4 Feel free to add your own ikiwiki site! In case you have created a custom theme consider adding it to [the theme list](http://ikiwiki.info/themes/)
6 See also: [Debian ikiwiki popcon graph](http://qa.debian.org/popcon.php?package=ikiwiki)
7 and [google search for ikiwiki powered sites](http://www.google.com/search?q=%22powered%20by%20ikiwiki%22).
9 While nothing makes me happier than knowing that ikiwiki has happy users,
10 dropping some change in the [[TipJar]] is a nice way to show extra
16 * [Branchable](http://branchable.com/)
18 Projects & Organizations
19 ========================
21 * [This wiki](http://ikiwiki.info) (of course!)
22 <!-- * [NetBSD wiki](http://wiki.netbsd.org) -->
23 * The [GNU Hurd](http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/)
24 * [DragonFly BSD](http://www.dragonflybsd.org/)
25 * [Monotone](http://wiki.monotone.ca/)
26 * The [Free Software Foundation](http://fsf.org) uses it for their internal wiki, with subversion.
27 * The [cairo graphics library](http://cairographics.org/) website.
28 * The [Portland State Aerospace Society](http://psas.pdx.edu) website. Converted from a combination of TWiki and MoinMoin to ikiwiki, including full history ([[rcs/Git]] backend).
29 * [Planet Debian upstream](http://updo.debian.net/)
30 * [Debian Mentors wiki](http://jameswestby.net/mentors/)
31 * [The BSD Associate Admin Book Project](http://bsdwiki.reedmedia.net/)
32 * The [maildirman wiki](http://svcs.cs.pdx.edu/maildirman)
33 * The [Relativistic Programming research wiki](http://wiki.cs.pdx.edu/rp).
34 * [Debian-IN](http://debian-in.alioth.debian.org/)
35 * [Braawi Ltd](http://braawi.com/) and the community site [Braawi.org](http://braawi.org/)
36 * [Webconverger](http://webconverger.org/) (a Web only linux distribution) with a [blog](http://webconverger.org/blog/)
37 * [DebTorrent](http://debtorrent.alioth.debian.org)
38 * The [Debian Packaging Handbook project](http://packaging-handbook.alioth.debian.org/wiki/)
39 * The [libkdtree project](http://libkdtree.alioth.debian.org)
40 * The [pcc](http://pcc.ludd.ltu.se/) (Portable C Compiler) project. (Simple rcs backend)
41 * [The TOVA Company](http://www.tovatest.com) public site. We also use it for internal documentation and issue tracking, all with a [[rcs/Git]] backend.
42 * Reusable technical support websites, developed for [Redpill](http://redpill.dk/) realms:
43 * [master demo site](http://support.redpill.dk/) ([source](http://source.redpill.dk/))
44 * [Homebase](http://support.homebase.dk/) ([source](http://source.homebase.dk/))
45 * [Bitbase](http://support.bitbase.dk/) ([source](http://source.bitbase.dk/))
46 * [Børneuniversitetet](http://support.borneuni.dk/) ([source](http://source.borneuni.dk/))
47 * [CampusGrün Hamburg](http://www.campusgruen.org/)
48 * The [awesome window manager homepage](http://awesome.naquadah.org/)
49 * [vcs-pkg](http://vcs-pkg.org)
50 * [vcs-home](http://vcs-home.madduck.net)
51 * [Public Domain collection of Debian related tips & tricks](http://dabase.com/tips/) - please add any tips too
52 * [Finnish Debian community](http://debian.fi)
53 * [INCL intranuclear cascade and ABLA evaporation/fission](http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/kaitanie/incl/)
54 * [dist-bugs](http://dist-bugs.kitenet.net/)
55 * [Chaos Computer Club Düsseldorf](https://www.chaosdorf.de)
56 * [monkeysphere](http://web.monkeysphere.info/)
57 * [St Hugh of Lincoln Catholic Primary School in Surrey](http://www.sthugh-of-lincoln.surrey.sch.uk/)
58 * [Cosin Homepage](http://cosin.ch) uses an Ikiwiki with a subversion repository.
59 * [Bosco Free Orienteering Software](http://bosco.durcheinandertal.ch)
60 * [MIT Student Information Processing Board](http://sipb.mit.edu/)
61 * [Tinc VPN](http://tinc-vpn.org/)
62 * [The XCB library](http://xcb.freedesktop.org/)
63 * [The Philolexian Society of Columbia University](http://www.columbia.edu/cu/philo/)
64 * [Fachschaft Informatik HU Berlin](http://fachschaft.informatik.hu-berlin.de/)
65 * [Wetknee Books](http://www.wetknee.com/)
66 * [IPOL Image Processing On Line](http://www.ipol.im)
67 * [Debian Costa Rica](http://cr.debian.net/)
68 * [Fvwm Wiki](http://fvwmwiki.xteddy.org)
69 * [Serialist](http://serialist.net/)'s static pages (documentation, blog). We actually have ikiwiki generate its static content as HTML fragments using a modified page.tmpl template, and then the FastCGI powering our site grabs those fragments and embeds them in the standard dynamic site template.
70 * [Apua IT](http://apua.se/)
71 * [PDFpirate Community](http://community.pdfpirate.org/)
72 * [Software in the Public Interest](http://spi-inc.org/)
73 * [NXT Improved Firmware](http://nxt-firmware.ni.fr.eu.org/)
74 * [The FreedomBox Foundation](http://www.freedomboxfoundation.org/)
75 * [TenderWarehouse Community](http://community.tenderwarehouse.org/)
76 * [AntPortal](http://antportal.com/wiki/) - also see our templates and themes on [github](https://github.com/AntPortal/ikiwiked)
77 * [The Amnesic Incognito Live System](https://tails.boum.org/index.en.html)
78 * [The Progress Linux OS wiki](http://wiki.progress-linux.org/)
79 * [Oxford Computer Society](http://www.ox.compsoc.net/)
80 * [Russian OpenBSD Community wiki](http://wiki.openbsd.ru/)
81 * [Arcada Project](http://arcadaproject.org/)
83 Personal sites and blogs
84 ========================
86 * [[Joey]]'s [homepage](http://kitenet.net/~joey/), including his weblog
87 * [Kyle's MacLea Genealogy wiki](http://kitenet.net/~kyle/family/wiki) and [Livingstone and MacLea Emigration Registry](http://kitenet.net/~kyle/family/registry)
88 * [Ulrik's personal web page](http://kaizer.se/wiki/)
89 * [kite](http://kitenet.net)
90 * [Paul Collins's as-yet purposeless wiki](http://wiki.ondioline.org/)
91 * [Alessandro Dotti Contra's personal website](http://www.dotticontra.org/) and [weblog](http://www.dotticontra.org/blog)
92 * [Kelly Clowers' personal website](http://www.clowersnet.net/)
93 * [Anna's nature features](http://kitenet.net/~anna/nature-feature/)
94 * [Roland Mas's blog](http://roland.entierement.nu/categories/geek-en.html)
95 * [Sergio Talens-Oliag's personal wiki](http://mixinet.net/~sto/) and [blog](http://mixinet.net/~sto/blog.html)
96 * [Christian Aichinger's homepage](http://greek0.net/)
97 * Ben A'Lee's [homepage](http://subvert.org.uk/~bma/) and [wiki](http://wiki.subvert.org.uk/).
98 * [Adam Shand's homepage](http://adam.shand.net/iki/)
99 * [Hess family wiki](http://kitenet.net/~family/)
100 * [Zack](http://upsilon.cc/~zack)'s homepage, including [his weblog](http://upsilon.cc/~zack/blog/)
101 * [betacantrips, the personal website of Ethan Glasser-Camp](http://www.betacantrips.com/)
102 * [Keith Packard's homepage and blog](http://keithp.com/).
103 * [Christian Mock's homepage](http://www.tahina.priv.at/).
104 * [Choffee](http://choffee.co.uk/).
105 * [Tales from the Gryphon](http://www.golden-gryphon.com/blog/manoj/), Manoj Srivastava's free software blog.
106 * [Proper Treatment 正當作法](http://conway.rutgers.edu/~ccshan/wiki/)
107 * [lost scraps](http://web.mornfall.net), pages/blog of Petr Ročkai aka mornfall
108 * [Schabis blaue Seite](http://schabi.de) - I abuse ikiwiki as blog/cms combo, and will migrate all existing content into ikiwiki eventually.
109 * [blog of LukClaes](http://zomers.be/~luk/blog/).
110 * [Embedded Moose](http://embeddedmoose.com), Andrew Greenberg's personal and consulting page.
111 * [Cameron Dale](http://www.camrdale.org/)
112 * [[KarlMW]]'s [homepage](http://mowson.org/karl/), generated with an ikiwiki
113 [asciidoc plugin](http://mowson.org/karl/colophon/).
114 * [Carl Worth's Boring Web Pages](http://www.cworth.org)
115 * [[NicolasLimare]] ([nil](http://poivron.org/~nil/)+[lab](http://www.ann.jussieu.fr/~limare/)+[id](http://nicolas.limare.net/)+[french translation of the basewiki](http://poivron.org/~nil/ikiwiki-fr/))
116 * Andrew Sackville-West has setup a [family wiki](http://wiki.swclan.homelinux.org)
117 * [Simon Ward's site](http://bleah.co.uk/) and [blog](http://bleah.co.uk/blog/).
118 * [Paul Wise's homepage and blog](http://bonedaddy.net/pabs3/)
119 * [Martin's PhD wiki](http://phd.martin-krafft.net/wiki)
120 * [David Riebenbauer's page](http://liegesta.at/)
121 * [Thomas Harning's 'eHarning' wiki](http://www.eharning.us/wiki/)
122 * [madduck's (new) homepage](http://madduck.net)
123 * [Olivier Berger's professional homepage](http://www-public.it-sudparis.eu/~berger_o/)
124 * [Don Marti's blog](http://zgp.org/~dmarti/)
125 * [[users/Jon]]'s [homepage](http://jmtd.net/)
126 * [[JanWalzer|jwalzer]]'s [homepage](http://wa.lzer.net/) -- Work in Progress
127 * [[Adam_Trickett|ajt]]'s home intranet/sanbox system ([Internet site & blog](http://www.iredale.net/) -- not ikiwiki yet)
128 * [[Simon_McVittie|smcv]]'s [website](http://www.pseudorandom.co.uk/) and
129 [blog](http://smcv.pseudorandom.co.uk/)
130 * Svend's [website](http://ciffer.net/~svend/) and [blog](http://ciffer.net/~svend/blog/)
131 * [muammar's site](http://muammar.me)
132 * [Per Bothner's blog](http://per.bothner.com/blog/)
133 * [Bernd Zeimetz (bzed)](http://bzed.de/)
134 * [Gaudenz Steinlin](http://gaudenz.durcheinandertal.ch)
135 * [NeoCarz Wiki](http://www.neocarz.com/wiki/) Yes - its actually Ikiwiki behind that! I'm using Nginx and XSL to transform the ikiwiki renderings thanks to the valid XHTML output of ikiwiki. Great work Joey!!
136 * [Natalian - Kai Hendry's personal blog](http://natalian.org/)
137 * [Mick Pollard aka \_lunix_ - Personal sysadmin blog and wiki](http://www.lunix.com.au)
138 * [Skirv's Wiki](http://wiki.killfile.org) - formerly Skirv's Homepage
139 * [Jimmy Tang - personal blog and wiki](http://www.sgenomics.org/~jtang)
140 * [Nico Schottelius' homepage](http://www.nico.schottelius.org)
141 * [Andreas Zwinkaus homepage](http://beza1e1.tuxen.de)
142 * [Walden Effect](http://waldeneffect.org)
143 * [Avian Aqua Miser](http://www.avianaquamiser.com/)
144 * [Cosmic Cookout](http://www.cosmiccookout.com/)
145 * [Backyard Deer](http://www.backyarddeer.com/)
146 * [Alex Ghitza homepage and blog](http://aghitza.org/)
147 * [Andreas's homepage](http://0x7.ch/) - Ikiwiki, Subversion and CSS template
148 * [Chris Dombroski's boring bliki](https://www.icanttype.org/)
149 * [Josh Triplett's homepage](http://joshtriplett.org/) - Git backend with the CGI disabled, to publish a static site with the convenience of ikiwiki.
150 * [Jonatan Walck](http://jonatan.walck.i2p/) a weblog + wiki over [I2P](http://i2p2.de/). Also [mirrored](http://jonatan.walck.se/) to the Internet a few times per day.
151 * [Daniel Wayne Armstrong](http://circuidipity.com/)
152 * [Mukund](https://mukund.org/)
153 * [Nicolas Schodet](http://ni.fr.eu.org/)
154 * [weakish](http://weakish.github.com)
155 * [Thomas Kane](http://planetkane.org/)
156 * [Marco Silva](http://marcot.eti.br/) a weblog + wiki using the [darcs](http://darcs.net) backend
157 * [NeX-6](http://nex-6.taht.net/) ikiwiki blog and wiki running over ipv6
158 * [Jason Riedy](http://lovesgoodfood.com/jason/), which may occasionally look funny if I'm playing with my branch...
159 * [pmate](http://pmate.nfshost.com)'s homepage and [blog](http://pmate.nfshost.com/blog/)
160 * [tychoish.com](http://tychoish.com/) - a blog/wiki mashup. blog posts are "rhizomes."
161 * [Martin Burmester](http://www.martin-burmester.de/)
162 * [Øyvind A. Holm (sunny256)](http://www.sunbase.org) — Read my Ikiwiki praise [here](http://www.sunbase.org/blog/why_ikiwiki/).
163 * [Mirco Bauer (meebey)](http://www.meebey.net/)
164 * [Richard "RichiH" Hartmann](http://richardhartmann.de/blog) - I thought I had added myself a year ago. Oups :)
165 * [Jonas Smedegaard](http://dr.jones.dk/) multilingual "classic" website w/ blog
166 * [Siri Reiter](http://sirireiter.dk/) portfolio website with a blog (in danish)
167 * [L'Altro Wiki](http://laltromondo.dynalias.net/~iki/) Tutorials, reviews, miscellaneus articles in English and Italian.
168 * gregoa's [p.r. - political rants](http://info.comodo.priv.at/pr/)
169 * [Michael Hammer](http://www.michael-hammer.at/)
170 * [Richardson Family Wiki](http://the4richardsons.com) A wiki, blog or some such nonsense for the family home page or something or other... I will eventually move the rest of my sites to ikiwiki. The source of the site is in git.
171 * [The personal website of Andrew Back](http://carrierdetect.com)
172 * [SolderPad Documentation](http://docs.solderpad.com)
173 * various sub-domains at kisikew.org ([example](https://portal.kisikew.org/))
174 * [Paul Elms](http://paul.elms.pro) Personal site and blog in russian.