+# This is a sample configuration file for code_swarm for ikiwiki
+# Frame width
+# Frame height
+# Input file
+# Particle sprite file
+# Project time per frame
+# Background in R,G,B
+# Color assignment rules
+# Keep in order, do not skip numbers. Numbers start
+# at 1.
+# Pattern: "Label", "regex", R,G,B R,G,B
+# Label is optional. If it is omitted, the regex
+# will be used.
+ColorAssign1="Discussion (blue)",".*discussion.*", 0,0,255, 0,0,255
+ColorAssign2="Docs (green)",".*\.mdwn", 255,0,0, 255,0,0
+ColorAssign3="Plugins (orange)",".*Plugin/.*", 255,116,0, 255,116,0
+ColorAssign4="Code (red)",".*\.p[ml]", 0,255,0, 0,255,0
+# Save each frame to an image?
+# Where to save each frame
+# Create a glow around names? (Runs slower)
+# Natural distance of files to people
+# OpenGL is experimental. Use at your own risk.