1 I would like to use ikiwiki to build a static site which needs some transformations to be made on binary assets. A simple example is to translate a .odp presentation to .pdf using (e.g.) unoconv. If I add a new .odp attachment, or push one into the repo, I want the corresponding .pdf to appear in the generated site. What's the right place to hook in to do this?
3 I've made an experimental prototype which hooks into needsbuild, builds the pages then and there, and at the same time removes them from the list of pages to be built.
9 foreach my $f (@$files) {
12 $g =~ s/\.odp$/\.pdf/;
13 debug("building $f to $g");
15 if (system("unoconv","-f","pdf","-o",IkiWiki::dirname("$config{destdir}/$g"),srcfile($f)) != 0) {
16 error("unoconv: failed to translate $f to $g");
27 It appears to work, but is this the right way to do it, bearing in mind ikiwiki's dependency tracking and the like? And is the usage of will_render() correct?