$local_cgiurl = $cgiurl->path;
- if ($cgiurl->scheme ne $baseurl->scheme or
- $cgiurl->authority ne $baseurl->authority) {
+ if ($cgiurl->scheme ne $baseurl->scheme) {
# too far apart, fall back to absolute URLs
$local_url = "$config{url}/";
$local_cgiurl = $config{cgiurl};
+ elsif ($cgiurl->authority ne $baseurl->authority) {
+ # slightly too far apart, fall back to
+ # protocol-relative URLs
+ $local_url = "$config{url}/";
+ $local_url =~ s{^https?://}{//};
+ $local_cgiurl = $config{cgiurl};
+ $local_cgiurl =~ s{^https?://}{//};
+ }
$local_url =~ s{//$}{/};
> protocol-relative URLs in this situation, but it isn't clear to me how
> widely-supported those are.
+>> HTML5 says protocol-relative URLs work, and they seem to be widely
+>> supported in practice, so I've changed the rule to: if the url and cgiurl
+>> share a scheme (protocol) but differ only by hostname, use `//foo/bar`
+>> protocol-relative URLs. This partially addresses this todo.
+>> I'm still thinking about what the right thing is for more complicated
+>> situations: see [[todo/design for cross-linking between content and CGI]].
+>> --[[smcv]]
> If you set both the `$config{url}` and `$config{cgiurl}` to https, but make
> the resulting HTML available over HTTP as well as HTTPS, that should work
> fine - accesses will be over http until the user either explicitly
$ENV{HTTPS} = 'on';
%bits = parse_cgi_content($content);
-TODO: {
-local $TODO = "avoid mixed content";
like($bits{basehref}, qr{^https://static.example.com/$});
like($bits{stylehref}, qr{^(?:(?:https:)?//static.example.com)?/style.css$});
like($bits{tophref}, qr{^(?:https:)?//static.example.com/$});
like($bits{cgihref}, qr{^(?:(?:https:)?//cgi.example.com)?/ikiwiki.cgi$});
# when accessed via a different hostname, links to the CGI (only) should
# stay on that host?
use warnings;
use strict;
-use Test::More tests => 26;
+use Test::More tests => 31;
BEGIN { use_ok("IkiWiki"); }
is(IkiWiki::cgiurl(cgiurl => 'https://foo/ikiwiki'), "https://foo/ikiwiki");
is(IkiWiki::cgiurl(do => 'badger', cgiurl => 'https://foo/ikiwiki'), "https://foo/ikiwiki?do=badger");
-# with url and cgiurl on different sites, "local" degrades to absolute
+# with url and cgiurl on different sites, "local" degrades to protocol-relative
$IkiWiki::config{url} = "http://example.co.uk/~smcv";
$IkiWiki::config{cgiurl} = "http://dynamic.example.co.uk/~smcv/ikiwiki.cgi";
is(IkiWiki::checkconfig(), 1);
-is(IkiWiki::cgiurl(), "http://dynamic.example.co.uk/~smcv/ikiwiki.cgi");
+is(IkiWiki::cgiurl(), "//dynamic.example.co.uk/~smcv/ikiwiki.cgi");
+is(IkiWiki::baseurl(undef), "//example.co.uk/~smcv/");
+is(IkiWiki::urlto('stoats', undef), "//example.co.uk/~smcv/stoats/");
+is(IkiWiki::urlto('', undef), "//example.co.uk/~smcv/");
+# with url and cgiurl on different schemes, "local" degrades to absolute
+$IkiWiki::config{url} = "http://example.co.uk/~smcv";
+$IkiWiki::config{cgiurl} = "https://dynamic.example.co.uk/~smcv/ikiwiki.cgi";
+is(IkiWiki::checkconfig(), 1);
+is(IkiWiki::cgiurl(), "https://dynamic.example.co.uk/~smcv/ikiwiki.cgi");
is(IkiWiki::baseurl(undef), "http://example.co.uk/~smcv/");
is(IkiWiki::urlto('stoats', undef), "http://example.co.uk/~smcv/stoats/");
is(IkiWiki::urlto('', undef), "http://example.co.uk/~smcv/");