
Frederik Vanrenterghem
- was born and raised in Belgium, but except for a year back in 2013 where he lived in New Zealand, he has now settled in North Fremantle, Western Australia - the largest state of Australia.
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Frederik Vanrenterghem
+was born and raised in Belgium, but except for a year back in 2013 where he lived in New Zealand, he has now settled in North Fremantle, Western Australia - the largest state of Australia.
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@@ -45,7 +39,7 @@
* G'day mate!
-Welcome on my little corner of the world wide web!
+Welcome to my little corner of the world wide web!
I'm Frederik Vanrenterghem, living in Western Australia with my family since 2014. The fact I even maintain a website anymore probably gives away my age - yes, I was born before the 80's!
@@ -57,8 +51,8 @@ I [[file:posts/sitemap.org][blog]] irregularly about free software, R stats (mos
** Latest posts
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