1 We should support SVG. In particular:
3 * We could support rendering SVGs to PNGs when compiling the wiki. Not all browsers support SVG yet.
5 * We could support editing SVGs via the web interface. SVG can contain unsafe content such as scripting, so we would need to whitelist safe markup.
6 * I am interested in seeing [svg-edit](http://code.google.com/p/svg-edit/) integrated -- [[EricDrechsel]]
12 I'm allowing for inline SVG on my own installation. I've patched my
13 copy of htmlscrubber.pm to allow safe MathML and SVG elements (as
14 implemented in html5lib). <del datetime="2008-03-20T23:04-05:00">Here's a patch
15 if anyone else is interested.</del>
16 <ins datetime="2008-03-20T23:05-05:00">Actually, that patch wasn't quite
17 right. I'll post a new one when it's working properly.</ins> --[[JasonBlevins]]
21 I'd like to hear what people think about the following:
23 1. Including whitelists of elements and attributes for SVG and MathML in
26 2. Creating a whitelist of safe SVG (and maybe even HTML) style
27 attributes such as `fill`, `stroke-width`, etc.
29 This is how the [sanitizer][] in html5lib works. It shouldn't be too
30 hard to translate the relevant parts to Perl.
32 --[[JasonBlevins]], March 21, 2008 11:39 EDT
34 [sanitizer]: http://code.google.com/p/html5lib/source/browse/trunk/ruby/lib/html5/sanitizer.rb
38 Another problem is that [HTML::Scrubber][] converts all tags to lowercase.
39 Some SVG elements, such as viewBox, are mixed case. It seems that
40 properly handling SVG might require moving to a different sanitizer.
41 It seems that [HTML::Sanitizer][] has functions for sanitizing XHTML.
42 Any thoughts? --[[JasonBlevins]], March 21, 2008 13:54 EDT
44 [HTML::Scrubber]: http://search.cpan.org/~podmaster/HTML-Scrubber-0.08/Scrubber.pm
45 [HTML::Sanitizer]: http://search.cpan.org/~nesting/HTML-Sanitizer-0.04/Sanitizer.pm
47 I figured out a quick hack to make HTML::Scrubber case-sensitive by
48 making the underlying HTML::Parser case-sensitive:
50 $_scrubber->{_p}->case_sensitive(1);
52 So now I've got a version of [htmlscrubber.pm][] ([diff][])
53 which allows safe SVG and MathML elements and attributes (but no
54 styles—do we need them?). I'd be thrilled to see this
55 in the trunk if other people think it's useful.
56 --[[JasonBlevins]], March 24, 2008 14:56 EDT
58 [htmlscrubber.pm]:http://xbeta.org/gitweb/?p=xbeta/ikiwiki.git;a=blob;f=IkiWiki/Plugin/htmlscrubber.pm;h=3c0ddc8f25bd8cb863634a9d54b40e299e60f7df;hb=fe333c8e5b4a5f374a059596ee698dacd755182d
59 [diff]: http://xbeta.org/gitweb/?p=xbeta/ikiwiki.git;a=blobdiff;f=IkiWiki/Plugin/htmlscrubber.pm;h=3c0ddc8f25bd8cb863634a9d54b40e299e60f7df;hp=3bdaccea119ec0e1b289a0da2f6d90e2219b8d66;hb=fe333c8e5b4a5f374a059596ee698dacd755182d;hpb=be0b4f603f918444b906e42825908ddac78b7073