eval q{use Digest::MD5 'md5_hex'};
error($@) if $@;
- return "comment-".md5_hex(Encode::encode_utf8(($page));
+ return "comment-".md5_hex(Encode::encode_utf8(($page)));
package IkiWiki::PageSpec;
"msnim", "notes", "rsync", "secondlife", "skype", "ssh",
"sftp", "smb", "sms", "snews", "webcal", "ymsgr",
- # data is a special case. Allow data:image/*, but
- # disallow data:text/javascript and everything else.
- $safe_url_regexp=qr/^(?:(?:$uri_schemes):|data:image\/|[^:]+(?:$|\/))/i;
+ # data is a special case. Allow a few data:image/ types,
+ # but disallow data:text/javascript and everything else.
+ $safe_url_regexp=qr/^(?:(?:$uri_schemes):|data:image\/(?:png|jpeg|gif)|[^:]+(?:$|\/))/i;
sub getsetup () {
-ikiwiki (3.20100303) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+ikiwiki (3.20100312) unstable; urgency=HIGH
* Fix utf8 issues in calls to md5_hex.
* moderatedcomments: Added moderate_pagespec that can be used
to control which users or comment locations are moderated.
- This can be used, just for example, to moderate http://myopenid.com/*
+ This can be used, just for example, to moderate "user(http://myopenid.com/*)"
if you're getting a lot of spammers from one particular openid
provider (who should perhaps answer your emails about them),
while not moderating other users.
* moderatedcomments: The moderate_users setting is deprecated. Instead,
- set moderate_pagespec to "!admin()" or "user(*)" instead.
+ set moderate_pagespec to "!admin()" or "user(*)".
* Fix missing span on recentchanges page template.
* search: Avoid '$' in the wikiname appearing unescaped on omega's
query template, where it might crash omega.
+ * htmlscrubber: Security fix: In data:image/* uris, only allow a few
+ whitelisted image types. No svg.
-- Joey Hess <joeyh@debian.org> Tue, 09 Mar 2010 19:46:35 -0500
The fix was released on 30 Aug 2009 in version 3.1415926, and was
backported to stable in version 2.53.4. If you use the teximg plugin,
I recommend upgrading. ([[!cve CVE-2009-2944]])
+## javascript insertion via svg uris
+Ivan Shmakov pointed out that the htmlscrubber allowed `data:image/*` urls,
+including `data:image/svg+xml`. But svg can contain javascript, so that is
+This hole was discovered on 12 March 2010 and fixed the same day
+with the release of ikiwiki 3.20100312.
+A fix was also backported to Debian etch, as version 2.53.5. I recommend
+upgrading to one of these versions if your wiki can be edited by third
>> I think the ideal solution would be to build `$destdir/recentchanges/*` directly from the output of `hg log`. --[[buo]]
>>>> That would be 100 times as slow, so I chose not to do that. --[[Joey]]
+>>>> Since this is confusing people, allow me to clarify: Ikiwiki's
+>>>> recentchanges generation pulls log information directly out of the VCS as
+>>>> needed. It caches it in recentchanges/* in the `scrdir`. These cache
+>>>> files need not be preserved, should never be checked into VCS, and if
+>>>> you want to you can configure your VCSignore file to ignore them,
+>>>> just as you can configure it to ignore the `.ikiwiki` directory in the
+>>>> `scrdir`. --[[Joey]]
[diff]: http://xbeta.org/gitweb/?p=xbeta/ikiwiki.git;a=blobdiff;f=IkiWiki/Plugin/htmlscrubber.pm;h=3c0ddc8f25bd8cb863634a9d54b40e299e60f7df;hp=3bdaccea119ec0e1b289a0da2f6d90e2219b8d66;hb=fe333c8e5b4a5f374a059596ee698dacd755182d;hpb=be0b4f603f918444b906e42825908ddac78b7073
+> Unfortuantly these links are broken. --[[Joey]]
* * *
Actually, there's a way to embed SVG into MarkDown sources using the [data: URI scheme][rfc2397], [like this]().
— [[Ivan_Shmakov]], 2010-03-12Z.
[rfc2397]: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2397
+> You can do the same with img src actually.
+> If svg markup allows unsafe elements (ie, javascript),
+> which it appears to,
+> then this is a security hole, and the htmlscrubber
+> needs to lock it down more. Darn, now I have to spend my afternoon making
+> security releases! --[[Joey]]
Name: ikiwiki
-Version: 3.20100302
+Version: 3.20100312
Release: 1%{?dist}
Summary: A wiki compiler
while (<>) {
s{(\\?)\[\[([^\s\|\]]+)(\|[^\s\]]+)?\]\]}{$1 ? "[[$2]]" : $2}eg;
- s/^\./\\&./g;
+ s/^\s*\./\\&./g;
if (/^#\s/) {
s/^#\s/.SH /;
<>; # blank;
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-03-02 22:18-0500\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-03-12 15:02-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
msgid "Mirror"
msgstr ""
-#: ../IkiWiki/Plugin/moderatedcomments.pm:42
+#: ../IkiWiki/Plugin/moderatedcomments.pm:57
msgid "comment needs moderation"
msgstr ""
msgid "rsync_command exited %d"
msgstr ""
-#: ../IkiWiki/Plugin/search.pm:183
+#: ../IkiWiki/Plugin/search.pm:184
#, perl-format
msgid "need Digest::SHA1 to index %s"
msgstr ""
-#: ../IkiWiki/Plugin/search.pm:218
+#: ../IkiWiki/Plugin/search.pm:221
msgid "search"
msgstr ""
msgid "failed to process:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../IkiWiki/Plugin/teximg.pm:71
+#: ../IkiWiki/Plugin/teximg.pm:72
msgid "missing tex code"
msgstr ""
-#: ../IkiWiki/Plugin/teximg.pm:123
+#: ../IkiWiki/Plugin/teximg.pm:124
msgid "failed to generate image from code"
msgstr ""