use warnings;
use strict;
-use Test::More; my $total_tests = 69;
+use Test::More; my $total_tests = 71;
use IkiWiki;
my $default_test_methods = '^test_*';
sub test_chdir_magic {
- # cvs.pm operations are always occurring inside $config{srcdir}
- # other ikiwiki operations are occurring wherever, and are unaffected
# when are we bothering with "local $CWD" and when aren't we?
- # after commit, presumably only with post-commit hook enabled:
- #> Use of chdir('') or chdir(undef) as chdir() is deprecated at
- #> /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.14.0/File/chdir.pm line 45.
sub test_cvs_info {
# - else, revert + return content with the conflict markers in it
# git.pm receives "session" param -- useful here?
# web commits start with "web commit {by,from} "
- # seeing File::chdir errors on commit?
# XXX commit can fail due to "could not open lock file"
is_in_keyword_substitution_mode($file, q{-kkv});
readfile($config{srcdir} . "/$file"),
- qr/^# \$Id: $file,v 1.1 .+\$$/m,
+ qr/^# \$Id: $file,v 1\.1 .+\$$/m,
q{can expand RCS Id keyword},
+ my $generated_file = $config{destdir} . q{/test0/index.html};
+ ok(-e $generated_file, q{post-commit hook generates content});
+ like(
+ readfile($generated_file),
+ qr/^<h1>\$Id: $file,v 1\.1 .+\$<\/h1>$/m,
+ q{can htmlize mdwn, including RCS Id},
+ );
@changes = IkiWiki::rcs_recentchanges(3);
is_total_number_of_changes(\@changes, 1);
is_most_recent_change(\@changes, stripext($file), $message);
$message = "remove the UTF-8 and binary files we just added";
IkiWiki::rcs_remove($_) for ($file1, $file2);
IkiWiki::rcs_commit_staged(message => $message);
- ok(-d "$config{srcdir}/test8", q{empty dir not pruned (1)});
+ ok(! -d "$config{srcdir}/test8", q{empty dir pruned by post-commit});
+ ok(! -d "$config{srcdir}/test10", q{empty dir pruned by post-commit});
@changes = IkiWiki::rcs_recentchanges(11);
- ok(-d "$config{srcdir}/test8", q{empty dir not pruned (2)});
is_total_number_of_changes(\@changes, 5);
# XXX test for both files in the commit, and no other files
is_most_recent_change(\@changes, $file2, $message);
sub _startup {
my $can_plan = shift;
+ hook(type => "genwrapper", id => "cvstest", call => \&_wrapper_paths);
%config = IkiWiki::defaultconfig();
$config{rcs} = "cvs";
$config{srcdir} = "$dir/src";
+ $config{allow_symlinks_before_srcdir} = 1;
+ $config{destdir} = "$dir/dest";
$config{cvsrepo} = "$dir/repo";
$config{cvspath} = "ikiwiki";
+ use Cwd; $config{templatedir} = getcwd() . '/templates';
my $cvs = "cvs -d $config{cvsrepo}";
my $dn = ">/dev/null";
system "$cvs init $dn";
system "mkdir $dir/$config{cvspath} $dn";
system "cd $dir/$config{cvspath} && "
. "$cvs import -m import $config{cvspath} VENDOR RELEASE $dn";
system "rm -rf $dir/$config{cvspath} $dn";
system "$cvs co -d $config{srcdir} $config{cvspath} $dn";
+ _generate_and_configure_post_commit_hook();
+sub _generate_and_configure_post_commit_hook {
+ $config{cvs_wrapper} = $config{cvsrepo} . "/CVSROOT/test-post";
+ $config{wrapper} = $config{cvs_wrapper};
+ require IkiWiki::Wrapper;
+ {
+ no warnings 'once';
+ $IkiWiki::program_to_wrap = 'ikiwiki.out';
+ # XXX substitute its interpreter to Makefile's $(PERL)
+ # XXX best solution: do this to all scripts during build
+ }
+ IkiWiki::gen_wrapper();
+ my $cvs = "cvs -d $config{cvsrepo}";
+ my $dn = ">/dev/null";
+ system "mkdir $config{destdir} $dn";
+ system "cd $dir && $cvs co CVSROOT $dn && cd CVSROOT && " .
+ "echo 'DEFAULT $config{cvsrepo}/CVSROOT/test-post %{sVv} &' "
+ . " >> loginfo && "
+ . "$cvs commit -m 'test repo setup' $dn && "
+ . "cd .. && rm -rf CVSROOT";
sub add_and_commit {
$file =~ s|$extension$||g;
return $file;
+sub _wrapper_paths {
+ return qq{newenviron[i++]="PERL5LIB=$ENV{PERL5LIB}";};