-ikiwiki (3.20170109) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+ikiwiki (3.20170110) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Amitai Schleier ]
* wrappers: Correctly escape quotes in git_wrapper_background_command
build-dependency, with virtual package libmagickcore-extra as an
alternative, to help autopkgtest to do the right thing
- -- Simon McVittie <smcv@debian.org> Mon, 09 Jan 2017 14:33:19 +0000
+ -- Simon McVittie <smcv@debian.org> Tue, 10 Jan 2017 13:22:01 +0000
ikiwiki (3.20161229.1) unstable; urgency=medium
+++ /dev/null
-ikiwiki 3.20160728 released with [[!toggle text="these changes"]]
-[[!toggleable text="""
- * Explicitly remove current working directory from Perl's library
- search path, mitigating [[!debcve CVE-2016-1238]] (see [[!debbug 588017]])
- * wrappers: allocate new environment dynamically, so we won't overrun
- the array if third-party plugins add multiple environment variables.
- * Standards-Version: 3.9.8 (no changes required)
--- /dev/null
+ikiwiki 3.20170110 released with [[!toggle text="these changes"]]
+[[!toggleable text="""
+ * [ Amitai Schleier ]
+ * wrappers: Correctly escape quotes in git\_wrapper\_background\_command
+ * [ Simon McVittie ]
+ * git: use an explicit function parameter for the directory to work
+ in. Previously, we used global state that was not restored correctly
+ on catching exceptions, causing an unintended log message
+ "cannot chdir to .../ikiwiki-temp-working: No such file or directory"
+ with versions >= 3.20161229 when an attempt to revert a change fails
+ or is disallowed
+ * git: don't run "git rev-list ... -- -- ..." which would select the
+ wrong commits if a file named literally "--" is present in the
+ repository
+ * check\_canchange: log "bad file name whatever", not literal string
+ "bad file name %s"
+ * t/git-cgi.t: fix a race condition that made the test fail
+ intermittently
+ * t/git-cgi.t: be more careful to provide a syntactically valid
+ author/committer name and email, hopefully fixing this test on
+ ci.debian.net
+ * templates, comments, passwordauth: use rel=nofollow microformat
+ for dynamic URLs
+ * templates: use rel=nofollow microformat for comment authors
+ * news: use Debian security tracker instead of MITRE for security
+ references. Thanks, anarcat
+ * Set package format to 3.0 (native)
+ * d/copyright: re-order to put more specific stanzas later, to get the
+ intended interpretation
+ * d/source/lintian-overrides: override obsolete-url-in-packaging for
+ OpenID Selector, which does not seem to have any more current URL
+ (and in any case our version is a fork)
+ * docwiki.setup: exclude TourBusStop from offline documentation.
+ It does not make much sense there.
+ * d/ikiwiki.lintian-overrides: override script-not-executable warnings
+ * d/ikiwiki.lintian-overrides: silence false positive spelling warning
+ for Moin Moin
+ * d/ikiwiki.doc-base: register the documentation with doc-base
+ * d/control: set libmagickcore-6.q16-3-extra as preferred
+ build-dependency, with virtual package libmagickcore-extra as an
+ alternative, to help autopkgtest to do the right thing"""]]
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