+**Update** : So I took the chance to insert debug into ikiwiki.pm:
+ root@novalis:/usr/share/perl5# diff -p /tmp/IkiWiki.orig.pm IkiWiki.pm
+ *** /tmp/IkiWiki.orig.pm Sun Feb 14 15:16:08 2010
+ --- IkiWiki.pm Sun Feb 14 15:16:28 2010
+ *************** sub readfile ($;$$) {
+ *** 768,773 ****
+ --- 768,774 ----
+ }
+ local $/=undef;
+ + debug("opening File: $file:");
+ open (my $in, "<", $file) || error("failed to read $file: $!");
+ binmode($in) if ($binary);
+ return \*$in if $wantfd;
+But what I see now is not quite helpful, as it seems, STDERR and DEBUG are asyncronous, so they mix up in a way, that I can't really see, whats the problem ... Maybe I'm better off for troubleshooting, to insert an printf to strerr to have it in the same stream.. --[[jwalzer]]