--- /dev/null
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Test::More;
+use Encode;
+BEGIN { use_ok("IkiWiki"); }
+is(IkiWiki::htmlize("foo", "foo", "mdwn",
+ "C. S. Lewis wrote books\n"),
+ "<p>C. S. Lewis wrote books</p>\n", "alphalist off by default");
+$config{mdwn_alpha_lists} = 1;
+like(IkiWiki::htmlize("foo", "foo", "mdwn",
+ "A. One\n".
+ "B. Two\n"),
+ qr{<ol\W}, "alphalist can be enabled");
+$config{mdwn_alpha_lists} = 0;
+like(IkiWiki::htmlize("foo", "foo", "mdwn",
+ "A. One\n".
+ "B. Two\n"),
+ qr{<p>A. One\sB. Two</p>\n}, "alphalist can be disabled");
+like(IkiWiki::htmlize("foo", "foo", "mdwn",
+ "This works[^1]\n\n[^1]: Sometimes it doesn't.\n"),
+ qr{<p>This works<sup\W}, "footnotes on by default");
+$config{mdwn_footnotes} = 0;
+like(IkiWiki::htmlize("foo", "foo", "mdwn",
+ "An unusual link label: [^1]\n\n[^1]: http://example.com/\n"),
+ qr{<a href="http://example\.com/">\^1</a>}, "footnotes can be disabled");
+$config{mdwn_footnotes} = 1;
+like(IkiWiki::htmlize("foo", "foo", "mdwn",
+ "This works[^1]\n\n[^1]: Sometimes it doesn't.\n"),
+ qr{<p>This works<sup\W}, "footnotes can be enabled");