This reverts commit
I forgot about internal pages. We don't want * matching them!
I left the optimisation in pagecount, where it used to live.
Internal pages probably don't matter when they're just being
my $spec=shift;
my @params=@_;
- return @$pages if $spec eq '*'; # optimisation
my $sub=pagespec_translate($spec);
error "syntax error in pagespec \"$spec\""
if $@ || ! defined $sub;
# register a dependency.
add_depends($params{page}, $params{pages});
- my @pages=pagespec_match_list([keys %pagesources], $params{pages}, location => $params{page});
+ my @pages=keys %pagesources;
+ @pages=pagespec_match_list(\@pages, $params{pages}, location => $params{page})
+ if $params{pages} ne "*"; # optimisation;
return $#pages+1;