+I would love to see more traditional support for comments in ikiwiki. One way would be to structure data on the discussion page in such a way that a "comment" plugin could parse it and yet the discussion page would still be a valid and usable wiki page.
+For example if the discussion page looked like this:
+ # Subject of First Comment
+ Posted by [Adam Shand](http://adam.shand.net/) at 10:34PM on 14/04/2007
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi consectetuer nunc quis
+ magna. Etiam non est eget sapien vulputate varius. Vivamus magna. Sed justo. Donec
+ pellentesque ultrices urna.
+ # Subject of the Second Comment
+ Posted by [Foo Bar](http://foobar.net/) at 11:41PM on 14/04/2007
+ Quisque lacinia, lorem eget ornare facilisis, enim eros iaculis felis, id volutpat nibh
+ mauris ut felis. Vestibulum risus nibh, adipiscing volutpat, volutpat et, lacinia ut,
+ pede. Maecenas dolor. Vivamus feugiat volutpat ligula.
+Each header marks the start of a new comment and the line immediately following is the comments meta data (author, email/url, datestamp). Hopefully you could structure it in such a way that the scope
+This would allow:
+ * A comment plugin to render the comments in "traditional blog" format .
+ * Possibly even support nesting comments by the header level?
+ * A comment plugin to create a form at the bottom of the page for people to add comments in the appropriate format to the discussion page
+ * Still remain usable and readable by people who work via svn.
+ * When there is ACL support you could mark the discussion page as read only so it could only be updated by the comment plugin (if that's what you wanted)
+Is this simple enough to be sensible?
+-- [[AdamShand]]
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