added installation notes
added pointer in the forum page to the created tip
+**UPDATE** I have created a [[page|tips/follow_wikilinks_from_inside_vim]] in
+the tips section about the plugin, how to get it, install it and use it. Check
+that out. --[[jerojasro]]
I wrote a vim function to help me navigate the wiki when I'm editing it. It extends the 'gf' (goto file) functionality. Once installed, you place the cursor on a wiki page name and press 'gf' (without the quotes); if the file exists, it gets loaded.
This function takes into account the ikiwiki linking rules when deciding which file to go to.
I wrote a vim function to help me navigate the wiki when I'm editing it. It extends the 'gf' (goto file) functionality. Once installed, you place the cursor on a wiki page name and press 'gf' (without the quotes); if the file exists, it gets loaded.
This function takes into account the ikiwiki linking rules when deciding which file to go to.
* `:IkiNextWikiLink 0` will look forward for the wikilink
* `:IkiNextWikiLink 1` will look backwards for the wikilink
* `:IkiNextWikiLink 0` will look forward for the wikilink
* `:IkiNextWikiLink 1` will look backwards for the wikilink
+## Installation
+Copy the `ikiwiki_nav.vim` file to your `.vim/ftplugin` directory.
## Current issues:
* The plugin only works for wikilinks contained in a single text line;
## Current issues:
* The plugin only works for wikilinks contained in a single text line;