-I'm using a [plugin](http://metameso.org/~joe/math/tex.pm) created by [Josef Urban](http://www.cs.ru.nl/~urban) that gets LaTeX into ikiwiki by using [LaTeXML](http://dlmf.nist.gov/LaTeXML). This could well be "the right way" to go (long term) but the plugin still does not render math expressions right, because ikiwiki is filtering out requisite header information. Examples (I recommend you use Firefox to view these!) are available [here](http://metameso.org/aa/math/) and [here](http://metameso.org/aa/simple/). Compare that last example to the [file generated by LaTeXML](http://metameso.org/~joe/math/math.xml). I could use some help getting this polished off. --[[jcorneli]]
+I'm using a [plugin](http://metameso.org/~joe/math/tex.pm) created by [Josef Urban](http://www.cs.ru.nl/~urban) that gets LaTeX into ikiwiki by using [LaTeXML](http://dlmf.nist.gov/LaTeXML). This could well be "the right way" to go (long term) but the plugin still does not render math expressions right, because ikiwiki is filtering out requisite header information. Examples (I recommend you use Firefox to view these!) are available [here](http://metameso.org/aa/math/) and [here](http://metameso.org/aa/simple/). Compare that last example to the [file generated by LaTeXML](http://metameso.org/~joe/math/math.xml). I posted the sources [here](http://metameso.org/aa/sources/) for easy perusal. How to get ikiwiki to use the original DOCTYPE and html fields? I could use some help getting this polished off. --[[jcorneli]]