#+title: About sending pingbacks, webmentions and some thoughts on how to improve on them.
-#+filetags: indieweb blogging open_web
-#+date: 2023-10-31T20:41:30+08:00
+#+date: <2023-10-31 20:41:30 +0800>
+#+filetags: :indieweb:blogging:open_web:
-In a 'blast from the past', I sent my first
-[[https://www.hixie.ch/specs/pingback/pingback][pingback]] after writing
-the [[file:agent_based_models_digital_twins.org][previous post]]. A pingback is a
-way for a blogger to send a message to another blogger, informing them
-they've written a post that refers to theirs, e.g. as a reply or an
-extension of the ideas raised.
+In a 'blast from the past', I sent my first [[https://www.hixie.ch/specs/pingback/pingback][pingback]] after writing the [[file:agent_based_models_digital_twins.org][previous post]]. A pingback is a way for a blogger to send a message to another blogger, informing them
+they've written a post that refers to theirs, e.g. as a reply or an extension of the ideas raised.
-The process is a bit more involved than using a
-[[https://www.w3.org/TR/webmention/][webmention]], which I've used
-before and [[file:Implementing_Webmention_on_my_blog.org][implemented support for]] a while back, due to requiring an XML message to be created
+The process is a bit more involved than using a [[https://www.w3.org/TR/webmention/][webmention]], which I've used before and [[file:Implementing_Webmention_on_my_blog.org][implemented support for]] a while back, due to requiring an XML message to be created
rather than a simple exchange of URLs.
-First, I created a file =pingback.xml= containing the URLs of the blog
-post I wrote and the one I made reference to within my post. The
+First, I created a file =pingback.xml= containing the URLs of the blog post I wrote and the one I made reference to within my post. The
standard defines the schema, resulting in the following: