-#+date: 2023-05-14 20:32:00 +0800
+#+date: <2023-05-14 20:32:00 +0800>
#+opengraph2: ogimage="https://indieweb.org/File:indiewebcamp-logo-lockup-color@3x.png
#+filetags: indieweb blogging open_web
#+title: Implementing Webmention on my blog
-Following on from my last [[Bring_Back_Blogging][post on joining the indieweb]]...
+Following on from my last [[file:Bring_Back_Blogging.org][post on joining the indieweb]]...
Back in February, I implemented Webmentions on my website. I took a roll-my-own approach, borrowing from [[http://superkuh.com/blog/2020-01-10-1.html][an idea by superkuh]]. It's a semi-automated solution which listens for webmentions using nginx. When (if) one is received, an email is generated that tells me about this, allowing me to validate it's a genuine comment.