1 First, get familiar with [[howto avoid flooding aggregators]].
3 ## Into ikiwiki, from another CMS
5 7. Copy content into ikiwiki, taking care to:
6 7. Match article paths to preserve old permalinks.
7 7. Match enclosure paths (or use redirects) to preserve old URLs.
8 7. Match titles, post dates, and guids with `\[[!meta]]`.
9 7. Match feed paths with permanent redirects from old Atom
10 location to `index.atom` (likewise for RSS).
11 7. `\[[!inline]]` the articles.
12 7. Rerun `ikiwiki --setup`.
14 ## Within ikiwiki, from basic to fancy
16 7. Exclude media files from `\[[!inline]]`.
17 7. Replace direct `\[[WikiLinks]]` to media files with
18 `\[[!meta enclosure="WikiLink/to/media.mp3"]]`.
19 7. Rerun `ikiwiki --setup`.