--- /dev/null
+[[!comment format=mdwn
+ username="smcv"
+ ip=""
+ subject="comment 13"
+ date="2014-10-23T08:06:48Z"
+ content="""
+> I was told here that there is a patch already
+That patch is for the po plugin, which is specifically designed for a wiki
+in which every page `foo` is written in a \"master language\" (often English)
+in a file like `/foo.mdwn`, and then translated into secondary languages
+via translation files like `/foo.ar.po`.
+If that doesn't describe your wiki, then the po plugin is not intended
+for you, and you would be better off with a change to the meta plugin
+to make it possible to emit the same language and/or direction
+attributes in the HTML, but triggered by different source code.
--- /dev/null
+[[!comment format=mdwn
+ username="openmedi"
+ ip=""
+ subject="comment 1"
+ date="2014-10-22T22:01:41Z"
+ content="""
+Okay. I figured it out with help from the nearlyfreespeech forum. It had nothing to do with ikiwiki. Nonetheless here's the solution, for posterity: You can check, if PerlMagick is installed by running ```perl -MImage::Magick -e \"print $Image::Magick::VERSION\"```. If it isn't, you will get an error that looks like this:
+>```Can't locate Image/Magick.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.16/BSDPAN /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.16/mach /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.16 /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.16/mach /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.16 .).
+BEGIN failed--compilation aborted. ```
+If that's the case, you might have to upgrade/switch to a new \"realm\". As of the time of this writing PerlMagick is installed in the realms \"indigo\" and \"white\". How this is done, is described in the members only FAQ of nfs.
--- /dev/null
+[[!comment format=mdwn
+ username="smcv"
+ ip=""
+ subject="comment 3"
+ date="2014-10-23T07:57:39Z"
+ content="""
+> The Arabic pages on your wiki seem to have the Arabic in LTR, instead of the intended RTL
+As I said on the other forum thread, it does look to me as though it is RTL;
+the display bug is that it's left-justified (text-align: left) because the
+blueview stylesheet explicitly (and unnecessarily?) left-aligns text.
+You can test RTL/LTR in English by putting a distinctive directionless punctuation
+character at the beginning and end of a paragraph like this:
+ <p dir=\"ltr\">• This renders with a bullet on the left and an ellipsis on the right…</p>
+ <p dir=\"rtl\">• This renders with a bullet on the right and an ellipsis on the left…</p>
+The actual text still goes left-to-right because Latin characters are known
+to be left-to-right by the Unicode bidi algorithm, but the punctuation moves
+around, and in ikiwiki themes other than blueview and goldtype, the alignment
+changes too:
+<p dir=\"ltr\">• This renders with a bullet on the left and an ellipsis on the right…</p>
+<p dir=\"rtl\">• This renders with a bullet on the right and an ellipsis on the left…</p>
+More test-cases:
+* <http://actiontabs.hosted.pseudorandom.co.uk/rtl/>
+* <http://blueview.hosted.pseudorandom.co.uk/rtl/>
+* <http://goldtype.hosted.pseudorandom.co.uk/rtl/>
+* <http://unthemed.hosted.pseudorandom.co.uk/rtl/>
displaying it on your website, you can use as a template:
<img src="<TMPL_VAR DESTURL>">
+# Download
+Code and documentation can be found here : [[https://atelier.gresille.org/projects/gresille-ikiwiki/wiki/Compile]].
--- /dev/null
+[[!tag wishlist]]
+Maybe I'm not using ikiwiki right, and I'll appreciate any advice on this, but
+it seems to me that using ikiwiki instead of a mailing lists has some major
+weaknesses which I fail to overcome, but which may be possible to fix, maybe
+using some client-side software.
+The problem: Mailing lists give me things I need but can't find here, so I'm
+failing to track the [[/forum]], [[/todo]] and so on:
+- With MLs I can easily see what I read, to what I replied, mark things with
+ colors and labels if my MUA supports it
+- With MLs I can easily send a reply, without going through git. Reading and
+ writing happen together in the same dedicated UI
+I know I can subscribe to [[forum]] and to individual posts' comment feeds, but
+it's not the same - I don't see the tree of comments like in e-mail. Either I
+sort by creation time (not seeing evidence of more recent replies) or by
+last-edited time, or perhaps by last comment (then busy pages cause less busy
+ones quickly go deep into the list and are never seen by the user).
+Is there an existing solution to this?
+Random ideas, maybe direction for a solution:
+- Make client software which takes a local git clone of a wiki and operates on
+ it, while the user sees an MUA-like interface
+- Add some plugin to ikiwiki that can cooperate with an MTA: listen to e-mail
+ on a mailing list with specific formatting and put the content into a wiki.
+What do you think? How do you keep track of the forum etc. in the same way it's
+done with mailing lists?
+(I don't mind a hacked solution that solves the problem for me, but if it's not just
+me being crazy, I prefer a general-purpose solution that helps everyone)
+-- [[fr33domlover]]