use warnings;
use strict;
-use Test::More; my $total_tests = 42;
+use Test::More; my $total_tests = 69;
use IkiWiki;
my $default_test_methods = '^test_*';
# - when the first comment for page.mdwn is added, and page/ is
# created to hold the comment, page/ isn't added to CVS control,
# so the comment isn't either
+ # - can't reproduce after chmod g+s ikiwiki.cgi (20120204)
# - side effect for moderated comments: after approval they
# show up normally AND are still pending, too
# - comments.pm treats rcs_commit_staged() as returning conflicts?
# cvs.pm operations are always occurring inside $config{srcdir}
# other ikiwiki operations are occurring wherever, and are unaffected
# when are we bothering with "local $CWD" and when aren't we?
+ # after commit, presumably only with post-commit hook enabled:
+ #> Use of chdir('') or chdir(undef) as chdir() is deprecated at
+ #> /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.14.0/File/chdir.pm line 45.
sub test_cvs_info {
# steal from git.pm: safe_git(), run_or_{die,cry,non}
# - open() instead of system()
# always call cvs_run_cvs(), don't ever run 'cvs' directly
+ # - for cvs_info(), make it respect wantarray
sub test_cvs_run_cvsps {
# parameterize command like run_cvs()
# expose config vars for e.g. "--cvs-direct -z 30"
# always pass -x (unless proven otherwise)
+ # - but diff doesn't! optimization alert
# always pass -b HEAD (configurable like gitmaster_branch?)
sub test_checkconfig {
- # undef cvspath, expect "ikiwiki"
- # define cvspath normally, get it back
- # define cvspath in a subdir, get it back?
- # define cvspath with extra slashes, get sanitized version back
- # - yoink test_extra_path_slashes
- # undef cvs_wrapper, expect $config{wrappers} same size as before
- my $initial_cvspath = $config{cvspath};
- $config{cvspath} = "/ikiwiki//";
+ my $default_cvspath = 'ikiwiki';
+ undef $config{cvspath}; IkiWiki::checkconfig();
+ is(
+ $config{cvspath}, $default_cvspath,
+ q{can provide default cvspath},
+ );
+ $config{cvspath} = "/$default_cvspath/"; IkiWiki::checkconfig();
+ is(
+ $config{cvspath}, $default_cvspath,
+ q{can set typical cvspath and strip well-meaning slashes},
+ );
+ $config{cvspath} = "/$default_cvspath//subdir"; IkiWiki::checkconfig();
+ is(
+ $config{cvspath}, "$default_cvspath/subdir",
+ q{can really sanitize cvspath as assumed by rcs_recentchanges},
+ );
+ my $default_num_wrappers = @{$config{wrappers}};
+ undef $config{cvs_wrapper}; IkiWiki::checkconfig();
+ is(
+ @{$config{wrappers}}, $default_num_wrappers,
+ q{can start with no wrappers configured},
+ );
+ $config{cvs_wrapper} = $config{cvsrepo} . "/CVSROOT/post-commit";
- $config{cvspath},
- $initial_cvspath,
- q{rcs_recentchanges assumes checkconfig has sanitized cvspath},
+ @{$config{wrappers}}, ++$default_num_wrappers,
+ q{can add cvs_wrapper},
+ undef $config{cvs_wrapper};
+ $config{cvspath} = $default_cvspath;
+ IkiWiki::checkconfig();
sub test_getsetup {
# for existing file, returns latest revision in repo
# - what's this used for? should it return latest revision in checkout?
# for new file, returns empty string
+ # netbsd web log says "could not open lock file"
+ # XXX does this work right?
+ # how about with un-added dirs in the srcdir?
+ # how about with cvsps.core lying around?
sub test_rcs_commit {
# git.pm receives "session" param -- useful here?
# web commits start with "web commit {by,from} "
# seeing File::chdir errors on commit?
+ # XXX commit can fail due to "could not open lock file"
sub test_rcs_commit_staged {
my $message = "add a top-level ASCII (non-UTF-8) page via VCS API";
my $file = q{test0.mdwn};
- add_and_commit($file, $message, q{* some plain ASCII text});
+ add_and_commit($file, $message, qq{# \$Id\$\n* some plain ASCII text});
- is_in_keyword_substitution_mode($file, undef);
+ is_in_keyword_substitution_mode($file, q{-kkv});
+ like(
+ readfile($config{srcdir} . "/$file"),
+ qr/^# \$Id: $file,v 1.1 .+\$$/m,
+ q{can expand RCS Id keyword},
+ );
@changes = IkiWiki::rcs_recentchanges(3);
is_total_number_of_changes(\@changes, 1);
is_most_recent_change(\@changes, stripext($file), $message);
$file = q{test4/test5/test1.mdwn};
add_and_commit($file, $message, readfile("t/test1.mdwn"));
- is_in_keyword_substitution_mode($file, undef);
+ is_in_keyword_substitution_mode($file, q{-kkv});
@changes = IkiWiki::rcs_recentchanges(3);
is_total_number_of_changes(\@changes, 2);
is_most_recent_change(\@changes, stripext($file), $message);
$message = "add a UTF-8 and a binary file in different dirs";
my $file1 = "test8/test9.mdwn";
my $file2 = "test10/test11.ico";
- can_mkdir(qw(test8 test10));
+ can_mkdir($_) for (qw(test8 test10));
writefile($file1, $config{srcdir}, readfile('t/test2.mdwn'));
writefile($file2, $config{srcdir}, $bindata_in, 1);
IkiWiki::rcs_add($_) for ($file1, $file2);
IkiWiki::rcs_commit_staged(message => $message);
is_newly_added($_) for ($file1, $file2);
- is_in_keyword_substitution_mode($file1, undef);
- is_in_keyword_substitution_mode($file2, '-kb');
+ is_in_keyword_substitution_mode($file1, q{-kkv});
+ is_in_keyword_substitution_mode($file2, q{-kb});
@changes = IkiWiki::rcs_recentchanges(3);
is_total_number_of_changes(\@changes, 3);
@changes = IkiWiki::rcs_recentchanges(4);
# XXX test for both files in the commit, and no other files
is_most_recent_change(\@changes, $file2, $message);
+ $message = "remove the UTF-8 and binary files we just added";
+ IkiWiki::rcs_remove($_) for ($file1, $file2);
+ IkiWiki::rcs_commit_staged(message => $message);
+ ok(-d "$config{srcdir}/test8", q{empty dir not pruned (1)});
+ @changes = IkiWiki::rcs_recentchanges(11);
+ ok(-d "$config{srcdir}/test8", q{empty dir not pruned (2)});
+ is_total_number_of_changes(\@changes, 5);
+ # XXX test for both files in the commit, and no other files
+ is_most_recent_change(\@changes, $file2, $message);
+ $message = "re-add UTF-8 and binary files with names swapped";
+ writefile($file2, $config{srcdir}, readfile('t/test2.mdwn'));
+ writefile($file1, $config{srcdir}, $bindata_in, 1);
+ IkiWiki::rcs_add($_) for ($file1, $file2);
+ IkiWiki::rcs_commit_staged(message => $message);
+ isnt_newly_added($_) for ($file1, $file2);
+ is_in_keyword_substitution_mode($file2, q{-kkv});
+ is_in_keyword_substitution_mode($file1, q{-kb});
+ @changes = IkiWiki::rcs_recentchanges(11);
+ is_total_number_of_changes(\@changes, 6);
+ # XXX test for both files in the commit, and no other files
+ is_most_recent_change(\@changes, $file2, $message);
# prevent web edits from attempting to create .../CVS/foo.mdwn
# on case-insensitive filesystems, also prevent .../cvs/foo.mdwn
# unless your "CVS" is something else and we've made it configurable
+ # also want a pre-commit hook for this?
- # can it assume we're under CVS control? or must it check?
+ # pre-commit hook:
+ # - lcase filenames
+ # - ?
- # extract method: filetype-guessing
- # add a binary file, remove it, add a text file by same name, no -kb?
- # add a text file, remove it, add a binary file by same name, -kb?
+ # can it assume we're under CVS control? or must it check?
sub test_rcs_remove {
sub test_rcs_diff {
+ my @changes = IkiWiki::rcs_recentchanges(3);
+ is_total_number_of_changes(\@changes, 0);
+ my $message = "add a UTF-8 and an ASCII file in different dirs";
+ my $file1 = "rcsdiff1/utf8.mdwn";
+ my $file2 = "rcsdiff2/ascii.mdwn";
+ my $contents2 = ''; $contents2 .= "$_. foo\n" for (1..11);
+ can_mkdir($_) for (qw(rcsdiff1 rcsdiff2));
+ writefile($file1, $config{srcdir}, readfile('t/test2.mdwn'));
+ writefile($file2, $config{srcdir}, $contents2);
+ IkiWiki::rcs_add($_) for ($file1, $file2);
+ IkiWiki::rcs_commit_staged(message => $message);
+ # XXX we rely on rcs_recentchanges() to be called first!
+ # XXX or else for no cvsps cache to exist yet...
+ # XXX because rcs_diff() doesn't pass -x (as an optimization)
+ @changes = IkiWiki::rcs_recentchanges(3);
+ is_total_number_of_changes(\@changes, 1);
+ my $changeset = 1;
+ my $maxlines = undef;
+ my $scalar_diffs = IkiWiki::rcs_diff($changeset, $maxlines);
+ like(
+ $scalar_diffs,
+ qr/^\+11\. foo$/m,
+ q{unbounded scalar diffs go all the way to 11},
+ );
+ my @array_diffs = IkiWiki::rcs_diff($changeset, $maxlines);
+ is(
+ $array_diffs[$#array_diffs],
+ "+11. foo\n",
+ q{unbounded array diffs go all the way to 11},
+ );
+ $maxlines = 8;
+ $scalar_diffs = IkiWiki::rcs_diff($changeset, $maxlines);
+ unlike(
+ $scalar_diffs,
+ qr/^\+11\. foo$/m,
+ q{bounded scalar diffs don't go all the way to 11},
+ );
+ @array_diffs = IkiWiki::rcs_diff($changeset, $maxlines);
+ isnt(
+ $array_diffs[$#array_diffs],
+ "+11. foo\n",
+ q{bounded array diffs don't go all the way to 11},
+ );
+ is(
+ scalar @array_diffs,
+ $maxlines,
+ q{bounded array diffs contain expected maximum number of lines},
+ );
# can it assume we're under CVS control? or must it check?
- # in list context, return all lines (with \n), up to $maxlines if set
- # in scalar context, return the whole diff, up to $maxlines if set
sub test_rcs_getctime {
-sub is_newly_added {
- my $file = shift;
- is(
+sub is_newly_added { _newly_added_or_not(shift, 1) }
+sub isnt_newly_added { _newly_added_or_not(shift, 0) }
+sub _newly_added_or_not {
+ my ($file, $expected_new) = @_;
+ my ($func, $word);
+ if ($expected_new) {
+ $func = \&Test::More::is;
+ $word = q{is};
+ }
+ else {
+ $func = \&Test::More::isnt;
+ $word = q{isn't};
+ }
+ $func->(
IkiWiki::Plugin::cvs::cvs_info("Repository revision", $file),
- qq{$file is newly added to CVS},
+ qq{$file $word newly added to CVS},
sub is_in_keyword_substitution_mode {
my ($file, $mode) = @_;
- $mode = '(none)' unless defined $mode;
IkiWiki::Plugin::cvs::cvs_info("Sticky Options", $file),