) { #{{{
my $page=shift;
return @ret;
} #}}}
-my %preprocessing;
-sub preprocess ($$$) { #{{{
- my $page=shift; # the page the data comes from
- my $destpage=shift; # the page the data will appear in (different for inline)
- my $content=shift;
- my $handle=sub {
- my $escape=shift;
- my $command=shift;
- my $params=shift;
- if (length $escape) {
- return "[[$command $params]]";
- }
- elsif (exists $hooks{preprocess}{$command}) {
- # Note: preserve order of params, some plugins may
- # consider it significant.
- my @params;
- while ($params =~ /(?:(\w+)=)?(?:"""(.*?)"""|"([^"]+)"|(\S+))(?:\s+|$)/sg) {
- my $key=$1;
- my $val;
- if (defined $2) {
- $val=$2;
- $val=~s/\r\n/\n/mg;
- $val=~s/^\n+//g;
- $val=~s/\n+$//g;
- }
- elsif (defined $3) {
- $val=$3;
- }
- elsif (defined $4) {
- $val=$4;
- }
- if (defined $key) {
- push @params, $key, $val;
- }
- else {
- push @params, $val, '';
- }
- }
- if ($preprocessing{$page}++ > 3) {
- # Avoid loops of preprocessed pages preprocessing
- # other pages that preprocess them, etc.
- return "[[$command preprocessing loop detected on $page at depth $preprocessing{$page}]]";
- }
- my $ret=$hooks{preprocess}{$command}{call}->(
- @params,
- page => $page,
- destpage => $destpage,
- );
- $preprocessing{$page}--;
- return $ret;
- }
- else {
- return "[[$command $params]]";
- }
- };
- $content =~ s{(\\?)\[\[(\w+)\s+((?:(?:\w+=)?(?:""".*?"""|"[^"]+"|[^\s\]]+)\s*)*)\]\]}{$handle->($1, $2, $3)}seg;
- return $content;
-} #}}}
-sub add_depends ($$) { #{{{
- my $page=shift;
- my $pagespec=shift;
- if (! exists $depends{$page}) {
- $depends{$page}=$pagespec;
- }
- else {
- $depends{$page}=pagespec_merge($depends{$page}, $pagespec);
- }
-} # }}}
sub genpage ($$$) { #{{{
my $page=shift;
my $content=shift;
} #}}}
-sub displaytime ($) { #{{{
- my $time=shift;
- eval q{use POSIX};
- # strftime doesn't know about encodings, so make sure
- # its output is properly treated as utf8
- return decode_utf8(POSIX::strftime(
- $config{timeformat}, localtime($time)));
-} #}}}
sub mtime ($) { #{{{
my $file=shift;
} #}}}
-sub filter ($$) {
- my $page=shift;
- my $content=shift;
- run_hooks(filter => sub {
- $content=shift->(page => $page, content => $content);
- });
- return $content;
sub render ($) { #{{{
my $file=shift;
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
* Add a googlecalendar plugin. A bit special-purpose, but it shows
one way to to deal with user-supplied content that could cause XSS
issues w/o the htmlscrubber, and won't survive the scrubber.
- -- Joey Hess <joeyh@debian.org> Sat, 9 Sep 2006 03:00:45 -0400
+ * Work on firming up the plugin interface:
+ - Plugins should not need to load IkiWiki::Render to get commonly
+ used functions, so moved some functions from there to IkiWiki.
+ - Picked out the set of functions and variables that most plugins
+ use, documented them, and made IkiWiki export them by default,
+ like a proper perl module should.
+ - Use the other functions at your own risk.
+ - This is not quite complete, I still have to decide whether to
+ export some other things.
+ * Changed all plugins included in ikiwiki to not use "IkiWiki::" when
+ referring to stuff now exported by the IkiWiki module.
+ * Anyone with a third-party ikiwiki plugin is strongly enrouraged
+ to make like changes to it and avoid use of non-exported symboles from
+ "IkiWiki::".
+ * Link debian/changelog and debian/news to NEWS and CHANGELOG.
+ * Support hyperestradier version 1.4.2, which adds a new required phraseform
+ setting.
+ -- Joey Hess <joeyh@debian.org> Sat, 9 Sep 2006 18:38:19 -0400
ikiwiki (1.26) unstable; urgency=low
## Registering plugins
-Plugins should, when imported, call IkiWiki::hook to hook into ikiwiki's
+All plugins should `use IkiWiki` to import the ikiwiki plugin interface.
+Plugins should, when imported, call `hook()` to hook into ikiwiki's
processing. The function uses named parameters, and use varies depending on
-the type of plugin being registered. Note that a plugin can call the
-function more than once to register multiple hooks. All calls to
-IkiWiki::hook should be passed a "type" parameter, which gives the type of
+the type of hook being registered -- see below. Note that a plugin can call
+the function more than once to register multiple hooks. All calls to
+`hook()` should be passed a "type" parameter, which gives the type of
hook, a "id" paramter, which should be a unique string for this plugin, and
a "call" parameter, which is a reference to a function to call for the
### getopt
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "getopt", id => "foo", call => \&getopt);
+ hook(type => "getopt", id => "foo", call => \&getopt);
This allows for plugins to perform their own processing of command-line
options and so add options to the ikiwiki command line. It's called during
command line processing, with @ARGV full of any options that ikiwiki was
not able to process on its own. The function should process any options it
can, removing them from @ARGV, and probably recording the configuration
-settings in %IkiWiki::config. It should take care not to abort if it sees
+settings in %config. It should take care not to abort if it sees
an option it cannot process, and should just skip over those options and
leave them in @ARGV.
### checkconfig
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "checkconfig", id => "foo", call => \&checkconfig);
+ hook(type => "checkconfig", id => "foo", call => \&checkconfig);
This is useful if the plugin needs to check for or modify ikiwiki's
configuration. It's called early in the startup process. The
function is passed no values. It's ok for the function to call
-IkiWiki::error if something isn't configured right.
+`error()` if something isn't configured right.
### filter
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "filter", id => "foo", call => \&filter);
+ hook(type => "filter", id => "foo", call => \&filter);
Runs on the raw source of a page, before anything else touches it, and can
make arbitrary changes. The function is passed named parameters `page` and
Adding a [[PreProcessorDirective]] is probably the most common use of a
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "preprocess", id => "foo", call => \&preprocess);
+ hook(type => "preprocess", id => "foo", call => \&preprocess);
Replace "foo" with the command name that will be used inside brackets for
the preprocessor directive.
### htmlize
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "htmlize", id => "ext", call => \&htmlize);
+ hook(type => "htmlize", id => "ext", call => \&htmlize);
Runs on the raw source of a page and turns it into html. The id parameter
specifies the filename extension that a file must have to be htmlized using
### pagetemplate
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "pagetemplate", id => "foo", call => \&pagetemplate);
+ hook(type => "pagetemplate", id => "foo", call => \&pagetemplate);
Each time a page (or part of a blog page, or an rss feed) is rendered, a
[[template|templates]] is filled out. This hook allows modifying that
### sanitize
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "sanitize", id => "foo", call => \&sanitize);
+ hook(type => "sanitize", id => "foo", call => \&sanitize);
Use this to implement html sanitization or anything else that needs to
modify the body of a page after it has been fully converted to html.
### format
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "format", id => "foo", call => \&format);
+ hook(type => "format", id => "foo", call => \&format);
The difference between format and sanitize is that sanitize only acts on
the page body, while format can modify the entire html page including the
### delete
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "delete", id => "foo", call => \&delete);
+ hook(type => "delete", id => "foo", call => \&delete);
Each time a page or pages is removed from the wiki, the referenced function
is called, and passed the names of the source files that were removed.
### change
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "change", id => "foo", call => \&render);
+ hook(type => "change", id => "foo", call => \&render);
Each time ikiwiki renders a change or addition (but not deletion) to the
wiki, the referenced function is called, and passed the names of the
### cgi
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "cgi", id => "foo", call => \&cgi);
+ hook(type => "cgi", id => "foo", call => \&cgi);
Use this to hook into ikiwiki's cgi script. Each registered cgi hook is
called in turn, and passed a CGI object. The hook should examine the
### savestate
- IkiWiki::hook(type => "savestate", id => "foo", call => \&savestate);
+ hook(type => "savestate", id => "foo", call => \&savestate);
This hook is called wheneven ikiwiki normally saves its state, just before
the state is saved. The function can save other state, modify values before
they're saved, etc.
-## Error handing
+## Plugin interface
+To import the ikiwiki plugin interface:
+ use IkiWiki;
-While a plugin can call ikiwiki's `error` routine for a fatal error, for
-errors that aren't intended to halt the entire wiki build, including bad
-parameters passed to a [[PreProcessorDirective]], etc, it's better to just
-return the error message as the output of the plugin.
+This will import several variables and functions into your plugin's
+namespace. These variables and functions are the ones most plugins need,
+and a special effort will be made to avoid changing them in incompatible
+ways, and to document any changes that have to be made in the future.
-## Wiki configuration
+Note that IkiWiki also provides other variables functions that are not
+exported by default. No guarantee is made about these in the future, so if
+it's not exported, the wise choice is to not use it.
-A plugin can access the wiki's configuration via the `%IkiWiki::config`
+### %config
+A plugin can access the wiki's configuration via the `%config`
hash. The best way to understand the contents of the hash is to look at
[[ikiwiki.setup]], which sets the hash content to configure the wiki.
-## Wiki data
+### Other variables
If your plugin needs to access data about other pages in the wiki. It can
use the following hashes, using a page name as the key:
-* `%IkiWiki::links` lists the names of each page
- that a page links to, in an array reference.
-* `%IkiWiki::pagemtime` contains the last modification time of each page
-* `%IkiWiki::pagectime` contains the creation time of each page
-* `%IkiWiki::renderedfiles` contains the name of the file rendered by a
- page
-* `%IkiWiki::pagesources` contains the name of the source file for a page.
-* `%IkiWiki::depends` contains a [[PageSpec]] that is used to specify other
- pages that a page depends on. If one of its dependencies is updated, the
- page will also get rebuilt.
- Many plugins will need to add dependencies to this hash; the best way to do
- it is by using the IkiWiki::add_depends function, which takes as its
- parameters the page name and a [[PageSpec]] of dependencies to add.
-* `%IkiWiki::forcerebuild` any pages set as the keys to this hash will be
- treated as if they're modified and rebuilt.
-## Generating html links
+* `%links` lists the names of each page that a page links to, in an array
+ reference.
+* `%renderedfiles` contains the name of the file rendered by a page.
+* `%pagesources` contains the name of the source file for a page.
+### Library functions
+#### `hook(@)`
+Hook into ikiwiki's processing. See the discussion of hooks above.
+#### `debug($)`
+Logs a debugging message. These are supressed unless verbose mode is turned
+#### `error($)`
+Aborts with an error message.
+Note that while any plugin can use this for a fatal error, plugins should
+try to avoid dying on bad input, as that will halt the entire wiki build
+and make the wiki unusable. So for example, if a [[PreProcessorDirective]]
+is passed bad parameters, it's better to return an error message, which can
+appear on the wiki page, rather than calling error().
+#### `template($;@)`
+Creates and returns a HTML::Template object. The first parameter is the
+name of the file in the template directory. The optional remaining
+parameters are passed to HTML::Template->new.
+#### `htmlpage($)`
+Passed a page name, returns the base name that will be used for a the html
+page created from it. (Ie, it appends ".html".)
+#### `add_depends($$)`
+Makes the specified page depend on the specified [[PageSpec]].
+#### `pagespec_match($$)`
+Passed a page name, and a [[PageSpec]], returns true if the [[PageSpec]]
+matches the page.
+#### `bestlink($$)`
+Given a page and the text of a link on the page, determine which
+existing page that link best points to. Prefers pages under a
+subdirectory with the same name as the source page, failing that
+goes down the directory tree to the base looking for matching
+pages, as described in [[SubPage/LinkingRules]].
+#### `htmllink($$$;$$$)`
Many plugins need to generate html links and add them to a page. This is
-done by using the `IkiWiki::htmllink` function. The usual way to call
-htmlllink is:
+done by using the `htmllink` function. The usual way to call
+`htmlllink` is:
htmllink($page, $page, $link)
-Why is $page repeated? Because if a page is inlined inside another, and a
+Why is `$page` repeated? Because if a page is inlined inside another, and a
link is placed on it, the right way to make that link is actually:
htmllink($page, $destpage, $link)
-Here $destpage is the inlining page. A destpage parameter is passed to some
-of the hook functions above; the ones that are not passed it are not used
+Here `$destpage` is the inlining page. A `destpage` parameter is passed to
+some of the hook functions above; the ones that are not passed it are not used
during inlining and don't need to worry about this issue.
+The remaining three optional parameters to `htmllink` are:
+1. noimageinline - set to true to avoid turning links into inline html images
+1. forcesubpage - set to force a link to a subpage
+1. linktext - set to force the link text to something
+#### `readfile($;$)`
+Given a filename, reads and returns the entire file.
+The optional second parameter, if set to a true value, makes the file be read
+in binary mode.
+A failure to read the file will result in it dying with an error.
+#### `writefile($$$;$)`
+Given a filename, a directory to put it in, and the file's content,
+writes a file.
+The optional second parameter, if set to a true value, makes the file be
+written in binary mode.
+A failure to write the file will result in it dying with an error.
+If the destination directory doesn't exist, it will first be created.
+#### `pagetype($)`
+Given the name of a source file, returns the type of page it is, if it's
+a type that ikiwiki knowns how to htmlize. Otherwise, returns undef.
+#### `pagename($)`
+Given the name of a source file, returns the name of the wiki page
+that corresponds to that file.
+#### `srcfile($)`
+Given the name of a source file in the wiki, searches for the file in
+the source directory and the underlay directory, and returns the full
+path to the first file found.
+#### `displaytime($)`
+Given a time, formats it for display.
## RCS plugins
ikiwiki's support for revision control systems also uses pluggable perl
* Unit test suite (with tests of at least core stuff like
[[PageSpec]]). _(status: exists, could of course use more tests)_
-* [[Plugins]] _(status: done, interface still not quite stable)_
+* [[Plugins]] _(status: done, interface still not [[quite_stable|todo/firm_up_plugin_interface]])_
* [[Tags]] _(status: fair)_
* Should have fully working [[todo/utf8]] support. _(status: good)_
* [[Optimised_rendering|todo/optimisations]] if possible. Deal with other
--- /dev/null
+The plugin interface is currently that they can register hooks, and can
+call any other ikiwiki internal function they desire, generally through
+Ikiwiki::function calls. Also, some Ikiwiki::config etc variables can be
+This is a very weak interface, and should be firmed up to something more
+like a proper perl library. I've been waiting to get some idea of what bits
+of ikiwiki are most useful to plugins before doing it; there are plenty of
+plugins to know that now.
+IkiWiki will now export some function calls and variables when loaded.
+Functions used by many plugins, which I'm sure should be exported:
+* hook
+* debug
+* error
+* template
+* htmlpage
+* add_depends
+* pagespec_match
+* bestlink
+* htmllink
+* readfile
+* writefile
+* pagetype
+* srcfile
+* pagename
+* displaytime
+Functions used by only some plugins, undecided:
+* lockwiki, unlockwiki (aggregate)
+ Too internal to ever be exported.
+* loadindex (aggregate)
+ Too internal to ever be exported.
+* titlepage (aggregate)
+ Not until more than one thing uses it.
+* basename (polygen, inline, search, polygen)
+* dirname (linkmap, inline)
+ For basename and dirname, they could just use standard perl library
+ stuff. Howevever, ikiwiki's versions are slightly different and I'd
+ need to check if the standard versions work for the uses made in
+ these plugins. Inclined not to export.
+* abs2rel (linkmap, inline)
+ This *is* the library version, just optimised to work around a bug.
+ Don't export this.
+* possibly_foolish_untaint (aggregate, polygen)
+ Probably better to implement yourself.
+* htmlize
+* linkify
+* preprocess
+* filter
+ Used by several, but problimatic since plugins typically define
+ functions with these names..
+Variables used by plugins:
+* %IkiWiki::config (various values; probably not worth locking down any
+ more, export it)
+* %IkiWiki::links (many, seems clearcut to export)
+* %IkiWiki::renderedfiles (orphans, inline, search)
+* %IkiWiki::pagesources (pagecount, sidebar, template, inline)
+* %IkiWiki::pagecase (aggregate.. will not export yet)
+* %IkiWIki::backlinks (pagestats.. will not export yet)
+I don't want this interface to be too firm; it's ok for a plugin like
+`ddate` to redefine an internal function like IkiWiki::displaytime if it
+wants to.. But plugins that still access stuff through IkiWiki:: should be
+aware that that stuff can change at any time and break them. Possibly without
+perl's type checking catching the breakage, in some cases. Plugins that
+only use exported symbols should not break by future ikiwiki changes.
use strict;
use Test::More tests => 9;
+BEGIN { use_ok("IkiWiki"); }
sub test ($$$) {
my $page=shift;
my $link=shift;
my @existing_pages=@{shift()};
- %IkiWiki::links=();
+ %links=();
foreach my $page (@existing_pages) {
$IkiWiki::pagecase{lc $page}=$page;
- $IkiWiki::links{$page}=[];
+ $links{$page}=[];
- return IkiWiki::bestlink($page, $link);
+ return bestlink($page, $link);
-BEGIN { use_ok("IkiWiki"); }
is(test("bar", "foo", ["bar"]), "", "broken link");
is(test("bar", "foo", ["bar", "foo"]), "foo", "simple link");
is(test("bar", "FoO", ["bar", "foo"]), "foo", "simple link with different input case");
# to htmlize are changed.
use warnings;
use strict;
-use Test::More tests => 103;
+use Test::More tests => 102;
use Encode;
BEGIN { use_ok("IkiWiki"); }
-BEGIN { use_ok("IkiWiki::Render"); }
# Initialize htmlscrubber plugin
IkiWiki::loadplugins(); IkiWiki::checkconfig();
-ok(IkiWiki::htmlize("foo", "mdwn", IkiWiki::readfile("t/test1.mdwn")));
-ok(IkiWiki::htmlize("foo", "mdwn", IkiWiki::readfile("t/test3.mdwn")),
+ok(IkiWiki::htmlize("foo", "mdwn", readfile("t/test1.mdwn")));
+ok(IkiWiki::htmlize("foo", "mdwn", readfile("t/test3.mdwn")),
"wtf?") for 1..100;
plan skip_all => "/usr/bin/validate html validator not present";
else {
- plan(tests => int @pages + 3);
+ plan(tests => int @pages + 2);
- use_ok("IkiWiki::Render");
# Have to build the html pages first.
use warnings;
use strict;
-use Test::More tests => 5;
+use Test::More tests => 4;
use Encode;
BEGIN { use_ok("IkiWiki"); }
-BEGIN { use_ok("IkiWiki::Render"); }
# Initialize htmlscrubber plugin
is(IkiWiki::htmlize("foo", "mdwn", "foo\n\nbar\n"), "<p>foo</p>\n\n<p>bar</p>\n",
-is(IkiWiki::htmlize("foo", "mdwn", IkiWiki::readfile("t/test1.mdwn")),
+is(IkiWiki::htmlize("foo", "mdwn", readfile("t/test1.mdwn")),
Encode::decode_utf8(qq{<p><img src="../images/o.jpg" alt="o" title="ó" />\nóóóóó</p>\n}),
"utf8; bug #373203");
-ok(IkiWiki::htmlize("foo", "mdwn", IkiWiki::readfile("t/test2.mdwn")),
+ok(IkiWiki::htmlize("foo", "mdwn", readfile("t/test2.mdwn")),
"this file crashes markdown if it's fed in as decoded utf-8");
use strict;
use Test::More tests => 13;
+BEGIN { use_ok("IkiWiki"); }
sub linkify ($$$$) {
my $lpage=shift;
my $page=shift;
# This is what linkify and htmllink need set right now to work.
# This could change, if so, update it..
- %IkiWiki::links=();
+ %links=();
foreach my $page (@existing_pages) {
$IkiWiki::pagecase{lc $page}=$page;
- $IkiWiki::links{$page}=[];
- $IkiWiki::renderedfiles{"$page.mdwn"}=$page;
+ $links{$page}=[];
+ $renderedfiles{"$page.mdwn"}=$page;
- %IkiWiki::config=IkiWiki::defaultconfig();
+ %config=IkiWiki::defaultconfig();
return IkiWiki::linkify($lpage, $page, $content);
-BEGIN { use_ok("IkiWiki::Render"); }
ok(links_to("bar", linkify("foo", "foo", "link to [[bar]] ok", ["foo", "bar"])), "ok link");
ok(not_links_to("bar", linkify("foo", "foo", "link to \\[[bar]] ok", ["foo", "bar"])), "escaped link");
ok(links_to("page=bar", linkify("foo", "foo", "link to [[bar]] ok", ["foo"])), "broken link");
BEGIN { use_ok("IkiWiki"); }
-ok(IkiWiki::pagespec_match("foo", "*"));
-ok(IkiWiki::pagespec_match("page", "?ag?"));
-ok(! IkiWiki::pagespec_match("page", "?a?g?"));
-ok(IkiWiki::pagespec_match("foo.png", "*.*"));
-ok(! IkiWiki::pagespec_match("foo", "*.*"));
-ok(IkiWiki::pagespec_match("foo", "foo or bar"), "simple list");
-ok(IkiWiki::pagespec_match("bar", "foo or bar"), "simple list 2");
-ok(IkiWiki::pagespec_match("foo", "f?? and !foz"));
-ok(! IkiWiki::pagespec_match("foo", "f?? and !foo"));
-ok(! IkiWiki::pagespec_match("foo", "* and !foo"));
-ok(! IkiWiki::pagespec_match("foo", "foo and !foo"));
-ok(! IkiWiki::pagespec_match("foo.png", "* and !*.*"));
-ok(IkiWiki::pagespec_match("foo", "(bar or ((meep and foo) or (baz or foo) or beep))"));
+ok(pagespec_match("foo", "*"));
+ok(pagespec_match("page", "?ag?"));
+ok(! pagespec_match("page", "?a?g?"));
+ok(pagespec_match("foo.png", "*.*"));
+ok(! pagespec_match("foo", "*.*"));
+ok(pagespec_match("foo", "foo or bar"), "simple list");
+ok(pagespec_match("bar", "foo or bar"), "simple list 2");
+ok(pagespec_match("foo", "f?? and !foz"));
+ok(! pagespec_match("foo", "f?? and !foo"));
+ok(! pagespec_match("foo", "* and !foo"));
+ok(! pagespec_match("foo", "foo and !foo"));
+ok(! pagespec_match("foo.png", "* and !*.*"));
+ok(pagespec_match("foo", "(bar or ((meep and foo) or (baz or foo) or beep))"));
-$IkiWiki::links{foo}=[qw{bar baz}];
-ok(IkiWiki::pagespec_match("foo", "link(bar)"));
-ok(! IkiWiki::pagespec_match("foo", "link(quux)"));
-ok(IkiWiki::pagespec_match("bar", "backlink(foo)"));
-ok(! IkiWiki::pagespec_match("quux", "backlink(foo)"));
+$links{foo}=[qw{bar baz}];
+ok(pagespec_match("foo", "link(bar)"));
+ok(! pagespec_match("foo", "link(quux)"));
+ok(pagespec_match("bar", "backlink(foo)"));
+ok(! pagespec_match("quux", "backlink(foo)"));
$IkiWiki::pagectime{foo}=1154532692; # Wed Aug 2 11:26 EDT 2006
$IkiWiki::pagectime{bar}=1154532695; # after
-ok(IkiWiki::pagespec_match("foo", "created_before(bar)"));
-ok(! IkiWiki::pagespec_match("foo", "created_after(bar)"));
-ok(! IkiWiki::pagespec_match("bar", "created_before(foo)"));
-ok(IkiWiki::pagespec_match("bar", "created_after(foo)"));
-ok(IkiWiki::pagespec_match("foo", "creation_year(2006)"), "year");
-ok(! IkiWiki::pagespec_match("foo", "creation_year(2005)"), "other year");
-ok(IkiWiki::pagespec_match("foo", "creation_month(8)"), "month");
-ok(! IkiWiki::pagespec_match("foo", "creation_month(9)"), "other month");
-ok(IkiWiki::pagespec_match("foo", "creation_day(2)"), "day");
-ok(! IkiWiki::pagespec_match("foo", "creation_day(3)"), "other day");
+ok(pagespec_match("foo", "created_before(bar)"));
+ok(! pagespec_match("foo", "created_after(bar)"));
+ok(! pagespec_match("bar", "created_before(foo)"));
+ok(pagespec_match("bar", "created_after(foo)"));
+ok(pagespec_match("foo", "creation_year(2006)"), "year");
+ok(! pagespec_match("foo", "creation_year(2005)"), "other year");
+ok(pagespec_match("foo", "creation_month(8)"), "month");
+ok(! pagespec_match("foo", "creation_month(9)"), "other month");
+ok(pagespec_match("foo", "creation_day(2)"), "day");
+ok(! pagespec_match("foo", "creation_day(3)"), "other day");
# old style globlists
-ok(IkiWiki::pagespec_match("foo", "foo bar"), "simple list");
-ok(IkiWiki::pagespec_match("bar", "foo bar"), "simple list 2");
-ok(IkiWiki::pagespec_match("foo", "f?? !foz"));
-ok(! IkiWiki::pagespec_match("foo", "f?? !foo"));
-ok(! IkiWiki::pagespec_match("foo", "* !foo"));
-ok(! IkiWiki::pagespec_match("foo", "foo !foo"));
-ok(! IkiWiki::pagespec_match("foo.png", "* !*.*"));
+ok(pagespec_match("foo", "foo bar"), "simple list");
+ok(pagespec_match("bar", "foo bar"), "simple list 2");
+ok(pagespec_match("foo", "f?? !foz"));
+ok(! pagespec_match("foo", "f?? !foo"));
+ok(! pagespec_match("foo", "* !foo"));
+ok(! pagespec_match("foo", "foo !foo"));
+ok(! pagespec_match("foo.png", "* !*.*"));
use strict;
use Test::More tests => 25;
+BEGIN { use_ok("IkiWiki"); }
sub same {
my $a=shift;
my $b=shift;
my $match=shift;
- my $imatch=(IkiWiki::pagespec_match($match, $a) ||
- IkiWiki::pagespec_match($match, $b));
- my $cmatch=IkiWiki::pagespec_match($match, IkiWiki::pagespec_merge($a, $b));
+ my $imatch=(pagespec_match($match, $a) ||
+ pagespec_match($match, $b));
+ my $cmatch=pagespec_match($match, IkiWiki::pagespec_merge($a, $b));
return $imatch == $cmatch;
-BEGIN { use_ok("IkiWiki"); }
ok(same("foo", "bar", "foo"), "basic match 1");
ok(same("foo", "bar", "bar"), "basic match 2");
ok(same("foo", "bar", "foobar"), "basic failed match");
ok(same("b??", "!b?z", "bar"), "matching glob and non-matching inverted glob");
ok(same("f?? !f?z", "!bar", "bar"), "matching glob and non-matching inverted glob");
ok(same("!foo bar baz", "!bar", "bar"), "matching list and matching inversion");
IkiWiki::pagespec_merge("* !*/Discussion", "*/Discussion")), "should match");
ok(same("* !*/Discussion", "*/Discussion", "foo/Discussion"), "Discussion merge 1");
ok(same("*/Discussion", "* !*/Discussion", "foo/Discussion"), "Discussion merge 2");
BEGIN { use_ok("IkiWiki"); }
# should read files as utf8
-ok(Encode::is_utf8(IkiWiki::readfile("t/test1.mdwn"), 1));
+ok(Encode::is_utf8(readfile("t/test1.mdwn"), 1));
Encode::decode_utf8(''."\n".'óóóóó'."\n"));
dotfidf: true
scancheck: false
smplphrase: true
+phraseform: 2
candetail: true
smlrvnum: 0
smlrtune: 16 1024 4096