my $form = CGI::FormBuilder->new(
fields => [qw{do sid page subject editcontent type author
- url subscribe}],
+ email url subscribe anonsubscribe}],
charset => 'utf-8',
method => 'POST',
required => [qw{editcontent}],
my $username=$session->param('name');
$form->tmpl_param(username => $username);
- if (defined $username && IkiWiki::Plugin::notifyemail->can("subscribe")) {
- $form->field(name => "subscribe",
- options => [gettext("email replies to me")]);
- }
- else {
- $form->field(name => "subscribe", type => 'hidden');
+ $form->field(name => "subscribe", type => 'hidden');
+ $form->field(name => "anonsubscribe", type => 'hidden');
+ if (IkiWiki::Plugin::notifyemail->can("subscribe")) {
+ if (defined $username) {
+ $form->field(name => "subscribe", type => "checkbox",
+ options => [gettext("email replies to me")]);
+ }
+ elsif (IkiWiki::Plugin::passwordauth->can("anonuser")) {
+ $form->field(name => "anonsubscribe", type => "checkbox",
+ options => [gettext("email replies to me")]);
+ }
if ($config{comments_allowauthor} and
! defined $session->param('name')) {
$form->tmpl_param(allowauthor => 1);
$form->field(name => 'author', type => 'text', size => '40');
+ $form->field(name => 'email', type => 'text', size => '40');
$form->field(name => 'url', type => 'text', size => '40');
else {
$form->tmpl_param(allowauthor => 0);
$form->field(name => 'author', type => 'hidden', value => '',
force => 1);
+ $form->field(name => 'email', type => 'hidden', value => '',
+ force => 1);
$form->field(name => 'url', type => 'hidden', value => '',
force => 1);
if ($form->submitted eq POST_COMMENT && $form->validate) {
IkiWiki::checksessionexpiry($cgi, $session);
- if (defined $username && length $form->field("subscribe") &&
- IkiWiki::Plugin::notifyemail->can("subscribe")) {
- IkiWiki::Plugin::notifyemail::subscribe($username,
- "comment($page)");
+ if (IkiWiki::Plugin::notifyemail->can("subscribe")) {
+ my $subspec="comment($page)";
+ if (defined $username &&
+ length $form->field("subscribe")) {
+ IkiWiki::Plugin::notifyemail::subscribe(
+ $username, $subspec);
+ }
+ elsif (length $form->field("email") &&
+ length $form->field("anonsubscribe")) {
+ IkiWiki::Plugin::notifyemail::anonsubscribe(
+ $form->field("email"), $subspec);
+ }
sub getavatar ($) {
my $user=shift;
+ return undef unless defined $user;
my $avatar;
eval q{use Libravatar::URL};
if (! $@) {
length $pagespec ? $pagespec." or ".$addpagespec : $addpagespec);
+# Called by other plugins to subscribe an email to a pagespec.
+sub anonsubscribe ($$) {
+ my $email=shift;
+ my $addpagespec=shift;
+ if (IkiWiki::Plugin::passwordauth->can("anonuser")) {
+ my $user=IkiWiki::Plugin::passwordauth::anonuser($email);
+ if (! defined $user) {
+ error(gettext("Cannot subscribe your email address without logging in."));
+ }
+ subscribe($user, $addpagespec);
+ }
sub notify (@) {
my @files=@_;
return unless @files;
if (pagetype($file) eq '_comment') {
$subject=gettext("comment notification:")." ".$pagedesc;
+ my $prefsurl=IkiWiki::cgiurl_abs(do => 'prefs');
+ if (IkiWiki::Plugin::passwordauth->can("anonusertoken")) {
+ my $token=IkiWiki::Plugin::passwordauth::anonusertoken($userinfo->{$user});
+ $prefsurl=IkiWiki::cgiurl_abs(
+ do => 'tokenauth',
+ name => $user,
+ token => $token,
+ ) if defined $token;
+ }
my $template=template("notifyemail.tmpl");
wikiname => $config{wikiname},
url => $url,
- prefsurl => IkiWiki::cgiurl_abs(do => 'prefs'),
+ prefsurl => $prefsurl,
showcontent => $showcontent,
content => $content,
# Setting the password clears any passwordless login token.
if ($field ne 'passwordless') {
- IkiWiki::userinfo_set($user, "cryptpasswordless", "");
IkiWiki::userinfo_set($user, "passwordless", "");
+# Generates a token that can be used to log the user in.
+# This needs to be hard to guess. Generating a cgi session id will
+# make it as hard to guess as any cgi session.
+sub gentoken ($$;$) {
+ my $user=shift;
+ my $tokenfield=shift;
+ my $reversable=shift;
+ eval q{use CGI::Session};
+ error($@) if $@;
+ my $token = CGI::Session->new->id;
+ if (! $reversable) {
+ setpassword($user, $token, $tokenfield);
+ }
+ else {
+ IkiWiki::userinfo_set($user, $tokenfield, $token);
+ }
+ return $token;
+# An anonymous user has no normal password, only a passwordless login
+# token. Given an email address, this sets up such a user for that email,
+# unless one already exists, and returns the username.
+sub anonuser ($) {
+ my $email=shift;
+ # Want a username for this email that won't overlap with any other.
+ my $user=$email;
+ $user=~s/@/_/g;
+ my $userinfo=IkiWiki::userinfo_retrieve();
+ if (! exists $userinfo->{$user} || ! ref $userinfo->{$user}) {
+ if (IkiWiki::userinfo_setall($user, {
+ 'email' => $email,
+ 'regdate' => time})) {
+ gentoken($user, "passwordless", 1);
+ return $user;
+ }
+ else {
+ error(gettext("Error creating account."));
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (defined anonusertoken($userinfo->{$user})) {
+ return $user;
+ }
+ else {
+ return undef;
+ }
+sub anonusertoken ($) {
+ my $userhash=shift;
+ if (exists $userhash->{passwordless} &&
+ length $userhash->{passwordless}) {
+ return $userhash->{passwordless};
+ }
+ else {
+ return undef;
+ }
sub formbuilder_setup (@) {
my %params=@_;
if (! length $email) {
error(gettext("No email address, so cannot email password reset instructions."));
- # Store a token that can be used once
- # to log the user in. This needs to be hard
- # to guess. Generating a cgi session id will
- # make it as hard to guess as any cgi session.
- eval q{use CGI::Session};
- error($@) if $@;
- my $token = CGI::Session->new->id;
- setpassword($user_name, $token, "resettoken");
+ my $token=gentoken($user_name, "resettoken");
my $template=template("passwordmail.tmpl");
<label for="url" class="block">Website:</label>
<br />
+<label for="url" class="block">Email:</label>
+<br />
(You might want to <a href="<TMPL_VAR SIGNINURL>">Signin</a> first?)
<br />