> The patch below implements this, perhaps not as efficiently as possible.
> It speeds up building just the top page of my blog by 1 second (out of
> The patch below implements this, perhaps not as efficiently as possible.
> It speeds up building just the top page of my blog by 1 second (out of
> But, I have not thought enough about influence calculation.
> I need to figure out which pagespec matches influences need to be
> But, I have not thought enough about influence calculation.
> I need to figure out which pagespec matches influences need to be
+ # using a binary search
+ for (my $j=0; $j < @matches; $j++) {
+ if (IkiWiki::SortSpec::cmptwo($candidates[$i], $matches[$j], $sort) < 0) {
+ # using a binary search
+ for (my $j=0; $j < @matches; $j++) {
+ if (IkiWiki::SortSpec::cmptwo($candidates[$i], $matches[$j], $sort) < 0) {
-+ $matches[$j]=$candidates[$i];
++ splice @matches, $j, $#matches-$j+1, $candidates[$i],
++ @matches[$j..$#matches-1];