1 This is the [[SandBox]], a page anyone can edit to try out ikiwiki (version [[!version ]]).
4 2009/7/13 Monday Blue...\\
5 While working on [[http://eoffice.im.fju.edu.tw/phpbb/viewtopic.php?p=27199|[97] Phpbb 與 Dokuwiki 之間的往來]] (External Link to //http://eoffice.im.fju.edu.tw/phpbb/viewtopic.php?p=27199// not working?), surf Internet for Wikis supporting //Creole V1.0//, found this site.
7 <<<<<<< HEAD:doc/sandbox.mdwn
8 * I thought that creole markup is used by ikiwiki...
9 * Thought about using //SVN/CVS// server, however with different idea
10 * Kinda curious why **Tcl** does not show her face in this Wiki arena
12 * Thought about using //SVN/CVS// server, however with different idea
13 * Kinda curious why **Tcl** does not show her face in this Wiki arena
14 * It looks like that I was wrong, from Wikipedia Creole page it mention that ikiwiki is also adopting Creole markup.
15 >>>>>>> 55c1a37cce91d4fd01bf80fcaeeaf56535218a5c:doc/sandbox.mdwn
19 I try to have a discussion page !!!
22 Testing OpenID some more..
29 The following code block is pre-formatted:
32 pre-formatted code blocks
35 Here's another one with *emphasised* text.
41 > This is a blockquote.
43 > This is the first level of quoting.
45 > > This is nested blockquote.
47 >> Without a space works too.
50 > Back to the first level.
78 [[!template id=note text="this is generated by the [[plugins/haiku]] plugin"]]
79 [[!haiku hint="sandbox play"]]
83 The haiku will change after every save, mind you.
85 ## Different sorts of links:
88 * [[different_name_for_a_WikiLink|ikiwiki/WikiLink]]
89 * <http://www.gnu.org/>
90 * [GNU](http://www.gnu.org/)
91 * [Email](mailto:noone@invalid)
92 * [](http://ikiwiki.info)
93 * <a href="http://www.google.com/">plain old html link</a>
98 This SandBox is also a [[blog]]!
100 [[!inline pages="sandbox/* and !*/Discussion" rootpage="sandbox" show="4" archive="yes"]]
104 This gives an example of inline code: `tar | netcat` is a nice way to transfer bulk files over the net
106 But, of course, rsync is better.
110 Let's see what happens... ~~
147 [谷歌](http://www.google.com)