1 [[!meta date="2023-01-02 19:35:28 +0800"]]
2 [[!opengraph2 ogimage="https://indieweb.org/File:indiewebcamp-logo-lockup-color@3x.png"]]
3 [[!tag indieweb blogging open_web]]
5 After setting a personal objective late last year of reaching ['level 2' on the indieweb](https://indiewebify.me/send-webmentions/), with the ability to send [WebMentions](http://webmention.org/), I stumbled on [Bring Back Blogging](https://bringback.blog/) yesterday. I love how some people are dedicated to keeping a decentralised internet available and of relevance.
7 Over the past month, I created an [OpenGraph plugin for IkiWiki](http://git.vanrenterghem.biz/git.ikiwiki.info.git/blob/6c546c8f3182668c6d21d578b789674894f18c39:/IkiWiki/Plugin/opengraph2.pm) which allows to add customized [Open Graph](ogp.me) tags to posts on my blog. This in combination with standard IkiWiki blog support seems equivalent to an [h-entry](http://microformats.org/wiki/h-entry), which was a level 1 feature.
9 I've also added an [h-card](https://microformats.org/wiki/h-card) to the [About](https://www.vanrenterghem.biz/About/index.shtml) section of this site, thereby completing the first part of the level 2 requirements.
11 Yet to do are the WebMentions. There were some [conversations about that on the IkiWiki discussion forum](https://ikiwiki.info/todo/pingback_support/) years ago, but no code was checked in to complete the feature. At its simplest, it appears to be a matter of including another site's blog post in yours and sending of a ping to the site to inform it about this. Having the ability to receive back seems quite a bit harder.