--- /dev/null
+[[!comment format=mdwn
+ username="smcv"
+ avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/0ee943fe632ff995f6f0f25b7167d03b"
+ subject="comment 1"
+ date="2017-02-09T12:13:02Z"
+ content="""
+Did you expect http://svetlana.nfshost.com/irc/freenode/index.en.html to be translatable into Russian and not have backlinks, for instance?
+This looks like you have changed configuration/templates and not (successfully!) done a full rebuild since then - but you said \"I think rebuilding the wiki is not affecting this problem\" so presumably you have *tried* to rebuild the wiki, it just didn't work (or didn't completely work). What exact command did you use, and what was its output?