[rest2web](http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/rest2web/) and it's served me
+There is a problem though if this navbar were included in a sidebar (the logical place): if a page is updated, the navbar needs to be rebuilt which causes the sidebar to be rebuilt, which causes the whole site to be rebuilt. Unless we can subscribe only to title changes, this will be pretty bad...
[[!tag wishlist]]
<input type="submit" value="Submit" accesskey="s"/>
--[[JasonBlevins]], March 21, 2008 18:05 EDT
+- - -
+There are also a few thoughts about access keys on the
+[[main_discussion_page|index/discussion]]. The main criticism there it
+seems is that some browsers implement access keys in a way (via the Alt
+key) that allows them to override built-in keyboard shortcuts. I
+believe this is not a problem any longer in Firefox (which uses the
+Shift+Alt prefix) but I suppose it could still be a problem in other
+Another criticism is that most browsers do not display the access keys
+that are defined. The [article][] cited on the main discussion page
+suggests underlining the relevant mnemonic. I think it would be
+sufficient to just list them in the basewiki documentation somewhere.
+ [article]: http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/forms/accesskey.html
+It's an unfortunate situation—I'd like an alternative to the
+rodent but there are quite a few downsides to using access keys.
+Tabbing isn't quite the same as a nice shortcut key. There's always
+--[[JasonBlevins]], March 22, 2008 10:35 EDT