Anyway - I've realised that a big part of the interactive todo lists stuff is trying to handle round trips to ikiwiki.cgi through javascript. A web services API would make handling the various conditions of this easier (e.g. need to login, login failed, etc.). I'm not sure what else might benefit from a web services API and I have no real experience of either using or writing them so I don't know what pros/cons there are for REST vs SOAP etc.
Second, and in a way related, I've been mooting hacking fastcgi support into ikiwiki. Essentially one ikiwiki.cgi process would persist and serve CGI-ish requests on stdin/stdout. The initial content-scanning and dependency generation would happen once and not need to be repeated for future requests. Although, all state-changing operations would need to be careful to ensure the in-memory models were accurate. Also, I don't know how suited the data structures would be for persistence, since the current model is build em up, throw em away, they might not be space-efficient enough for persistence.
Anyway - I've realised that a big part of the interactive todo lists stuff is trying to handle round trips to ikiwiki.cgi through javascript. A web services API would make handling the various conditions of this easier (e.g. need to login, login failed, etc.). I'm not sure what else might benefit from a web services API and I have no real experience of either using or writing them so I don't know what pros/cons there are for REST vs SOAP etc.
Second, and in a way related, I've been mooting hacking fastcgi support into ikiwiki. Essentially one ikiwiki.cgi process would persist and serve CGI-ish requests on stdin/stdout. The initial content-scanning and dependency generation would happen once and not need to be repeated for future requests. Although, all state-changing operations would need to be careful to ensure the in-memory models were accurate. Also, I don't know how suited the data structures would be for persistence, since the current model is build em up, throw em away, they might not be space-efficient enough for persistence.