+The spammers have just found my ikiwiki. I have my main pages locked but allow open changes to my discussion pages and in the last few days one page in particular has been overwritten by spam about nine times, each edit was from a different IP address.
+<http://adam.shand.net/iki/recentchanges/> (sorry for the funny formatting, I upgraded to the latest version and haven't tracked down what changed yet)
+I'll probably lock down my discussion pages to require a login of some sort and hopefully that will slow them down. Is anyone else seeing problems on their wiki?
+As far as techniques for reducing spam I've found the [MoinMoin technique](http://moinmo.in/HelpOnSpam) of refusing to allow page saves with [known spam URLs](http://moinmo.in/BadContent) combined with a group maintained list of URLs to be fairly effective.