sub filter (@) { #{{{
my %params=@_;
build_regexp() unless defined $smiley_regexp;
- $params{content} =~ s{(?:^|(?<=\s))(\\?)$smiley_regexp(?:(?=\s)|$)}{
- $1 ? $2 : htmllink($params{page}, $params{destpage}, $smileys{$2}, linktext => $2)
- }egs if length $smiley_regexp;
+ $_=$params{content};
+ return $_ unless length $smiley_regexp;
+MATCH: while (m{(?:^|(?<=\s))(\\?)$smiley_regexp(?:(?=\s)|$)}g) {
+ # Smilies are not allowed inside <pre> or <code>.
+ # For each tag in turn, match forward to find <tag> or
+ # </tag>. If it's </tag>, then the smiley is inside the
+ # tag, and is not expanded. If it's <tag>, the smiley is
+ # outside the block.
+ my $pos=pos;
+ foreach my $tag ("pre", "code") {
+ if (m/.*?<(\/)?\s*$tag\s*>/isg) {
+ if (defined $1) {
+ # Inside tag, so do nothing.
+ # (Smiley hunting will continue after
+ # the tag.)
+ next MATCH;
+ }
+ else {
+ # Reset pos back to where it was before
+ # this test.
+ pos=$pos;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($1) {
+ # Remove escape.
+ substr($_, $-[1], 1)="";
+ }
+ else {
+ # Replace the smiley with its expanded value.
+ substr($_, $-[2], length($2))=
+ htmllink($params{page}, $params{destpage}, $smileys{$2}, linktext => $2);
+ }
+ }
- return $params{content};
+ return $_;
} # }}}
* Store userinfo in network byte order for easy portability.
(Old files will be automatically converted.)
* Close meta tag for redir properly.
+ * smiley: Detect smileys inside pre and tags, and do not expand.
-- martin f. krafft <> Sun, 02 Mar 2008 17:46:38 +0100
`<img>` tags is not allowed within a `<pre>` block. Maybe the smiley
plugin should be disabled on [[RecentChanges]]?
-> See [[Smileys_in_the_block_code]] --[[Joey]]
+> See [[Smileys_in_the_block_code]], which is now fixed. --[[Joey]]
See the [validator output][validate] for more details.
Note that the above patch for the redirect tag is still applicable and
the smiley issue remains open. --[[JasonBlevins]]
+> This bug is [[done]], all issues are fixed. --[[Joey]]
[[tag patch]]
> Looks similar to [[wiki_links_still_processed_inside_code_blocks]]; in both
> cases, substitution happens in a code block, which it shouldn't.
> --[[JoshTriplett]]
+> [[fixed|done]], via some super duper regexp fun to notice if the smiley
+> is inside a pre or code tag. --[[Joey]]