+You'll might want to make some of these optional, but given the strange behaviour when old versions of certain modules are used, this is a nice sanity check.
+Index: Makefile.PL
+--- Makefile.PL (revision 2626)
++++ Makefile.PL (working copy)
+@@ -71,4 +71,20 @@
+ PREFIX => "/usr/local",
+ PM_FILTER => './pm_filter $(PREFIX) $(VER) $(PROBABLE_INST_LIB)',
+ MAN1PODS => {},
++ PREREQ_PM => {
++ 'Text::Markdown' => 0,
++ 'URI' => 0,
++ 'HTML::Parser' => 0,
++ 'CGI::Session' => 0,
++ 'CGI::FormBuilder' => 3.02.02,
++ 'Mail::Sendmail' => 0,
++ 'Time::Duration' => 0,
++ 'DateTime' => 0,
++ 'HTML::Scrubber' => 0,
++ 'RPC::XML' => 0,
++ 'XML::Simple' => 0,
++ 'XML::Feed' => 0,
++ 'File::MimeInfo' => 0,
++ 'Locale::gettext' => 1.04
++ }
+ );
\ No newline at end of file