-To learn to write things from scratch he's currently looking at Yesod and alternative frameworks in Haskell and in Rust, learning Haskell (since it's beautiful) and later on Rust (since it wants to be wise) to dig into functional languages for building some future proof applications. Being a studied Marxist and working as a sound engineer, musician and producer, running a small studio in an artists run space, he actually is doing this to be able to show to his small kids how importand the understanding of fundamentals is.
+To learn to write things from scratch he's currently looking at Yesod and alternative frameworks in Haskell and in Rust, learning Haskell (since it's beautiful) and later on Rust (since it wants to be wise) to dig into functional languages for building some future proof applications. Being a studied Marxist and working as a sound engineer, musician and producer, running a small studio in an artists run space, he actually is doing this to be able to show to his small kids how important the understanding of fundamentals is.