-Ok, I'm confused. See http://lovesgoodfood.com/jason/tags/napowrimo/ and http://lovesgoodfood.com/jason/tags/NaPoWriMo/ for two examples of not picking up pages quite right. I didn't realize that tags are randomly case-sensitive while still capitalized in the output title? See the list of backlinks on each. Also, the only pages actually being ''listed'' are from a year ago, but the backlinks include current pages. The posts ''are'' being included on http://lovesgoodfood.com/jason/tags/poetry/ . The feeds are populated on my host, but not on my laptop (Debian unstable-ish, as opposed to a git pull on my host).
+Ok, I'm confused. See http://lovesgoodfood.com/jason/tags/napowrimo/ and
+http://lovesgoodfood.com/jason/tags/NaPoWriMo/ for two examples of not
+picking up pages quite right. I didn't realize that tags are randomly
+case-sensitive while still capitalized in the output title? See the list
+of backlinks on each. Also, the only pages actually being ''listed'' are
+from a year ago, but the backlinks include current pages. The posts
+''are'' being included on http://lovesgoodfood.com/jason/tags/poetry/ .
+The feeds are populated on my host, but not on my laptop (Debian
+unstable-ish, as opposed to a git pull on my host).