-> <div id="pagebody">
-> <section id="content" role="main">
- -> <p>[[!rpcbug <span class="error">Erreur: internal error: foo cannot be found in /home/louis/projets/ikiwiki/rpcbug or underlay</span>]]</p>
+ -> <p>\[[!rpcbug <span class="error">Erreur: internal error: foo cannot be found in /home/louis/projets/ikiwiki/rpcbug or underlay</span>]]</p>
-> <p><br /><em> Calling <code>srcfile(foo)</code>: page<br /></em> Calling <code>srcfile(README.md)</code>: /home/louis/projets/ikiwiki/rpcbug/README.md</p>
<- <div id="pagebody">
<- <section id="content" role="main">
- <- <p>[[!rpcbug <span class="error">Erreur: internal error: foo cannot be found in /home/louis/projets/ikiwiki/rpcbug or underlay</span>]]</p>
+ <- <p>\[[!rpcbug <span class="error">Erreur: internal error: foo cannot be found in /home/louis/projets/ikiwiki/rpcbug or underlay</span>]]</p>
<- <p><br /><em> Calling <code>srcfile(foo)</code>: page<br /></em> Calling <code>srcfile(README.md)</code>: /home/louis/projets/ikiwiki/rpcbug/README.md</p>
-> <p>Some examples of using shortcuts include:</p>
- -> <pre><code>[[!google foo]]
- -> [[!wikipedia War_of_1812]]
- -> [[!debbug 12345]]
- -> Check the [[!google ikiwiki desc="google search for %s"]].
+ -> <pre><code>\[[!google foo]]
+ -> \[[!wikipedia War_of_1812]]
+ -> \[[!debbug 12345]]
+ -> Check the \[[!google ikiwiki desc="google search for %s"]].
-> </code></pre>
-> <p>This page controls what shortcut links the wiki supports.</p>
-> <ul>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=google url="https://encrypted.google.com/search?q=%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=archive url="http://web.archive.org/*/%S"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=gmap url="https://maps.google.com/maps?q=%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=gmsg url="https://groups.google.com/groups?selm=%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=wikipedia url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%W"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=wikitravel url="https://wikitravel.org/en/%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=wiktionary url="https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=debbug url="http://bugs.debian.org/%S" desc="Debian bug #%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=deblist url="https://lists.debian.org/debian-%s" desc="debian-%s@lists.debian.org"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=debpkg url="http://packages.debian.org/%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=debpkgsid url="http://packages.debian.org/sid/%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=debpts url="http://packages.qa.debian.org/%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=debmsg url="https://lists.debian.org/msgid-search/%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=debrt url="https://rt.debian.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=debss url="http://snapshot.debian.org/package/%s/"]]
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=google url="https://encrypted.google.com/search?q=%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=archive url="http://web.archive.org/*/%S"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=gmap url="https://maps.google.com/maps?q=%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=gmsg url="https://groups.google.com/groups?selm=%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=wikipedia url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%W"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=wikitravel url="https://wikitravel.org/en/%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=wiktionary url="https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=debbug url="http://bugs.debian.org/%S" desc="Debian bug #%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=deblist url="https://lists.debian.org/debian-%s" desc="debian-%s@lists.debian.org"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=debpkg url="http://packages.debian.org/%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=debpkgsid url="http://packages.debian.org/sid/%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=debpts url="http://packages.qa.debian.org/%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=debmsg url="https://lists.debian.org/msgid-search/%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=debrt url="https://rt.debian.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=debss url="http://snapshot.debian.org/package/%s/"]]
-> <ul>
- -> <li>Usage: <code>[[!debss package]]</code> or <code>[[!debss package/version]]</code>. See <a href="http://snapshot.debian.org/">http://snapshot.debian.org/</a> for details.</li>
+ -> <li>Usage: <code>\[[!debss package]]</code> or <code>\[[!debss package/version]]</code>. See <a href="http://snapshot.debian.org/">http://snapshot.debian.org/</a> for details.</li>
-> </ul>
-> </li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=debwiki url="https://wiki.debian.org/%S"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=fdobug url="https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=%s" desc="freedesktop.org bug #%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=fdolist url="http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/%s" desc="%s@lists.freedesktop.org"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=gnomebug url="https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=%s" desc="GNOME bug #%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=linuxbug url="https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=%s" desc="Linux bug #%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=mozbug url="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=%s" desc="Mozilla bug #%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=gnulist url="https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/%s" desc="%s@gnu.org"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=marcmsg url="http://marc.info/?i=%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=marclist url="http://marc.info/?l=%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=gmane url="http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.%s" desc="gmane.%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=gmanemsg url="http://mid.gmane.org/%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=cpan url="http://search.cpan.org/search?mode=dist&amp;query=%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=ctan url="http://tug.ctan.org/cgi-bin/ctanPackageInformation.py?id=%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=hoogle url="http://haskell.org/hoogle/?q=%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=iki url="http://ikiwiki.info/%S/"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=ljuser url="http://%s.livejournal.com/"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=rfc url="https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc%s.txt" desc="RFC %s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=c2 url="http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=meatballwiki url="http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/mb.pl?%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=emacswiki url="http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki/%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=haskellwiki url="http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=dict url="http://www.dict.org/bin/Dict?Form=Dict1&amp;Strategy=<em>&amp;Database=</em>&amp;Query=%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=imdb url="http://imdb.com/find?q=%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=gpg url="http://pgpkeys.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=vindex&amp;exact=on&amp;search=0x%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=perldoc url="http://perldoc.perl.org/search.html?q=%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=whois url="http://reports.internic.net/cgi/whois?whois_nic=%s&amp;type=domain"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=cve url="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=flickr url="https://secure.flickr.com/photos/%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=man url="http://manpages.debian.org/%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=ohloh url="https://www.ohloh.net/p/%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=cpanrt url="https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=%s" desc="CPAN RT#%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=novellbug url="https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=%s" desc="bug %s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=ubupkg url="http://packages.ubuntu.com/%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=mozillazinekb url="http://kb.mozillazine.org/%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=freebsdwiki url="http://wiki.freebsd.org/%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=hackage url="http://hackage.haskell.org/package/%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=pkgsrc url="http://pkgsrc.se/%S"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=doi url="http://dx.doi.org/%s" desc="doi:%s"]]</li>
- -> <li>[[!shortcut name=arxiv url="http://arxiv.org/abs/%s" desc="arXiv:%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=debwiki url="https://wiki.debian.org/%S"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=fdobug url="https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=%s" desc="freedesktop.org bug #%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=fdolist url="http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/%s" desc="%s@lists.freedesktop.org"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=gnomebug url="https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=%s" desc="GNOME bug #%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=linuxbug url="https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=%s" desc="Linux bug #%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=mozbug url="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=%s" desc="Mozilla bug #%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=gnulist url="https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/%s" desc="%s@gnu.org"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=marcmsg url="http://marc.info/?i=%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=marclist url="http://marc.info/?l=%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=gmane url="http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.%s" desc="gmane.%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=gmanemsg url="http://mid.gmane.org/%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=cpan url="http://search.cpan.org/search?mode=dist&amp;query=%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=ctan url="http://tug.ctan.org/cgi-bin/ctanPackageInformation.py?id=%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=hoogle url="http://haskell.org/hoogle/?q=%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=iki url="http://ikiwiki.info/%S/"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=ljuser url="http://%s.livejournal.com/"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=rfc url="https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc%s.txt" desc="RFC %s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=c2 url="http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=meatballwiki url="http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/mb.pl?%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=emacswiki url="http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki/%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=haskellwiki url="http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=dict url="http://www.dict.org/bin/Dict?Form=Dict1&amp;Strategy=<em>&amp;Database=</em>&amp;Query=%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=imdb url="http://imdb.com/find?q=%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=gpg url="http://pgpkeys.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=vindex&amp;exact=on&amp;search=0x%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=perldoc url="http://perldoc.perl.org/search.html?q=%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=whois url="http://reports.internic.net/cgi/whois?whois_nic=%s&amp;type=domain"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=cve url="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=flickr url="https://secure.flickr.com/photos/%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=man url="http://manpages.debian.org/%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=ohloh url="https://www.ohloh.net/p/%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=cpanrt url="https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=%s" desc="CPAN RT#%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=novellbug url="https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=%s" desc="bug %s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=ubupkg url="http://packages.ubuntu.com/%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=mozillazinekb url="http://kb.mozillazine.org/%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=freebsdwiki url="http://wiki.freebsd.org/%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=hackage url="http://hackage.haskell.org/package/%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=pkgsrc url="http://pkgsrc.se/%S"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=doi url="http://dx.doi.org/%s" desc="doi:%s"]]</li>
+ -> <li>\[[!shortcut name=arxiv url="http://arxiv.org/abs/%s" desc="arXiv:%s"]]</li>
-> </ul>
-> <p>To add a new shortcut, use the <code>shortcut</code>
-> <a href="../ikiwiki/directive/">directive</a>. In the url, "%s" is replaced with the
- -> text passed to the named shortcut, after [[!wikipedia url_encoding]]
+ -> text passed to the named shortcut, after \[[!wikipedia url_encoding]]
-> it, and '%S' is replaced with the raw, non-encoded text.
-> Additionally, <code>%W</code> is replaced with the text encoded just right for
-> Wikipedia. The optional <code>desc</code> parameter controls the description of
<- <p>Some examples of using shortcuts include:</p>
- <- <pre><code>[[!google foo]]
- <- [[!wikipedia War_of_1812]]
- <- [[!debbug 12345]]
- <- Check the [[!google ikiwiki desc="google search for %s"]].
+ <- <pre><code>\[[!google foo]]
+ <- \[[!wikipedia War_of_1812]]
+ <- \[[!debbug 12345]]
+ <- Check the \[[!google ikiwiki desc="google search for %s"]].
<- </code></pre>
<- <p>This page controls what shortcut links the wiki supports.</p>
<- <ul>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=google url="https://encrypted.google.com/search?q=%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=archive url="http://web.archive.org/*/%S"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=gmap url="https://maps.google.com/maps?q=%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=gmsg url="https://groups.google.com/groups?selm=%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=wikipedia url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%W"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=wikitravel url="https://wikitravel.org/en/%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=wiktionary url="https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=debbug url="http://bugs.debian.org/%S" desc="Debian bug #%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=deblist url="https://lists.debian.org/debian-%s" desc="debian-%s@lists.debian.org"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=debpkg url="http://packages.debian.org/%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=debpkgsid url="http://packages.debian.org/sid/%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=debpts url="http://packages.qa.debian.org/%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=debmsg url="https://lists.debian.org/msgid-search/%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=debrt url="https://rt.debian.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=debss url="http://snapshot.debian.org/package/%s/"]]
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=google url="https://encrypted.google.com/search?q=%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=archive url="http://web.archive.org/*/%S"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=gmap url="https://maps.google.com/maps?q=%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=gmsg url="https://groups.google.com/groups?selm=%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=wikipedia url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%W"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=wikitravel url="https://wikitravel.org/en/%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=wiktionary url="https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=debbug url="http://bugs.debian.org/%S" desc="Debian bug #%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=deblist url="https://lists.debian.org/debian-%s" desc="debian-%s@lists.debian.org"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=debpkg url="http://packages.debian.org/%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=debpkgsid url="http://packages.debian.org/sid/%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=debpts url="http://packages.qa.debian.org/%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=debmsg url="https://lists.debian.org/msgid-search/%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=debrt url="https://rt.debian.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=debss url="http://snapshot.debian.org/package/%s/"]]
<- <ul>
- <- <li>Usage: <code>[[!debss package]]</code> or <code>[[!debss package/version]]</code>. See <a href="http://snapshot.debian.org/">http://snapshot.debian.org/</a> for details.</li>
+ <- <li>Usage: <code>\[[!debss package]]</code> or <code>\[[!debss package/version]]</code>. See <a href="http://snapshot.debian.org/">http://snapshot.debian.org/</a> for details.</li>
<- </ul>
<- </li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=debwiki url="https://wiki.debian.org/%S"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=fdobug url="https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=%s" desc="freedesktop.org bug #%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=fdolist url="http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/%s" desc="%s@lists.freedesktop.org"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=gnomebug url="https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=%s" desc="GNOME bug #%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=linuxbug url="https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=%s" desc="Linux bug #%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=mozbug url="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=%s" desc="Mozilla bug #%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=gnulist url="https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/%s" desc="%s@gnu.org"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=marcmsg url="http://marc.info/?i=%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=marclist url="http://marc.info/?l=%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=gmane url="http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.%s" desc="gmane.%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=gmanemsg url="http://mid.gmane.org/%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=cpan url="http://search.cpan.org/search?mode=dist&amp;query=%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=ctan url="http://tug.ctan.org/cgi-bin/ctanPackageInformation.py?id=%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=hoogle url="http://haskell.org/hoogle/?q=%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=iki url="http://ikiwiki.info/%S/"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=ljuser url="http://%s.livejournal.com/"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=rfc url="https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc%s.txt" desc="RFC %s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=c2 url="http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=meatballwiki url="http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/mb.pl?%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=emacswiki url="http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki/%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=haskellwiki url="http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=dict url="http://www.dict.org/bin/Dict?Form=Dict1&amp;Strategy=<em>&amp;Database=</em>&amp;Query=%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=imdb url="http://imdb.com/find?q=%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=gpg url="http://pgpkeys.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=vindex&amp;exact=on&amp;search=0x%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=perldoc url="http://perldoc.perl.org/search.html?q=%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=whois url="http://reports.internic.net/cgi/whois?whois_nic=%s&amp;type=domain"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=cve url="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=flickr url="https://secure.flickr.com/photos/%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=man url="http://manpages.debian.org/%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=ohloh url="https://www.ohloh.net/p/%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=cpanrt url="https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=%s" desc="CPAN RT#%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=novellbug url="https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=%s" desc="bug %s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=ubupkg url="http://packages.ubuntu.com/%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=mozillazinekb url="http://kb.mozillazine.org/%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=freebsdwiki url="http://wiki.freebsd.org/%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=hackage url="http://hackage.haskell.org/package/%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=pkgsrc url="http://pkgsrc.se/%S"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=doi url="http://dx.doi.org/%s" desc="doi:%s"]]</li>
- <- <li>[[!shortcut name=arxiv url="http://arxiv.org/abs/%s" desc="arXiv:%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=debwiki url="https://wiki.debian.org/%S"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=fdobug url="https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=%s" desc="freedesktop.org bug #%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=fdolist url="http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/%s" desc="%s@lists.freedesktop.org"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=gnomebug url="https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=%s" desc="GNOME bug #%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=linuxbug url="https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=%s" desc="Linux bug #%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=mozbug url="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=%s" desc="Mozilla bug #%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=gnulist url="https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/%s" desc="%s@gnu.org"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=marcmsg url="http://marc.info/?i=%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=marclist url="http://marc.info/?l=%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=gmane url="http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.%s" desc="gmane.%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=gmanemsg url="http://mid.gmane.org/%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=cpan url="http://search.cpan.org/search?mode=dist&amp;query=%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=ctan url="http://tug.ctan.org/cgi-bin/ctanPackageInformation.py?id=%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=hoogle url="http://haskell.org/hoogle/?q=%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=iki url="http://ikiwiki.info/%S/"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=ljuser url="http://%s.livejournal.com/"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=rfc url="https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc%s.txt" desc="RFC %s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=c2 url="http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=meatballwiki url="http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/mb.pl?%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=emacswiki url="http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki/%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=haskellwiki url="http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=dict url="http://www.dict.org/bin/Dict?Form=Dict1&amp;Strategy=<em>&amp;Database=</em>&amp;Query=%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=imdb url="http://imdb.com/find?q=%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=gpg url="http://pgpkeys.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=vindex&amp;exact=on&amp;search=0x%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=perldoc url="http://perldoc.perl.org/search.html?q=%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=whois url="http://reports.internic.net/cgi/whois?whois_nic=%s&amp;type=domain"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=cve url="https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=flickr url="https://secure.flickr.com/photos/%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=man url="http://manpages.debian.org/%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=ohloh url="https://www.ohloh.net/p/%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=cpanrt url="https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=%s" desc="CPAN RT#%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=novellbug url="https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=%s" desc="bug %s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=ubupkg url="http://packages.ubuntu.com/%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=mozillazinekb url="http://kb.mozillazine.org/%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=freebsdwiki url="http://wiki.freebsd.org/%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=hackage url="http://hackage.haskell.org/package/%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=pkgsrc url="http://pkgsrc.se/%S"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=doi url="http://dx.doi.org/%s" desc="doi:%s"]]</li>
+ <- <li>\[[!shortcut name=arxiv url="http://arxiv.org/abs/%s" desc="arXiv:%s"]]</li>
<- </ul>
<- <p>To add a new shortcut, use the <code>shortcut</code>
<- <a href="../ikiwiki/directive/">directive</a>. In the url, "%s" is replaced with the
- <- text passed to the named shortcut, after [[!wikipedia url_encoding]]
+ <- text passed to the named shortcut, after \[[!wikipedia url_encoding]]
<- it, and '%S' is replaced with the raw, non-encoded text.
<- Additionally, <code>%W</code> is replaced with the text encoded just right for
<- Wikipedia. The optional <code>desc</code> parameter controls the description of
-> <p>Note that browsers that do not support the CSS will display the popup
-> inline in the page, inside square brackets.</p>
- -> <p>[[templatebody &lt;
+ -> <p>\[[templatebody &lt;
-> <span class="paren">[</span><span class="balloon"></span><span class="paren">]</span>
-> </span>
-> ENDBODY]]</p>
<- <p>Note that browsers that do not support the CSS will display the popup
<- inline in the page, inside square brackets.</p>
- <- <p>[[templatebody &lt;
+ <- <p>\[[templatebody &lt;
<- <span class="paren">[</span><span class="balloon"></span><span class="paren">]</span>
<- </span>
<- ENDBODY]]</p>
-> <p>Directives are similar to a <a href="../wikilink/">WikiLink</a> in form, except they
-> begin with <code>!</code> and may contain parameters. The general form is:</p>
- -> <pre><code>[[!directive param="value" param="value"]]
+ -> <pre><code>\[[!directive param="value" param="value"]]
-> </code></pre>
-> <p>This gets expanded before the rest of the page is processed, and can be used
-> <p>The quotes around values can be omitted if the value is a simple word.
-> Also, some directives may use parameters without values, for example:</p>
- -> <pre><code>[[!tag foo]]
+ -> <pre><code>\[[!tag foo]]
-> </code></pre>
-> <p>A directive does not need to all be on one line, it can be
-> wrapped to multiple lines if you like:</p>
- -> <pre><code>[[!directive foo="baldersnatch"
+ -> <pre><code>\[[!directive foo="baldersnatch"
-> bar="supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" baz=11]]
-> </code></pre>
-> To allow quote marks inside the quoted text, delimit the block
-> of text with triple-double-quotes or triple-single-quotes:</p>
- -> <pre><code>[[!directive text="""
+ -> <pre><code>\[[!directive text="""
-> 1. "foo"
-> 2. "bar"
-> 3. "baz"
-> <p>If you want to put text with triple quotes into a parameter value, you can
-> use perl-style here-doc syntax, even nesting it like this:</p>
- -> <pre><code>[[!directive text=&lt;&lt;OUTER
- -> [[!otherdirective &lt;&lt;INNER
+ -> <pre><code>\[[!directive text=&lt;&lt;OUTER
+ -> \[[!otherdirective &lt;&lt;INNER
-> inner text
-> INNER]]
-> outer text
-> <p>ikiwiki also has an older syntax for directives, which requires a space in
-> directives to distinguish them from <a href="../wikilink/">wikilinks</a>. This
-> syntax has several disadvantages: it requires a space after directives with
- -> no parameters (such as <code>[[pagecount ]]</code>), and it prohibits spaces in
+ -> no parameters (such as <code>\[[pagecount ]]</code>), and it prohibits spaces in
-> <a href="../wikilink/">wikilinks</a>. ikiwiki now provides the <code>!</code>-prefixed
-> syntax shown above as default. However, ikiwiki still supports wikis using
-> the older syntax, if the <code>prefix_directives</code> option is disabled.</p>
<- <p>Directives are similar to a <a href="../wikilink/">WikiLink</a> in form, except they
<- begin with <code>!</code> and may contain parameters. The general form is:</p>
- <- <pre><code>[[!directive param="value" param="value"]]
+ <- <pre><code>\[[!directive param="value" param="value"]]
<- </code></pre>
<- <p>This gets expanded before the rest of the page is processed, and can be used
<- <p>The quotes around values can be omitted if the value is a simple word.
<- Also, some directives may use parameters without values, for example:</p>
- <- <pre><code>[[!tag foo]]
+ <- <pre><code>\[[!tag foo]]
<- </code></pre>
<- <p>A directive does not need to all be on one line, it can be
<- wrapped to multiple lines if you like:</p>
- <- <pre><code>[[!directive foo="baldersnatch"
+ <- <pre><code>\[[!directive foo="baldersnatch"
<- bar="supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" baz=11]]
<- </code></pre>
<- To allow quote marks inside the quoted text, delimit the block
<- of text with triple-double-quotes or triple-single-quotes:</p>
- <- <pre><code>[[!directive text="""
+ <- <pre><code>\[[!directive text="""
<- 1. "foo"
<- 2. "bar"
<- 3. "baz"
<- <p>If you want to put text with triple quotes into a parameter value, you can
<- use perl-style here-doc syntax, even nesting it like this:</p>
- <- <pre><code>[[!directive text=&lt;&lt;OUTER
- <- [[!otherdirective &lt;&lt;INNER
+ <- <pre><code>\[[!directive text=&lt;&lt;OUTER
+ <- \[[!otherdirective &lt;&lt;INNER
<- inner text
<- INNER]]
<- outer text
<- <p>ikiwiki also has an older syntax for directives, which requires a space in
<- directives to distinguish them from <a href="../wikilink/">wikilinks</a>. This
<- syntax has several disadvantages: it requires a space after directives with
- <- no parameters (such as <code>[[pagecount ]]</code>), and it prohibits spaces in
+ <- no parameters (such as <code>\[[pagecount ]]</code>), and it prohibits spaces in
<- <a href="../wikilink/">wikilinks</a>. ikiwiki now provides the <code>!</code>-prefixed
<- syntax shown above as default. However, ikiwiki still supports wikis using
<- the older syntax, if the <code>prefix_directives</code> option is disabled.</p>
-> <p>It's also possible to make a page in the wiki usable as an OpenID url,
-> by delegating it to an openid server. Here's an example of how to do that:</p>
- -> <pre><code>[[!meta openid="http://yourid.myopenid.com/"
+ -> <pre><code>\[[!meta openid="http://yourid.myopenid.com/"
-> server="http://www.myopenid.com/server"]]
-> </code></pre>
<- <p>It's also possible to make a page in the wiki usable as an OpenID url,
<- by delegating it to an openid server. Here's an example of how to do that:</p>
- <- <pre><code>[[!meta openid="http://yourid.myopenid.com/"
+ <- <pre><code>\[[!meta openid="http://yourid.myopenid.com/"
<- server="http://www.myopenid.com/server"]]
<- </code></pre>
-> <section id="content" role="main">
-> <p>WikiLinks provide easy linking between pages of the wiki. To create a
-> <span class="selflink">WikiLink</span>, just put the name of the page to link to in double brackets.
- -> For example <code>[[WikiLink]]</code>.</p>
+ -> For example <code>\[[WikiLink]]</code>.</p>
- -> <p>If you ever need to write something like <code>[[WikiLink]]</code> without creating a
- -> wikilink, just prefix it with a <code>\</code>, like <code>\[[WikiLink]]</code>.</p>
+ -> <p>If you ever need to write something like <code>\[[WikiLink]]</code> without creating a
+ -> wikilink, just prefix it with a <code>\</code>, like <code>\\[[WikiLink]]</code>.</p>
-> <p>There are some special <a href="../subpage/linkingrules/">LinkingRules</a> that come into play when
-> linking between <a href="../subpage/">SubPages</a>.</p>
-> links at the start of a sentence, and so on.</p>
-> <p>It's also possible to write a WikiLink that uses something other than the page
- -> name as the link text. For example <code>[[foo_bar|SandBox]]</code> links to the SandBox
+ -> name as the link text. For example <code>\[[foo_bar|SandBox]]</code> links to the SandBox
-> page, but the link will appear like this: <a href="../../sandbox/">foo bar</a>.</p>
-> <p>To link to an anchor inside a page, you can use something like
- -> <code>[[WikiLink#foo]]</code> .</p>
+ -> <code>\[[WikiLink#foo]]</code> .</p>
-> <p>If the file linked to by a WikiLink looks like an image, it will
-> be displayed inline on the page.</p>
<- <section id="content" role="main">
<- <p>WikiLinks provide easy linking between pages of the wiki. To create a
<- <span class="selflink">WikiLink</span>, just put the name of the page to link to in double brackets.
- <- For example <code>[[WikiLink]]</code>.</p>
+ <- For example <code>\[[WikiLink]]</code>.</p>
- <- <p>If you ever need to write something like <code>[[WikiLink]]</code> without creating a
- <- wikilink, just prefix it with a <code>\</code>, like <code>\[[WikiLink]]</code>.</p>
+ <- <p>If you ever need to write something like <code>\[[WikiLink]]</code> without creating a
+ <- wikilink, just prefix it with a <code>\</code>, like <code>\\[[WikiLink]]</code>.</p>
<- <p>There are some special <a href="../subpage/linkingrules/">LinkingRules</a> that come into play when
<- linking between <a href="../subpage/">SubPages</a>.</p>
<- links at the start of a sentence, and so on.</p>
<- <p>It's also possible to write a WikiLink that uses something other than the page
- <- name as the link text. For example <code>[[foo_bar|SandBox]]</code> links to the SandBox
+ <- name as the link text. For example <code>\[[foo_bar|SandBox]]</code> links to the SandBox
<- page, but the link will appear like this: <a href="../../sandbox/">foo bar</a>.</p>
<- <p>To link to an anchor inside a page, you can use something like
- <- <code>[[WikiLink#foo]]</code> .</p>
+ <- <code>\[[WikiLink#foo]]</code> .</p>
<- <p>If the file linked to by a WikiLink looks like an image, it will
<- be displayed inline on the page.</p>
-> <ul>
-> <li><p>To link to another page on the wiki, place the page's name inside double
- -> square brackets. So you would use <code>[[WikiLink]]</code> to link to <a href="../wikilink/">WikiLink</a>.</p></li>
+ -> square brackets. So you would use <code>\[[WikiLink]]</code> to link to <a href="../wikilink/">WikiLink</a>.</p></li>
-> <li><p>Insert various <a href="../directive/">directives</a> onto a page to perform useful
-> actions.
-> For example, you can:</p>
-> <ul>
-> <li><p>Change the title of a page:</p>
- -> <p>[[!meta title="full page title"]]</p></li>
+ -> <p>\[[!meta title="full page title"]]</p></li>
-> <li><p>Create a blog by inlining a set of pages:</p>
- -> <p>[[!inline pages="blog/*"]]</p></li>
+ -> <p>\[[!inline pages="blog/*"]]</p></li>
-> </ul>
-> </li>
-> </ul>
<- <ul>
<- <li><p>To link to another page on the wiki, place the page's name inside double
- <- square brackets. So you would use <code>[[WikiLink]]</code> to link to <a href="../wikilink/">WikiLink</a>.</p></li>
+ <- square brackets. So you would use <code>\[[WikiLink]]</code> to link to <a href="../wikilink/">WikiLink</a>.</p></li>
<- <li><p>Insert various <a href="../directive/">directives</a> onto a page to perform useful
<- actions.
<- For example, you can:</p>
<- <ul>
<- <li><p>Change the title of a page:</p>
- <- <p>[[!meta title="full page title"]]</p></li>
+ <- <p>\[[!meta title="full page title"]]</p></li>
<- <li><p>Create a blog by inlining a set of pages:</p>
- <- <p>[[!inline pages="blog/*"]]</p></li>
+ <- <p>\[[!inline pages="blog/*"]]</p></li>
<- </ul>
<- </li>
<- </ul>
-> <li><p><code>mtime</code> - List pages with the most recently modified first.</p></li>
-> <li><p><code>title</code> - Order by title (page name), e.g. "z/a a/b a/c"</p></li>
-> <li><p><code>path</code> - Order by page name including parents, e.g. "a/b a/c z/a"</p></li>
- -> <li><p><code>meta(title)</code> - Order according to the <code>[[!meta title="foo" sortas="bar"]]</code>
- -> or <code>[[!meta title="foo"]]</code> <a href="../../directive/">directive</a>, or the page name if no
+ -> <li><p><code>meta(title)</code> - Order according to the <code>\[[!meta title="foo" sortas="bar"]]</code>
+ -> or <code>\[[!meta title="foo"]]</code> <a href="../../directive/">directive</a>, or the page name if no
-> full title was set. <code>meta(author)</code>, <code>meta(date)</code>, <code>meta(updated)</code>, etc.
-> also work.</p></li>
-> </ul>
<- <li><p><code>mtime</code> - List pages with the most recently modified first.</p></li>
<- <li><p><code>title</code> - Order by title (page name), e.g. "z/a a/b a/c"</p></li>
<- <li><p><code>path</code> - Order by page name including parents, e.g. "a/b a/c z/a"</p></li>
- <- <li><p><code>meta(title)</code> - Order according to the <code>[[!meta title="foo" sortas="bar"]]</code>
- <- or <code>[[!meta title="foo"]]</code> <a href="../../directive/">directive</a>, or the page name if no
+ <- <li><p><code>meta(title)</code> - Order according to the <code>\[[!meta title="foo" sortas="bar"]]</code>
+ <- or <code>\[[!meta title="foo"]]</code> <a href="../../directive/">directive</a>, or the page name if no
<- full title was set. <code>meta(author)</code>, <code>meta(date)</code>, <code>meta(updated)</code>, etc.
<- also work.</p></li>
<- </ul>
-> <section id="content" role="main">
-> <p>This wiki has po support <strong>disabled</strong>.</p>
- -> <p>If the [[!iki plugins/po desc=po]] plugin is enabled, the regular
+ -> <p>If the \[[!iki plugins/po desc=po]] plugin is enabled, the regular
-> <a href="../">PageSpec</a> syntax is expanded with the following additional
-> tests that can be used to improve user navigation in a multi-lingual
-> wiki:</p>
<- <section id="content" role="main">
<- <p>This wiki has po support <strong>disabled</strong>.</p>
- <- <p>If the [[!iki plugins/po desc=po]] plugin is enabled, the regular
+ <- <p>If the \[[!iki plugins/po desc=po]] plugin is enabled, the regular
<- <a href="../">PageSpec</a> syntax is expanded with the following additional
<- tests that can be used to improve user navigation in a multi-lingual
<- wiki:</p>